- I have read the Contributing Guidelines.
- I agree to follow the Code of Conduct.
- I have searched for existing issues that already report this problem, without success.
Stencil Version
Stencil Framework Output Target
Stencil Framework Output Target Version
. >=0.7.0
Current Behavior
When submitting a form containing a form associated component that is consumed via the react-output-target wrapper, the request payload is empty.
If the component is consumed directly via the core package, the form data is properly populating the request payload.
This occurs on the working example built with lerna. It is following the stenciljs documentation for building react-wrapper components.
There is a second example built with nx, where the issue doesn't occur. I will attach both working examples to this ticket.
Expected Behavior
The form data should be present in the request payload, regardless whether it is consumed via a wrapper, directly from core, built with lerna or nx.
Steps to Reproduce
Lerna Environment
These are the steps to reproduce the bug in the lerna built environment:
Checkout, follow installation and run steps.
on root directory, run
npm install
npm run build
go to packages/playground-consumer
, run
npm run dev
Go to http://localhost:5173
Open devtools > network
enter something into the form field and submit
search for something
the request payload should be empty.
nx environment
Here are the steps to reproduce on the nx built environment:
make sure you are on the branch form-missing-face-component-values
Run npm ci
Build the stencil core library by running npx nx run core-react:build (this will build the stencil core library and the react output target).
Run the react-demo app by running npx nx run react-demo:serve.
Open the browser and go to http://localhost:4200/.
Open devtools > network
Fill out the form and submit.
You should see the payload in the network tab (search for something).
Code Reproduction URL
Additional Information
Please try both environments built with nx and lerna.