Cannot turn off sensor streaming #100
Hi, as mentioned in this issue (#37) I have the problem of "command sync response was lost" when I use sprk+ on Mac OS as intended (issueing move commands while streaming all sensor data). Now, if I leave sensor data turned off then the sphero runs smoothly at a moderate but probably sufficient frequency of issuing roll commands.
Unfortunately, doing entirely without sensor data is not an option. So I am now trying to reduce the sensor data frequency or turn it on and off periodically, up to now without success.
What I've tried is
`function setUpSensorPolling(sfero, uuid) {
const sensorPollingDelay = 4000;
const sensorPollingInterval = 4000;
const sensorPollingPeriod = 2000;
sfero.on(VELOCITY, (data) => publishSensorData(VELOCITY, uuid, data));
// sfero.streamData = STREAM_DATA; // adapted to call 'once' instead of 'on'
const listener = function() {
console.log("+++ enable sensor stream")
sfero.streamVelocity(0.2, false);
// setTimeout(() => {
// sfero.removeListener("dataStreaming", listener);
// console.log("--- disable sensor stream")
// sfero.streamVelocity(1, true)
// }, sensorPollingPeriod);
setTimeout(() => {
setInterval(listener, sensorPollingInterval);
}, sensorPollingDelay)
thus, reducing the frequency of sensor packets to 1 every 5 seconds
and still the connection is lost after some time
I also tried
- the above reduced frequency
- disabling the streaming with commented out streamVelocity(1, true). This doesn't work at all, and it adds another listener.
- replacing 'on(..)' by 'once(..)' when adding the listener. This at least removes the listener after receiving a packet.
It all doesn't help. The connection is lost after some time.
Is there anyone who tried this?