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we have installed 2 search-head clusters:
- one for internal needs of splunk team for tricky queries and findings with ESS.
- second one for generic access for everyone with simple setup of apps.
Today i found, that splunk-operator ignores checking applications, which should be installed on second search-head cluster.
[yn@ip-10-216-35-53 bin]$ kubectl logs pod/splunk-operator-controller-manager-ddccd8b97-nhxt5 -n splunk-operator -c manager | grep "Apps List retrieved from remote storage" | grep -v "splunk-apps/local_manager_apps/" | grep -v "splunk-apps/manager_apps" | grep -v "splunk-apps/e_local_deployer_apps" | grep -v "splunk-apps/e_deployer_apps"
[yn@ip-10-216-35-53 bin]$
there should be some logs with:
and splunk-apps/c_local_deployer_apps
strings, but nothing is found.
Expected behavior
All apps are being installed correct.
Splunk setup on K8S
Reproduction/Testing steps
[yn@ip-10-216-35-53 bin]$ kubectl get cm -n splunk-operator | grep search
splunk-c-dev-search-head-defaults 1 6d
splunk-e-dev-search-head-defaults 1 6d
[yn@ip-10-216-35-53 bin]$ kubectl get statefulset -n splunk-operator | grep search
splunk-c-dev-search-head 3/3 6d
splunk-e-dev-search-head 3/3 6d