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Writing and Maintaining Stub Files

Stub files are a means of providing type information for Python modules. For a full reference, refer to :ref:`stub-files`.

Maintaining stubs can be a little cumbersome because they are separated from the implementation. This page lists some tools that make writing and maintaining stubs less painful, as well as some best practices on stub contents and style.

Tools for generating stubs


stubgen is a tool bundled with mypy that can be used to generate basic stubs. These stubs serve as a basic starting point; most types will default to Any.

stubgen -p my_great_package

For more details, see stubgen docs.


pyright contains a tool that generates basic stubs. Like stubgen, these generated stubs serve more as a starting point.

pyright --createstub my_great_package

For more details, see pyright docs.


monkeytype takes a slightly different approach — you run your code (perhaps via your tests) and monkeytype collects the types it observes at runtime to generate stubs.

monkeytype run
monkeytype stub my_great_package

For more details, see monkeytype docs.

Tools for maintaining stubs


stubtest is a tool bundled with mypy.

stubtest finds inconsistencies between stub files and the implementation. It does this by comparing stub definitions to what it finds from importing your code and using runtime introspection (via the inspect module).

stubtest my_great_package

For more details, see stubtest docs.


flake8-pyi is a flake8 plugin that lints common issues in stub files.

flake8 my_great_package

For more details, see flake8-pyi docs.

Running a type checker on the stubs

Simply running a type checker on the stubs can catch several issues, from simple things like detecting missing annotations to more complex things like ensuring Liskov substitutability or detecting problematic overloads.

It may be instructive to examine typeshed's setup for testing stubs.

Type checking usage of your package

If you have access to a codebase that uses your package — perhaps tests for your package — running a type checker against it can help you detect issues, particularly with false positives.

If your package has some particularly complex aspects, you could even consider writing dedicated typing tests for tricky definitions. For more details, see :ref:`testing`.

Stub Content

This section documents best practices on what elements to include or leave out of stub files.

Modules excluded fom stubs

Not all modules should be included in stubs.

It is recommended to exclude:

  1. Implementation details, with multiprocessing/ as a notable example
  2. Modules that are not supposed to be imported, such as
  3. Protected modules that start with a single _ char. However, when needed protected modules can still be added (see :ref:`undocumented-objects` section below)
  4. Tests

Public Interface

Stubs should include the complete public interface (classes, functions, constants, etc.) of the module they cover, but it is not always clear exactly what is part of the interface.

The following should always be included:

  • All objects listed in the module's documentation.
  • All objects included in __all__ (if present).

Other objects may be included if they are not prefixed with an underscore or if they are being used in practice. (See the next section.)

Undocumented Objects

Undocumented objects may be included as long as they are marked with a comment of the form # undocumented.


def list2cmdline(seq: Sequence[str]) -> str: ...  # undocumented

Such undocumented objects are allowed because omitting objects can confuse users. Users who see an error like "module X has no attribute Y" will not know whether the error appeared because their code had a bug or because the stub is wrong. Although it may also be helpful for a type checker to point out usage of private objects, false negatives (no errors for wrong code) are preferable over false positives (type errors for correct code). In addition, even for private objects a type checker can be helpful in pointing out that an incorrect type was used.


A stub file should contain an __all__ variable if and only if it is also present at runtime. In that case, the contents of __all__ should be identical in the stub and at runtime. If the runtime dynamically adds or removes elements (for example if certain functions are only available on some system configurations), include all possible elements in the stubs.

Stub-Only Objects

Definitions that do not exist at runtime may be included in stubs to aid in expressing types. Unless intentionally exposed to users (see below), such definitions should be marked as private by prefixing their names with an underscore.


_T = TypeVar("_T")
_DictList: TypeAlias = dict[str, list[int | None]]


T = TypeVar("T")
DictList: TypeAlias = dict[str, list[int | None]]

Sometimes, it is desirable to make a stub-only class available to a stub's users — for example, to allow them to type the return value of a public method for which a library does not provided a usable runtime type. Use the typing.type_check_only decorator to mark such objects:

from typing import Protocol, type_check_only

class Readable(Protocol):
    def read(self) -> str: ...

def get_reader() -> Readable: ...

Structural Types

As seen in the example with Readable in the previous section, a common use of stub-only objects is to model types that are best described by their structure. These objects are called protocols (PEP 544), and it is encouraged to use them freely to describe simple structural types.

Incomplete Stubs

Partial stubs can be useful, especially for larger packages, but they should follow the following guidelines:

  • Included functions and methods should list all arguments, but the arguments can be left unannotated.

  • Do not use Any to mark unannotated or partially annotated values. Leave function parameters and return values unannotated. In all other cases, use _typeshed.Incomplete (documentation):

    from _typeshed import Incomplete
    field1: Incomplete
    field2: dict[str, Incomplete]
    def foo(x): ...
  • Partial classes should include a __getattr__() method marked with _typeshed.Incomplete (see example below).

