Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS
A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
A community coding style guide for the Clojure programming language
Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting
Figwheel builds your ClojureScript code and hot loads it into the browser as you are coding!
Simple, high-performance event-driven HTTP client+server for Clojure
Clojure-based, R-like statistical computing and graphics environment for the JVM
Distributed, masterless, high performance, fault tolerant data processing
Managed lifecycle of stateful objects in Clojure
Realtime web comms library for Clojure/Script
a selector-based (à la CSS) templating and transformation system for Clojure
Static analyzer and linter for Clojure code that sparks joy
Clojure JSON and JSON SMILE (binary json format) encoding/decoding
A fast data-driven routing library for Clojure/Script
Clojure & ClojureScript Interactive Programming for VS Code
High-performance data-driven data specification library for Clojure/Script.
An extensible authentication and authorization library for Clojure Ring web applications and services.
An optimized pattern matching library for Clojure
Configurable Clojure/Script interpreter suitable for scripting and Clojure DSLs
A simple static site generator written in Clojure