We've been having a lot of issues with gradle caching and it properly recognizing the inputs and outputs from anvil. As a result a lot of our developers have to run with the "--rerun-tasks" to ensure that we fully regenerate the code and put the new code in the cache. This is typically happening as we migrate top level dagger interfaces marked with @Component
into interfaces with @ContributesSubcomponent
. Even with running a clean prior to building, it seems the gradle cache is still pulling the results as it's not recognizing that the input files are changing.
I've seen a blurb on the README about this property. Is this the intent of this property?
I'm just looking for clarification if this can help us or not with this issue. We're using 2.5.0-beta11 so that we can use the kotlin 2.0 plugin with the language level set to 1.9 workaround.