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CSCI 3601 Lab #3 - Angular and Javalin Lab

During this lab, you will build a basic client-side application using Angular, which will connect to a server-side todo API similar to the one you created in the previous lab. Your Angular application should enable you to handle user input, and display data returned from the server in nice ways. As always, you'll be expected to make good use of the version control and project management tools available to you:

  • Write good commit messages
  • Use branching and pull requests for features
  • Test things
  • Document issues and plans
  • Etc., etc.

Your specific tasks for this lab can be found in the file in this repository.

⚠️ One thing to keep in mind is that the Angular developers provide two major updates to Angular each year. This lab is built using Angular 15. Pay attention to the version of Angular being used in examples and on-line documentation that you find. Most of the time, it won't matter very much, but there are times when something you find doesn't match what we're doing. If things seem odd, look at the versions for the example or documentation you're looking at just in case there's a mismatch that matters.


As in the previous lab, you'll be using VS Code and GitKraken. Once you've all joined your group using GitHub classroom, you can clone your repository using the command line or GitKraken:

  1. From the file menu, choose Clone Repo
  2. Choose in the middle column (as the source location of your repo)
  3. Browse to the location you'd like to put the local copy of this project repo
  4. Select the correct repo from the list of repositories
  5. Select Clone the repo!

Open the project in VS Code

Launch Visual Studio Code, and then choose File -> Open Folder…. Navigate to your clone of the repo and choose Open.

You may see a dialog that looks like this if you don't already have the recommended extensions:

Dialog suggesting installation of recommended extensions

Don't worry if you don't get the dialog, it is probably because you already have them all installed.

Like in previous labs, click "Install All" to automatically install them.

Installing the client dependencies

Before you start working you will need to install the dependencies for the client.

  1. Move into the client directory (cd client)
  2. Run npm install

Enable ESLint in VS Code

⚠️ I (Nic) am not 100% sure that this will actually be an issue for you. Please let me know if if is or it isn't (e.g., whether you see the red "ESLINT" on the bottom bar).

Since this is the first time we will be using ESLint there is an additional step to make sure the VS Code extension is working in the project. When you first open a TypeScript file you will see at the bottom right that ESLint is disabled.


Click the red "ESLINT" to open this dialog:


Click "Allow Everywhere" to enable ESLint.

You can also open this dialog with the following steps:

  1. Hit CTRL + SHIFT + P (⌘ + ⇧ + P on Macs) to open the Command Palette. You can also find this by going to the "View" menu and clicking "Command Palette..."
  2. Start typing and select "ESlint: Manage Library Execution". That should open a dialog seen above.

Running your project

To run your project you'll have to start both the server and the client.

Starting the server

  • The run Gradle task (./gradlew run in the server directory) will still run your Javalin server, which is available at localhost:4567.
  • The build task will still build the server, but not run it.
  • The test task will run all the JUnit tests.
  • The check task will run Checkstyle along with the JUnit tests.

The major difference here is that the client side of your project is, effectively, an entirely separate project from your Javalin server. We've included a full API for the todos, which you implemented in Lab 2, so there is no need to copy your old project over.

We don't expect you to have any reason to actually make any changes on the server side of the project, although you're welcome to look it over and ask questions about it. We don't really "object" if you make changes to the server code, but you should probably think twice about doing it. If you think you're "fixing" something by changing the server code, there's a good chance the problem isn't where you think it is.

Starting the client

Once you have successfully run npm install, in order to serve up the client side of your project, you will run ng serve (from the client directory as well). This will trigger the various tools in the client side portion of the project to build and host your client side application on their own little web-server, available by default at localhost:4200. If your server is running, you will be able to see data for users if you navigate to the right place in the project.

To recap, here are the steps needed to run the project:

  1. Go into the server directory and enter ./gradlew run.
  2. In a different terminal (or terminal tab), go into the client directory and enter ng serve.
  3. You can then go to localhost:4200 in your favorite web browser and see your nifty Angular app.

