Thomas: Expand §8.3.4 Annotation Type with new values “LICENSE” | “PATENT”. Enables annotator to more precisely indicate type of annotation
Discussed use case brought up by customers - will save research. OpenCV is case cited. Be able to annotate that a patent has expired, etc.
Use LICENSE when its not 100% clear, so may want to provide information about equivalence or not with another. Zlib 1.0.6 and another close to it.
Different lawyers handle different roles, want to give lawyers comments that apply to the appropriate reviewers.
Thomas: Copyrighter holder may be out of business, so may want to have a “COPYRIGHT” as well.
Discussion of who adds the and roles between Alexios & Thomas.
Desire to permit multiple TYPES to be used with ANNOTATION
- Add in new values LICENSE, PATENT, COPYRIGHT, EXPORT, TRADEMARK as valid types.
- Permit cardinality from one to many.
Gary ok with cardinality change, sees as useful for automation.
Looking at this as a 2.2 feature.