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Secret Management: Ability to inject k8s secrets or configmaps into splunk pods invoked by CRDs like standalone #886




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  • As a kubernetes admin I might use cert-manager to create and manage objects like TLS certificates, these will be created and automatically updated when an object needs updating. This works fantastically for components like ingress controllers. However i cannot then populate these in the same way to my search head pod for UI access. Instead i have to download the certs, package them into an app and deploy them using the app management processes, this is clunky and manual.

Expected behavior

  • As an admin i expect the kind of automation afforded to ingress controllers to be available to me within my Splunk components. When a cert or other file is updated within a secret or configmap, I expect that to be automatically available to my pod, maybe as a volume/volume mount that i can define in the CRD. This change would ensure consistency to the admin on the way that certs are handled and reduce manual configuration steps.

Splunk setup on K8S

  • Distributed Splunk architecture on EKS using nginx ingress controller and cert-manager to manage TLS certificates on the environment.





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