Become a sponsor to Creative Commons
Who are we?
Creative Commons (CC) is a United States-based nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that provides open content copyright licenses, public domain tools, and resources on copyright and information literacy in the digital age. Creative Commons licenses are used widely by institutions, governments, and creators, educators, and innovators everywhere. Over 2 billion works of art, images, texts, research, video, audio, textbooks, 3D models, datasets etc. have been released under CC licenses, and it's likely that you have benefited from it.
Open Source Projects
CC’s small engineering team builds essential open source infrastructure for CC-licensed and public domain content. Our tools make it easier for anyone to:
- release original content under an open license.
- find and responsibly reuse openly licensed and public domain content.
- connect to the larger ecosystem of openly licensed content on the internet.
Our projects include:
- The CC license chooser [repository], an educational tool that allows users to pick the right license for their needs.
- The CC WordPress plugin [repository], which allows WordPress users to easily release their content under a CC license or tool.
- The CC legal database [repository], which lists legal precedents and articles related to CC licenses.
- Our new CC legal tool infrastructure, which will serve legal code, human readable deeds, and machine readable RDFs for all 630+ unique Creative Commons licenses (across all jurisdictions), plus translations.
- CC Vocabulary [repository], our open web design system.
...and many more!
Read more about our projects and community at CC Open Source and about Creative Commons here.
Why sponsor us?
Why Creative Commons?
There is no other organization working on stewarding open content licenses and systematically reducing barriers to creating more content under open licenses. You have almost certainly benefited from content licensed under a Creative Commons license (if you've ever read Wikipedia or Stack Overflow, for example). CC licenses are also used in open source work for documentation, assets, and other supplementary materials.
The more people participate in and support the CC community, the more good we can do! Plus, we're a nonprofit, so your donations are tax-deductible.
Why Open Source at Creative Commons?
CC’s open source products are a public good and provide critical infrastructure for the open internet. They are offered for free to the public and used by millions. Without CC’s open source products, the ecosystem for openly licensed content would suffer considerably.
All of CC’s open source projects are maintained by a small staff on a limited budget and we need your help to keep our projects running.
Meet the team
Timid Robot Zehta TimidRobotAssistant Director, Technology
Anna T. annatumaChief Operating Officer
possumbilitiesFull-Stack Engineer
Featured work
The new and improved CC license selection tool.
JavaScript 117 -
Legacy legal code translations and general support issues
HTML 151 -
Legal tool (licenses, public domain dedication, etc.) management application for Creative Commons
Python 114
$5 a month
SelectEvery little bit enables us to build and maintain Creative Commons open source projects like CC license chooser, the CC WordPress plugin, and others!
$10 a month
SelectYou'll get the satisfaction of helping us sustain our open source projects such as CC Vocabulary. Plus, you'll buy one of our engineers lunch.
$25 a month
SelectYou’ll sponsor 30 minutes of maintenance and development on a CC open source project every month.
$50 a month
SelectYou’ll sponsor an hour of maintenance and development on a CC open source project every month.
$100 a month
SelectYou'll sponsor the entire monthly server costs for one of our websites such as the CC Certificates website.
We'll also mention you in the Creative Commons annual report!
$250 a month
SelectYou'll sponsor two days of server costs for the CC Licenses and Public Domain tools every month. These licenses and public domain tools enable anyone, anywhere to apply an open license to content they've created.
We'll also mention you in the Creative Commons annual report.
$500 a month
SelectYou'll sponsor three months of full-time work every year through an open source internship program such as Outreachy. This will help us add new features and maintain projects for which we do not have internal resources.
We'll also mention you in the Creative Commons annual report and give you a shoutout on social media.
$1,000 a month
SelectYou'll sponsor two interns a year!
You'll be acknowledged as a sponsor on the Creative Commons website, mentioned in our annual report, and get a shoutout on social media.
$2,000 a month
SelectYou like us, you really like us! At this level, you'll be sponsoring a week's worth of an engineer's time on an open source project every month, or three full internships per year.
You'll be acknowledged as a sponsor on the Creative Commons website, mentioned in our annual report, and get a shoutout on social media.