- Immutable state
- Unique hit
- State as Pure Data
- DefaultAbilities.json => cards.json + 2 figures (player, sheriff)
- Dynamite, indians, gatling sfx trigger once
- Configure assisted mode
- Ability parser: Decoding heterogenous collection
- Dodge city extension
- UI: PlayerSelector using card image
- UI: RoleSelector using card image
- UI: MoveSelector: select args one by one
- GameEngine V7: Everything is Event
- Rules scripting: cards, abilities
- Game simulation testing
- SFX: associated to event instead of move
- EngineLoop as temporary object
- Card conditions using Regex
- Some default abilities may be disabled using “Silent”
- GameEngine V6: State, Move, Event
- Remote game using Firebase realtime database
- Require sign in to play online
- Sign in anonymously + pseudo
- Waiting room
- Show in play roles at game beginning
- Implement classic Bang rules
- Gameplay 2 to 7 players
- View action history
- View instruction
- Single player VS CPU
- Choose figure
- Choose role
- Autosave game preferenes
- View rules
- Contact the developer
- Challenge is a prior state waiting for reaction
- AI: estimate roles with stats
- UI: animate card