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File metadata and controls

53 lines (38 loc) · 2.67 KB


The spicepy SDK supports streaming partial results as they become available.

This can be used to enable more efficient pipelining scenarios where processing each row of the result set can happen independently.

spicepy enables streaming through the use of the pyarrow Flight API.

The object returned from spicepy.Client.query() is a pyarrow.flight.FlightStreamReader.

>>> from spicepy import Client
>>> import os
>>> client = Client(os.environ["API_KEY"])
>>> rdr = client.query("SELECT * FROM eth.recent_blocks")
<pyarrow._flight.FlightStreamReader object at 0x1059c9980>

Calling to_pandas() on the FlightStreamReader will wait for the stream to return all of the data before returning a pandas DataFrame.

To operate on partial results while the data is streaming, we will take advantage of the read_chunk() method on FlightStreamReader. This returns a FlightStreamChunk, which has a data attribute that is a RecordBatch. Once we have the RecordBatch, we can call to_pandas() on it to return the partial data as a pandas DataFrame. When the stream has ended, calling read_chunk() will raise a StopIteration exception that we can catch.

In this example, we retrieve all 10,000 suppliers from the TPCH Suppliers table. This query retrieves all suppliers in a single call:

from spicepy import Client

client = Client(os.environ["API_KEY"])
query = """
    SELECT s_suppkey, s_name
    FROM tpch.supplier

reader = client.query(query)
suppliers = reader.read_pandas()

This call will return a pandas DataFrame with all 10,000 suppliers, and is a synchronous call that waits for all data to arrive before returning.

Alternatively, to process chunks of data as they arrive instead of waiting for all data to arrive, FlightStreamReader supports reading chunks of data as they become available with read_chunk(). Using the same query example above, but processing data chunk by chunk:

reader = client.query(query)

has_more = True
while has_more:
        flight_batch = reader.read_chunk()
        record_batch =
    except StopIteration:
        has_more = False