There is a nice library
That uses custom dump
These libraries make XCTAssertEquals message's for complex structures to be very clear, for example:
failed - A state change does not match expectation:
image: nil,
- previewState: .image(.camera),
+ previewState: .live,
focusPoint: nil.
(Expected: -, Actual: +)
Instead of:
XCTAssertEqual failed: (ObjectDetectionState(image: nil, previewState:, focusPoint: nil)) is not matching (ObjectDetectionState(image: nil, previewState: SearchMode.DetectionsTrackerState..image(.camera), focusPoint: nil))
In case of structures with >= 10 properties it become completely impossible to find the change without using other tools.
It would be nice if you would incorporate this libraries or made some changes to output of XCTAssert result messages.
Would you like to consider such options please?