- fix: ThemeProvider warning message (@hasparus)
- Add missing migration notes on 0.16 to docs (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
Deps bumps for 0.16.0 (#2432)
package was removed due to low usage and breaking changes in @types/react
- Deps bumps for 0.16.0 #2432 (@hasparus)
- Deprecate/rename ThemeProvider to ThemeUIProvider #2360 (@lachlanjc @hasparus)
- Trigger release again (@hasparus)
- Trigger release (@hasparus)
- Update lockfile (@hasparus)
- Update Browserlist (@hasparus)
- Update pnpm-lock.yaml (@hasparus)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, CJ (@dev-cj), for all your work!
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ Ben (@benchilds)
❤️ Justin Cooper (@JustinotherGitter)
- Update variants.mdx #2408 (@benchilds)
- fix: Use
imports on src/index #2392 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: Fix color modes code sample typo #2399 (@JustinotherGitter)
- Ben (@benchilds)
- Justin Cooper (@JustinotherGitter)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ Nischal Shakya (@Nischal2015)
❤️ Wahid Rahim (@wahidrahim)
- fix(custom-properties): use default key name if pluralize returns empty #2389 (@wahidrahim)
- Add theme-aware Global component #2385 (@lachlanjc @hasparus)
- components: Rewrite Spinner for better performance #2384 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: Add missing
import #2370 (@Nischal2015) - docs: Reorganize Color Modes doc for clarity #2365 (@lachlanjc)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Lennart (@LekoArts)
- Nischal Shakya (@Nischal2015)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Wahid Rahim (@wahidrahim)
- lock file #2358 (@LekoArts)
- add peerDep change #2359 (@LekoArts)
- Update preset-tailwind for Tailwind v3 (breaking) #2357 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: Add destructuring example to useThemeUI API #2359 (@lachlanjc)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Lennart (@LekoArts)
- lock file #2358 (@LekoArts)
- add peerDep change #2359 (@LekoArts)
- Update preset-tailwind for Tailwind v3 (breaking) #2357 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: Add destructuring example to useThemeUI API #2359 (@lachlanjc)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Lennart (@LekoArts)
- Add
to peerDeps forgatsby-plugin-theme-ui
#2331 (@hasparus) - Fix MDXProvider example #2329 (@shawnbot)
- fix(typography): drop broken dev dependencies (@hasparus)
- fix(match-media): add dev dependency on react-dom (@hasparus)
- fix(theme-ui): remove redundant dependency on @theme-ui/mdx from package.json (@hasparus)
- docs: Mention that /core doesn't add global styles #2333 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: Group & update all MDX-related docs #2339 (@lachlanjc)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Shawn Allen (@shawnbot)
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ Luke Watts (@thisislawatts)
❤️ Valto Savi (@pointlessrapunzel)
❤️ Brage Sekse Aarset (@braaar)
Pull out MDX to be opt-in (#2288)
If your project is not using MDX or importing Themed
, you shouldn't need to
change anything.
is no longer included in Theme UIThemeProvider
, and has been removed in favour of anuseThemedStylesWithMdx
Migration: Use
together withMDXProvider
.import { MDXProvider, useMDXComponents, Components as MDXComponents, MergeComponents as MergeMDXComponents, } from '@mdx-js/react' import { useThemedStylesWithMdx } from '@theme-ui/mdx' import { ThemeProvider, Theme } from 'theme-ui' interface MyProviderProps { theme: Theme components?: MDXComponents | MergeMDXComponents children: React.ReactNode } function MyProvider({ theme, components, children }: MyProviderProps) { const componentsWithStyles = useThemedStylesWithMdx(useMDXComponents(components)) return ( <ThemeProvider theme={theme}> <MDXProvider components={componentsWithStyles}> {children} </MDXProvider> </ThemeProvider> ) }
components dict and other exports from@theme-ui/mdx
are no longer reexported fromtheme-ui
Migration: Import it from
instead.- import { Themed } from 'theme-ui' + import { Themed } from '@theme-ui/mdx'
Remove @theme-ui/editor (#2292)
- Breaking:
was removed. Use CSS GUI instead./customize
page in Theme UI docs has been removed. Use Components.ai Theme Builder or an alternative instead.