  • Partial modules (i.e. modules that are missing some or all classes, functions, or attributes) should include a top-level __getattr__() function marked with _typeshed.Incomplete (see example below).

  • Partial packages (i.e. packages that are missing one or more sub-modules) should have a __init__.pyi stub that is marked as incomplete (see above). A better alternative is to create empty stubs for all sub-modules and mark them as incomplete individually.

Example of a partial module with a partial class Foo and a partially annotated function bar():

from _typeshed import Incomplete

def __getattr__(name: str) -> Incomplete: ...

class Foo:
    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Incomplete: ...
    x: int
    y: str

def bar(x: str, y, *, z=...): ...

Attribute Access

Python has several methods for customizing attribute access: __getattr__, __getattribute__, __setattr__, and __delattr__. Of these, __getattr__ and __setattr___ should sometimes be included in stubs.

In addition to marking incomplete definitions, __getattr__ should be included when a class or module allows any name to be accessed. For example, consider the following class:

class Foo:
    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        return self.__dict__.setdefault(name)

An appropriate stub definition is:

from typing import Any

class Foo:
    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any | None: ...

Note that only __getattr__, not __getattribute__, is guaranteed to be supported in stubs.

On the other hand, __getattr__ should be omitted even if the source code includes it, if only limited names are allowed. For example, consider this class:

class ComplexNumber:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self._n = n
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name in ("real", "imag"):
            return getattr(self._n, name)
        raise AttributeError(name)

In this case, the stub should list the attributes individually:

class ComplexNumber:
    def real(self) -> float: ...
    def imag(self) -> float: ...
    def __init__(self, n: complex) -> None: ...

__setattr___ should be included when a class allows any name to be set and restricts the type. For example:

class IntHolder:
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if isinstance(value, int):
            return super().__setattr__(name, value)
        raise ValueError(value)

A good stub definition would be:

class IntHolder:
    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: int) -> None: ...

__delattr__ should not be included in stubs.

Finally, even in the presence of __getattr__ and __setattr__, it is still recommended to separately define known attributes.


When the value of a constant is important, mark it as Final and assign it to its value.


TEL_LANDLINE: Final = "landline"
TEL_MOBILE: Final = "mobile"
DAY_FLAG: Final = 0x01
NIGHT_FLAG: Final = 0x02




All variants of overloaded functions and methods must have an @overload decorator. Do not include the implementation's final non-@overload-decorated definition.


def foo(x: str) -> str: ...
def foo(x: float) -> int: ...


def foo(x: str) -> str: ...
def foo(x: float) -> int: ...
def foo(x: str | float) -> Any: ...


Include only the decorators listed :ref:`here <stub-decorators>`, whose effects are understood by all of the major type checkers. The behavior of other decorators should instead be incorporated into the types. For example, for the following function:

import contextlib
def f():
    yield 42

the stub definition should be:

from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
def f() -> AbstractContextManager[int]: ...

Documentation or Implementation

Sometimes a library's documented types will differ from the actual types in the code. In such cases, stub authors should use their best judgment. Consider these two examples:

def print_elements(x):
    """Print every element of list x."""
    for y in x:

def maybe_raise(x):
    """Raise an error if x (a boolean) is true."""
    if x:
        raise ValueError()

The implementation of print_elements takes any iterable, despite the documented type of list. In this case, annotate the argument as Iterable[object], to follow the :ref:`best practice<argument-return-practices>` of preferring abstract types for arguments.

For maybe_raise, on the other hand, it is better to annotate the argument as bool even though the implementation accepts any object. This guards against common mistakes like unintentionally passing in None.

If in doubt, consider asking the library maintainers about their intent.

Common Patterns

This section documents common patterns that are useful in stub files.

Overloads and Flags

Sometimes a function or method has a flag argument that changes the return type or other accepted argument types. For example, take the following function:

def open(name: str, mode: Literal["r", "w"] = "r") -> Reader | Writer:

We can express this case easily with two overloads:

def open(name: str, mode: Literal["r"] = "r") -> Reader: ...
def open(name: str, mode: Literal["w"]) -> Writer: ...

The first overload is picked when the mode is "r" or not given, and the second overload is picked when the mode is "w". But what if the first argument is optional?

def open(name: str | None = None, mode: Literal["r", "w"] = "r") -> Reader | Writer:

Ideally we would be able to use the following overloads:

def open(name: str | None = None, mode: Literal["r"] = "r") -> Reader: ...
def open(name: str | None = None, mode: Literal["w"]) -> Writer: ...

And while the first overload is fine, the second is a syntax error in Python, because non-default arguments cannot follow default arguments. To work around this, we need an extra overload:

def open(name: str | None = None, mode: Literal["r"] = "r") -> Reader: ...
def open(name: str | None, mode: Literal["w"]) -> Writer: ...
def open(*, mode: Literal["w"]) -> Writer: ...

