It seems to us that the framework is not really testing timestamp extraction as the _time test will always pass regardless of the sample and props&transforms.
Our sample:
{"RoleLocation":"South Central US","time":"##Timestamp##"}
Our transform:
INGEST_EVAL = _time=coalesce(strptime(spath(_raw, "time"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%QZ"),strptime(spath(_raw, "time"), "%m/%d/%Y %l:%M:%S %p"),_time)
Our test(token.0.replacement was intentionally set to a bad value to prove the test will always pass):
host_type = plugin
input_type = modinput
index = main
sourcetype = azure:activity
sourcetype_to_search = azure:activity
sample_count = 1
expected_event_count = 1
timestamp_type = event
token.0.token = ##Timestamp##
token.0.replacementType = timestamp
token.0.replacement = a
token.0.field = _time
earliest = -30m
latest = -30m
See picture for Ingested event with correct timestamp(now-30min) specified by test but neither is in sample nor ingest time.
No props&transforms were added when testing.
All tests passed
@rfaircloth-splunk 's suggestion is to have a new timestamp_type
this would need an option for "none" or "random" so that the even level ts is either not sent or sent invalid to confirm the eval itself works
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