Drop support for React 16 + 17 (#2215)
Theme UI 0.15.0 drops support for React 16 and React 17. Your use case may still work, but we don't guarantee it.
refactor: setting padding-right to size 4 for dynamic value (#2058)
component default paddingRight
style has increased to spaces[4]
(32px by default), to avoid text flowing behind the chevron icon.
- Pull out MDX to be opt-in #2288 (@hasparus @beerose @lachlanjc [email protected])
- Drop support for React 16 + 17 #2215 (@hasparus)
- refactor: setting padding-right to size 4 for dynamic value #2058 (@appsparkler)
- Remove @theme-ui/editor #2292 (@hasparus)
- fix(mdx): add .sx props to Themed.X styles #2250 (@hasparus)
- docs(size-scales): Add reference of sizing scales in documentation #2327 (@cobraz @lachlanjc)
- docs: Update Contributing doc with pnpm info #2320 (@lachlanjc @hasparus)
- prism: Fix crash when className prop is missing #2322 (@lachlanjc)
- Docs: Group project templates by framework, add Remix #2276 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: re-order sidebar components into alphabetical order #2232 (@thisislawatts)
- docs: Specify MDX React version #2233 (@pointlessrapunzel)
- @dependabot[bot]
- Akash (@appsparkler)
- Aleksandra (@beerose)
- Brage Sekse Aarset (@braaar)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Luke Watts (@thisislawatts)
- Piotr ([email protected])
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Simen A. W. Olsen (@cobraz)
- Valto Savi (@pointlessrapunzel)
- Update index.mdx (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- fix(prism): fix peer dependency version (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- fix(gatsby-plugin-theme-ui): Stop using JSX in gatsby-browser.js and gatsby-ssr.js (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, kamatte (@kamatte-me), for all your work!
- fix: Donut component's
svg property #2209 (@kamatte-me)
- fix: Donut component's
- kamatte (@kamatte-me)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- fix: change react and react-dom peer dependency to >16 (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- fix(components): add missing forwardRef and fix Switch props (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ Brage (@braaar)
❤️ peterlits zo (@PeterlitsZo)
❤️ Ryan Turner (@rtturner)
❤️ Cannon Lock (@CannonLock)
- feat(examples/next): Add new deps, fully use TSX, rebuild #2068 (@lachlanjc)
- Remove @emotion/styled usage #2043 (@atanasster @hasparus @lachlanjc)
- feat(tailwind): Upgrade Tailwind theme conversion for v3.0 #2082 (@lachlanjc)
- feat(custom-properties): Warn in development on invalid theme keys #2080 (@lachlanjc)
- feat(color-modes): Warn when theme color keys have leading/trailing whitespace #2099 (@lachlanjc)
- feat(theme-ui): Add sx prop to BaseStyles component #2081 (@lachlanjc)
- fix(docs): make layout more consistent #2168 (@hasparus)
- feat(docs): Add custom content for sketchy preset demo #1236 (@atanasster @hasparus @lachlanjc)
- fix(docs): Update recommendations in Keyframes doc #2079 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: add dependencies to "getting started" #2075 (@braaar)
- fix(components): Update IconButton type definition to include size prop #2121 (@rtturner)
- components: Fix visual collapsing bug with Switch component #2067 (@lachlanjc)
- fix(sidenav): Build with latest theme-ui version #2084 (@lachlanjc)
- Make change non-breaking #2075 (@lachlanjc)
- Remove sx prop #2075 (@lachlanjc)
- sidenav: Fix props leaking to DOM on Pagination component #2075 (@lachlanjc)
- docs(sx-prop): add more detail for responsive values. #2116 (@PeterlitsZo @lachlanjc)
- docs(jsx-pragma): Add section on using with vite #2119 (@PeterlitsZo @lachlanjc)
- docs: Clarify usage of theme prop in MDX Layout docs #2100 (@CannonLock)
- docs(jsx): add some more detail to #with-swc section in jsx-pragma docs #2094 (@hasparus @lachlanjc)
- e2e: Upgrade dependencies #2098 (@lachlanjc)
- Set up CodeSandbox CI #2085 (@lachlanjc)
- examples: Remove CodeSandbox starter example #2086 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: Document default theme values #2087 (@lachlanjc)
- sidenav: Fix props leaking to DOM on Pagination component #2057 (@lachlanjc)
- Finish editing note #2079 (@lachlanjc)
- Atanas Stoyanov (@atanasster)
- Brage (@braaar)
- Cannon Lock (@CannonLock)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Lennart (@LekoArts)
- peterlits zo (@PeterlitsZo)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Ryan Turner (@rtturner)
- css: Make background a theme-aware property #2056 (@lachlanjc)
- @dependabot[bot]
- Akash (@appsparkler)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ Simen A. W. Olsen (@cobraz)
❤️ Akash (@appsparkler)
❤️ Greg Poole (@gpoole)
Move Emotion and MDX packages to peerDeps (#1867)
BREAKING CHANGE: @emotion/react
and @mdx-js/react
were moved to peerDependencies of theme-ui
, @theme-ui/mdx
and @theme-ui/sidenav
and must be installed separately. This is a revert of change from Theme UI v0.3, and it's meant to help solve version clashes and context mismatch bugs on user side. Connected issues: #1793, #1531, #1530, #1388, #1345, #1130.
