This document outlines the JSON schemas used by the testing library for its ABI
entry point and for the --event-stream-output-path
command-line argument. For
more information about the ABI entry point, see the documentation for
This schema is expressed using a modified Backus-Naur syntax. {
, }
, :
, and
represent their corresponding JSON tokens. \n
represents an ASCII newline
The order of keys in JSON objects is not normative. Whitespace in this schema is
not normative; it is present to help the reader understand the content of the
various JSON objects in the schema. The event stream is output using the JSON
Lines format and does not include newline characters (except one at the end
of the <output-record-line>
Trailing commas in JSON objects and arrays are only to be included where syntactically valid.
and <number>
are defined as in JSON. <array:T>
represents an
array (also defined as in JSON) whose elements all follow rule <T>
<bool> ::= true | false ; as in JSON
<source-location> ::= {
"fileID": <string>, ; the Swift file ID of the file
"line": <number>,
"column": <number>,
<instant> ::= {
"absolute": <number>, ; floating-point seconds since system-defined epoch
"since1970": <number>, ; floating-point seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UT
<version> ::= "version": 0 ; will be incremented as the format changes
A stream consists of a sequence of values encoded as JSON Lines.
A single instance of <output-stream>
is defined per test process and can be
accessed by passing --event-stream-output-path
to the test executable created
by swift build --build-tests
<output-stream> ::= <output-record>\n | <output-record>\n <output-stream>
Records represent the values produced on a stream. Each record is encoded on a
single line and can be decoded independently of other lines. If a decoder
encounters a record whose "kind"
field is unrecognized, the decoder should
ignore that line.
<output-record> ::= <test-record> | <event-record>
<test-record> ::= {
"kind": "test",
"payload": <test>
<event-record> ::= {
"kind": "event",
"payload": <event>
Test records represent individual test functions and test suites. Test records are passed through the record stream before most events.
<test> ::= <test-suite> | <test-function>
<test-suite> ::= {
"kind": "suite",
"name": <string>, ; the unformatted, unqualified type name
["displayName": <string>,] ; the user-supplied custom display name
"sourceLocation": <source-location>, ; where the test suite is defined
"id": <test-id>,
<test-function> ::= {
"kind": "function",
"name": <string>, ; the unformatted function name
["displayName": <string>,] ; the user-supplied custom display name
"sourceLocation": <source-location>, ; where the test is defined
"id": <test-id>,
"isParameterized": <bool> ; is this a parameterized test function or not?
<test-id> ::= <string> ; an opaque string representing the test case
Event records represent things that can happen during testing. They include
information about the event such as when it occurred and where in the test
source it occurred. They also include a "messages"
field that contains
sufficient information to display the event in a human-readable format.
<event> ::= {
"kind": <event-kind>,
"instant": <instant>, ; when the event occurred
["issue": <issue>,] ; the recorded issue (if "kind" is "issueRecorded")
"messages": <array:message>,
["testID": <test-id>,]
<event-kind> ::= "runStarted" | "testStarted" | "testCaseStarted" |
"issueRecorded" | "testCaseEnded" | "testEnded" | "testSkipped" |
"runEnded" ; additional event kinds may be added in the future
<issue> ::= {
"isKnown": <bool>, ; is this a known issue or not?
["sourceLocation": <source-location>,] ; where the issue occurred, if known
<message> ::= {
"symbol": <message-symbol>,
"text": <string>, ; the human-readable text of this message
<message-symbol> ::= "default" | "skip" | "pass" | "passWithKnownIssue" |
"fail" | "difference" | "warning" | "details"