Once RawSpan
is in the mix, we should replace withUnsafeBufferPointer(for:_:)
/// Get a span representing this instance.
/// - Parameters:
/// - attachment: The attachment that is requesting a buffer (that is, the
/// attachment containing this instance.)
/// - Returns: An instance of [`RawSpan`]() that represents this value as
/// memory of unspecified type.
/// - Throws: Any error that prevented the creation of the span.
/// The testing library uses this function when writing an attachment to a
/// test report or to a file on disk. The format of the buffer is
/// implementation-defined, but should be "idiomatic" for this type: for
/// example, if this type represents an image, it would be appropriate for
/// the buffer to contain an image in PNG format, JPEG format, etc., but it
/// would not be idiomatic for the buffer to contain a textual description
/// of the image.
@lifetime(borrow self)
borrowing func span(for attachment: borrowing Test.Attachment<Self>) throws -> RawSpan