I'm using ej2-angluar filemanager component.
When I set the path properties for ex /home/invince, the filemanager can open correctly the path, however when I click no matter folder or file in the page, it sends an incorrect path for read something like '//home//home//invince'
Here I click on Templates folder, the payload I send to backend becomes '//home//home//invince//Templates/'
After some debug, I guess something is wrong on @syncfusion\ej2-filemanager\src\file-manager\common\operations.js line 751 when generatePath(parent).
For me, no need generate it, cause parent already has path properties (no matter I set path or not, it has already value on it). NOTE: I use only angular version, maybe it's not the case for all.
I created a local patch myself, just comment that generatePath(parent), everything works well (no matter I set path or not for the component)