Is it reproducible with SwiftPM command-line tools: swift build
, swift test
, swift package
- Confirmed reproduction steps with SwiftPM CLI. The description text must include reproduction steps with either of command-line SwiftPM commands,
swift build
,swift test
,swift package
SwiftPM libraries are failing to build with the swiftbuild build system with this error when building on Windows x86.
Expected behavior
The package should build without error on Windows x86
Actual behavior
The package fails to build with the linker error: "lld-link: error: subsystem must be defined"
Steps to reproduce
- Clone the latest SwiftPM on the main branch
- Create a simple library package using the init function:
emptydir=$(mktemp -d)
(cd "$emptydir"; swift package init --type=library)
- Build the project with the swiftbuild build system
swift run swift-build --package-path="$emptydir" --build-system=swiftbuild
Swift Package Manager version/commit hash
Swift & OS version (output of swift --version ; uname -a
6.2-dev Windows x86_64