Q&A (please complete the following information)
- OS: macOS
- Browser: chrome
- ApiDOM version: 0.56.0. However it has been present for at least a couple recent releases.
- Swagger-Editor version: v5.0.0-alpha.33.
- Swagger/OpenAPI version: any OpenAPI 3.x.x
Describe the bug you're encountering
semanticTokensProviderStyling.js:104 Overlapping semantic tokens detected at lineNumber 1, column 1
To reproduce...
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to, and the default AsyncAPI 2.5 Streetlights fixture
- Click on 'OpenAPI 3.0 Petstore Fixture' and/or 'OpenAPI 3.1 Fixture'
- Open dev tools and see the console warning
- If the definition is already set to 'OpenAPI 3.0 Petstore Fixture' or 'OpenAPI 3.1 Fixture', a browser refresh will also generate this warning.
Expected behavior
No warnings.
Additional context or thoughts
Switching to AsyncAPI fixture does not generate a warning. Browser refresh if AsyncAPI Streetlights Fixture is present does not generate a warning.