Originally logged in swift-docc-plugin as swiftlang/swift-docc-plugin#99
I found that adding snippet connect (Snippets/somefile.swift
) to a caused the preview-documentation command to intermittently fail in terms of rendering all the content. The top-level module symbol graph file (in my case, voxels.json
) is missing in some iterations of invoking this command, and present in others.
After iterating with various plugin versions and nailing down that this was, in fact, an intermittent issue, I found the plugin to be invoking the following command:
/Applications/ preview /Users/heckj/src/Voxels/Sources/Voxels/Documentation.docc --emit-lmdb-index --fallback-display-name Voxels --fallback-bundle-identifier Voxels --additional-symbol-graph-dir /Users/heckj/src/Voxels/.build/plugins/Swift-DocC\ Preview/outputs/.build/symbol-graphs/unified-symbol-graphs/Voxels-7 --output-path /Users/heckj/src/Voxels/.build/plugins/Swift-DocC\ Preview/outputs/Voxels.doccarchive
I'm Opening this bug on swift-docc to continue to debug, and closing the issue on swift-docc-plugin since it doesn't appear to be related to the plugin content.
- If possible, I've reproduced the issue using the
branch of this package. - This issue hasn't been addressed in an existing GitHub issue.
Expected Behavior
When invoking swift package --disable-sandbox preview-documentation --target MyTarget
on a package using swift-docc-plugin and containing any snippet content, I expect the documentation archive to be fully rendered. In my example. showing something akin to:
Starting Local Preview Server
Address: http://localhost:8080/documentation/voxels
Actual behavior
Intermittently, and accerbated by having snippet content in the project, the preview fails to render, showing instead:
Starting Local Preview Server
Address: http://localhost:8080/documentation/
And inside the docs-archive output path that preview used, the top-level target symbol graph JSON file (in my case, voxels.json) is missing. But this is intermittent, and repeated invocations will get different results.
Steps To Reproduce
- Get example Swift package (public repository)
git clone
cd voxels
- Check out content before snippets were added:
git checkout 0.2.4
(commit shows 7048693
- repeatedly invoke the preview command:
swift package --disable-sandbox preview-documentation --target Voxels
For 5 runs:
content rendered
content rendered
content rendered
content rendered
content rendered
Check out content with snippet content added:
git checkout 6089364
- repeatedly invoke the preview command:
swift package --disable-sandbox preview-documentation --target Voxels
For 5 runs:
- content missing
- content rendered
- content rendered
- content rendered
- content missing
Swift-DocC Version Information
'6.0.2' (included with Xcode 16.1)
Swift Compiler Version Information
swift-driver version: 1.115 Apple Swift version 6.0.2 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.4)
Target: arm64-apple-macosx15.0