Trying with the last 0.30.0
and dev12
Facing an issue where I can't resolve import com.squareup.workflow.ui.compose.composedViewFactory
I see the library in my deps and I see this class in there, but it's not being recognized?
package com.squareup.workflow.ui.compose
public inline fun <reified RenderingT : kotlin.Any> composedViewFactory(noinline showRendering: @androidx.compose.Composable() (RenderingT, com.squareup.workflow.ui.ViewEnvironment) -> kotlin.Unit): com.squareup.workflow.ui.ViewFactory<RenderingT> { /* compiled code */ }
This works when I replace the library with local repo:
includeBuild('../workflow-kotlin-compose') {
dependencySubstitution {
substitute module('com.squareup.workflow:workflow-ui-core-compose') with project(':core-compose')
substitute module('com.squareup.workflow:workflow-ui-compose-tooling') with project(':compose-tooling')
So maybe something with how the source is compiled?