As before, the first overload is picked when the mode is "r" or not given. Otherwise, the second overload is used when open is called with an explicit name, e.g. open("file.txt", "w") or open(None, "w"). The third overload is used when open is called without a name , e.g. open(mode="w").

Style Guide

The recommendations in this section are aimed at stub authors who wish to provide a consistent style for stubs. Type checkers should not reject stubs that do not follow these recommendations, but linters can warn about them.

Stub files should generally follow the Style Guide for Python Code (PEP 8) and the :ref:`best-practices`. There are a few exceptions, outlined below, that take the different structure of stub files into account and aim to create more concise files.

Maximum Line Length

Stub files should be limited to 130 characters per line.

Blank Lines

Do not use empty lines between functions, methods, and fields, except to group them with one empty line. Use one empty line around classes with non-empty bodies. Do not use empty lines between body-less classes, except for grouping.


def time_func() -> None: ...
def date_func() -> None: ...

def ip_func() -> None: ...

class Foo:
    x: int
    y: int
    def __init__(self) -> None: ...

class MyError(Exception): ...
class AnotherError(Exception): ...


def time_func() -> None: ...

def date_func() -> None: ...  # do no leave unnecessary empty lines

def ip_func() -> None: ...

class Foo:  # leave only one empty line above
    x: int
class MyError(Exception): ...  # leave an empty line between the classes

Module Level Attributes

Do not unnecessarily use an assignment for module-level attributes.


CONST: Literal["const"]
x: int
y: Final = 0  # this assignment conveys additional type information


CONST = "const"
x: int = 0
y: float = ...
z = 0  # type: int
a = ...  # type: int


Classes without bodies should use the ellipsis literal ... in place of the body on the same line as the class definition.


class MyError(Exception): ...


class MyError(Exception):
class AnotherError(Exception): pass

Instance attributes and class variables follow the same recommendations as module level attributes:


class Foo:
    c: ClassVar[str]
    x: int

class Color(Enum):
    # An assignment with no type annotation is a convention used to indicate
    # an enum member.
    RED = 1


class Foo:
    c: ClassVar[str] = ""
    d: ClassVar[int] = ...
    x = 4
    y: int = ...

Functions and Methods

For keyword-only and positional-or-keyword arguments, use the same argument names as in the implementation, because otherwise using keyword arguments will fail.

For default values, use the literal values of "simple" default values (None, bools, ints, bytes, strings, and floats). Use the ellipsis literal ... in place of more complex default values. Use an explicit X | None annotation when the default is None.


def foo(x: int = 0) -> None: ...
def bar(y: str | None = None) -> None: ...


def foo(x: X = X()) -> None: ...
def bar(y: str = None) -> None: ...

Do not annotate self and cls in method definitions, except when referencing a type variable.


_T = TypeVar("_T")

class Foo:
    def bar(self) -> None: ...
    def create(cls: type[_T]) -> _T: ...


class Foo:
    def bar(self: Foo) -> None: ...
    def baz(cls: type[Foo]) -> int: ...

The bodies of functions and methods should consist of only the ellipsis literal ... on the same line as the closing parenthesis and colon.


def to_int1(x: str) -> int: ...
def to_int2(
    x: str,
) -> int: ...


def to_int1(x: str) -> int:
    return int(x)
def to_int2(x: str) -> int:
def to_int3(x: str) -> int: pass

Language Features

Use the latest language features available, even for stubs targeting older Python versions. For example, Python 3.7 added the async keyword (see PEP 492). Stubs should use it to mark coroutines, even if the implementation still uses the @coroutine decorator. On the other hand, the type soft keyword from PEP 695, introduced in Python 3.12, should not be used in stubs until Python 3.11 reaches end-of-life in October 2027.

Do not use quotes around forward references and do not use __future__ imports. See :ref:`stub-file-syntax` for more information.


class Py35Class:
    x: int
    forward_reference: OtherClass

class OtherClass: ...


class Py35Class:
    x = 0  # type: int
    forward_reference: 'OtherClass'

class OtherClass: ...

NamedTuple and TypedDict

Use the class-based syntax for typing.NamedTuple and typing.TypedDict, following the :ref:`stub-style-classes` section of this style guide.


from typing import NamedTuple, TypedDict

class Point(NamedTuple):
    x: float
    y: float

class Thing(TypedDict):
    stuff: str
    index: int


from typing import NamedTuple, TypedDict
Point = NamedTuple("Point", [('x', float), ('y', float)])
Thing = TypedDict("Thing", {'stuff': str, 'index': int})

Built-in Generics

PEP 585 built-in generics are supported and should be used instead of the corresponding types from typing:

from collections import defaultdict

def foo(t: type[MyClass]) -> list[int]: ...
x: defaultdict[int]

Using imports from instead of typing is generally possible and recommended:

from import Iterable

def foo(iter: Iterable[int]) -> None: ...


Declaring unions with the shorthand | syntax is recommended and supported by all type checkers:

def foo(x: int | str) -> int | None: ...  # recommended
def foo(x: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[int]: ...  # ok