Before continue please make sure you read the "Customization’s Guide"
Styla allows the customer to directly add products from the magazin into the cart. While adding the product to the cart should work out of the box, the feedback to the customer like an overlay or an increment of the numbers in the cart the customer does not. However we tried to make it as easy as possible for you to make the adjustments while maintaining the update capability of the module.
To run your own javascript instead of the default one please copy /skin/frontend/base/default/js/styla/connect.js
into your own theme folder and change it in the way you need it.
The function stylaUpdateCart
will be called from the styla javascript directly after a product was added.
The data
argument contains all the data returned by the ajax call.
Example response:
"html" : {
"minicart_content" : "…"
"meta" : {
"grand_total" : 173.2,
"subtotal" : 160,
"subtotal_with_discount" : 160,
"num_items" : 2,
"items_qty" : 1
For example if you want to use an overlay.
Add a new layout xml file to your
configuration<frontend> <layout> <updates> <{namespace}_styla> <file>{namespace}_styla.xml</file> </{namespace}_styla> </updates> </layout> </frontend>
file in your themes layout directory with for example this content:<?xml version="1.0"?> <layout version="0.1.0"> <styla_connect_product_cart_add> <reference name="styla.cart_update_content"> <block type="core/text" name="example"> <action method="setText"> <text>test-text-content</text> </action> </block> </reference> </styla_connect_product_cart_add> </layout>
Clear the cache
If you now add a product from the magazine to your cart the response
part should have an additional entryexample
{ "html" : { "minicart_content" : "…", "example": "test-text-content" }, "meta" : "..." }
You can now access the new html within the
for example you could addwindow.stylaUpdateCart = function stylaUpdateCart(data) { //... alert(data.html.example); //... };
which should prompt you with an alert box after you have added a product to the cart.