Introduce abstractions to define custom criteria predicates #1953
I am using Spring Data R2DBC with a PostgreSQL database. My goal was to use CriteriaDefinition
to describe a query for a column of type text[]
in PostgreSQL. Specifically, I wanted to perform array-related operations such as checking if the array contains a value (using the PostgreSQL @>
For example, I expected to write something like this:
However, I could not find any built-in support for such array operators in CriteriaDefinition
. This left me wondering if I have missed some part of the documentation or if this functionality is not supported.
The lack of array operator support means that for now, I would have to resort to raw SQL for such queries, like this:
String sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE tags @> ARRAY['electronics']::text[]";
This feels frustrating, especially because I want to leverage the abstraction of R2dbcEntityTemplate
and avoid writing raw SQL. Is there currently a way to describe such queries using CriteriaDefinition
, or are array-related operations not yet supported for PostgreSQL?
I would greatly appreciate any insights or guidance on this topic.