- heard on this Podcast: http://wellroundedathlete.net/greg-everett-move-smart-podcast-027/
warming up http://www.catalystathletics.com/article/127/Catalyst-Athletics-Our-Warm-up-is-a-Warm-up/
Foam-Rolling each body-part 10 times http://www.catalystathletics.com/article/1919/Pre-Workout-Foam-Rolling-for-Olympic-Weightlifting/
- T-spine, arms overhead
- Glutes
- Adductor/Hamstring Origin
- Quads
- Wrist circles – 10 each direction
- Elbow circles – 10 each direction
- Arm circles – 10 each direction
- Bow & bend – 10
- 1-legged RDL + leg swings – 10 each leg
- Spiderman lunge – 10 each leg
- Scorpion – 10 each side
- Russian Baby Makers – 30 sec hold http://www.catalystathletics.com/article/1695/The-Russian-Baby-Maker-The-Best-Hip-Stretch-Youve-Never-Hear/
- PVC dislocates – 10
- PVC overhead squats - 10
- technic work
- speed work
- strength work
###static stretching
- stretching between set. ankles and hips between squats
- active recovery. better do 100 Airsquats the next day as only sitting in a chair
- stretching article http://www.catalystathletics.com/article/137/Shut-Up-Flexibility/
add some crawling movements to the warmup like bear walks, inch worm ...
add some complexes to the warmup https://www.t-nation.com/training/rebuild-yourself-with-complexes Row x 8 Clean x 8 Front squat x 8 Military press x 8 Back squat x 8 Good mornings x 8
add variate movements of the main WOD