Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues
Describe the issue
I'm currently experiencing an issue with styled-components v6.0.7 and webpack v5.88.2 where CSS styles are not being applied to the components. I've defined my styled-components as follows:
Expected behavior
const LoginFormContainer = styled(View)`
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
largeScreen: `
background-color: ${color.white3}
const Left = styled(View)`
align-items: center;
smallScreen: `
width: 100%;
Steps to reproduce
However, when I run my project, the CSS styles defined in these components are not being rendered in the browser.
- "webpack": "^5.88.2"
- "styled-components": "6.0.7"
Steps to Reproduce:
- Define styled-components using styled-components v6.0.7.
- Build the project using webpack v5.88.2.
- Run the project and observe that the styles are not applied.
Test case
Additional comments
Expected Result:
The CSS styles defined in the styled-components should be applied correctly to the components.
Actual Result:
The CSS styles are not being rendered, resulting in incorrect styling in the application.
Additional Information:
I've tried different configurations and checked the webpack configuration, but couldn't find any issue related to the styling. Is there any known compatibility issue between the mentioned versions of styled-components and webpack, or any additional configuration required for this to work?
babel and ts-loader. i am using babel-loader.
const babelLoaderOptions = {
cacheDirectory : true,
presets : [ '@babel/preset-env', '@babel/preset-react', '@babel/preset-typescript' ],
plugins : [
[ '@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators', { legacy: true } ],
[ '@babel/plugin-transform-private-methods', { loose: true } ],
[ '@babel/plugin-transform-private-property-in-object', { loose: true } ],
[ '@babel/plugin-transform-class-properties', { loose: true } ],
const babelLoaderConfiguration = {
test : /\.(js|jsx)$/,
include : [ path.resolve(appDirectory, 'index.web.js'), path.resolve(appDirectory, 'src'), ...nodeModulesPaths ],
loader : 'babel-loader',
options : babelLoaderOptions
const tsLoaderConfiguration = {
test : /\.(ts|tsx)$/,
loader : 'ts-loader',
options : {
transpileOnly : true,
getCustomTransformers : () => ({ before: [ styledComponentsTransformer ] })