Testing and Continuous Integration

There are now more testing options! You can test the client, or the server or both.

In this lab there's no particular need to test the server since you're probably not changing anything there. All the tools are there, however, if you want to run the tests and see what that looks like.

Testing the client

From the client directory:

  • ng test runs the client unit (Karma) tests
    • This will pop up a Chrome window with the results of the tests.
    • This will run "forever", re-running the tests whenever you make a change. Both in your terminal and the Chrome window will display updated results whenever the tests are re-run. Typing CTRL-C in the terminal window will end the ng test process and close the generated Chrome window.
  • You can add ng test --no-watch if you just want to run the tests once instead of going into the "run forever" mode.
  • ng test --code-coverage runs the client tests and generates a coverage report
    • It generates a coverage report in your client directory: client/coverage/client/index.html.
    • Right click on index.html and select Copy path and paste it into your browser of choice. You can also drag and drop index.html onto the tab area of your browser and it will open it.
  • You can combine these with things like ng test --no-watch --code-coverage to run the tests once and compute the test coverage stats.

Linting the client

We have included a tool called ESLint which helps analyze the code and catch various errors. You will most likely see it directly in VS Code as yellow and red underlines. You can also directly run the linter on the entire client by running ng lint. This will check the whole client project and tell you if there are any issues.

Testing the server

From the server directory:

  • ./gradlew test runs the server tests once.
    • It generates a report you can find in server/build/reports/tests/test/index.html.
  • ./gradlew test jacocoTestReport runs the server tests once and creates a coverage report
    • It generates a coverage report you can find in server/build/jacocoHtml/index.html in addition to the regular report generated by the test task.

End to end testing with Cypress

End to end (E2E) testing involves the whole software stack rather than one part of it. Our E2E tests look at the behavior of both the client and server and how they interact by simulating what a real user would do with it.

We use Cypress for our end-to-end tests. There are a few ways to run the E2E tests. They are all started from the client directory and require the server be running at the same time (./gradlew run in the server directory).

  • ng e2e both builds and serves the client and runs through all the Cypress end-to-end tests once.
  • ng e2e --watch builds and serves the client but just opens Cypress for you to be able to run the tests you want without closing automatically.
    • This is the same as running ng serve followed by npm run cy:open (or npx cypress open). If you are already running ng serve it will be easier to do this rather than closing it and running ng e2e.

If you're running this on a Mac, macOS will run a validation check the first time you run a given version of Cypress. Just wait for that to finish, and then everything should move forward fine.

When you first run Cypress --watch it'll ask you to choose your preferred browser for testing. You can use any browser installed on your computer, but just sticking with "Electron" is probably the simplest.

After you've chosen a brower, you should get a window with the main Cypress view, which looks something like this:

Cypress main window

You can click on any of the integration test files to run their tests or run them all. When you run a set of tests like the tests in, you will see the results of the tests:

Cypress after running integration tests

There are a lot of neat things you can do here like inspect each test and find which selectors to use in the tests you are writing. If click on the test for filtering by company, for example, we can see the steps of that test. We can use those to see exactly what's being selected and asserted. If we hover over step six, for example (find .user-card-company), we see that the company fields are highlighted for the two users that work for "OHMNET":

The Cypress steps for testing filtering by company

This can be extremely useful for debugging failing E2E tests, and can also be a nice way to better understand the structure of the HTML generated by Angular.

We encourage you to look through some of the Cypress documentation linked in the "Resources" section below.

GitHub Actions

There are three GitHub Actions workflows set up in your repo:

  • Server Java - JUnit tests for the server (gradle-build)
  • Client Angular - Karma tests (ng-test) and ESLint linting (ng-lint) for the client
  • End to End - Cypress tests for end-to-end testing

There are badges above that show the status of these checks on the master branch.



Cypress (end-to-end testing)