- fix(docs): Set text color on Demo page JSON code #2024 (@appsparkler)
- fix: add missing deepmerge dependency (@hasparus)
- Try out CodeQL (@lachlanjc)
- docs: Write migration notes for v0.13 (@hasparus)
- Bump peerDependency in
- Bump peerDependency in
- docs: Add 3 new projects to Resources page #2044 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: Add indivorg/theme to resources #2040 (@cobraz)
- docs: Add next-theme-ui #2041 (@cobraz)
- docs(pragma): add SWC instructions for Next.js #2020 (@gpoole)
- Akash (@appsparkler)
- Greg Poole (@gpoole)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Simen A. W. Olsen (@cobraz)
- Add .md to .eslintignore (@hasparus)
- docs: use the @theme-ui/components Select in /demo page (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, William Pei (@draekien), for all your work!
- Use media query value when useColorSchemeMediaQuery is set to 'system' #1981 (@julianbenegas @draekien)
- docs(components): Include form control color names #1982 (@lachlanjc)
- @dependabot[bot]
- Julian Benegas (@julianbenegas)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Lennart (@LekoArts)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- William Pei (@draekien)
- Patch GridProps #1933 (@aaronadamsCA)
- Aaron Adams (@aaronadamsCA)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, Matt Gleich (@gleich), for all your work!
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/stable' into develop (@hasparus)
- docs(examples/next): showcase automatic runtime pragma comment in document.js #1923 (@hasparus)
- docs(examples/next): use TS, variants and improve contrast #1923 (@hasparus)
- docs: correct location of
initialColorModeName: 'light'
#1922 (@gleich)
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ Torne Wuff (@tornewuff)
❤️ Jordie Bodlay (@jordie23)
Fixed a long-standing bug with color modes in nested providers (#1456)
Added @theme-ui/css/utils with TypeScript CIF functions and fix preset types (#1862)
- Added TypeScript
Constrained identity functions
which can be imported from @theme-ui/css/utils. - Used aformentioned functions to properly define types of presets. Exported themes are now assignable to Theme but their types narrowly describe their exact values.
- Add @theme-ui/css/utils with TypeScript CIF functions and fix preset types #1862 (@tornewuff @hasparus)
- Update global-styles.mdx #1858 (@jordie23)
- Remove dependabot from the changelog (@hasparus)
- docs: add
to sidebar and packages page #1877 (@hasparus) - docs: change intro code snippets to TypeScript #1877 (@hasparus)
- Update snapshots #1768 (@lachlanjc)
- Jordie Bodlay (@jordie23)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Torne Wuff (@tornewuff)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, Vlad Shcherbin (@vladshcherbin), for all your work!
Allow easy styling autofilled of Inputs (#1811)
Background color of autofilled inputs will now default to
. It can be changed by setting
- Fix typo #1835 (@vladshcherbin)
- Add missing meta repository to published packages #1807 (@aaronadamsCA)
- Add missing repository metadata to published packages #1779 (@aaronadamsCA)
- Docs: update JSX pragma guide with automatic runtime section #1718 (@flo-sch @hasparus)
- docs: fix DocSearch not loading in SSR (@hasparus)
- Docs: Move homepage to root path #1783 (@lachlanjc)
- docs(components): fix Paragraph default variant #1795 (@bernharduw)
- Aaron Adams (@aaronadamsCA)
- Bernhard Gschwantner (@bernharduw)
- Florent SCHILDKNECHT (@flo-sch)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Vlad Shcherbin (@vladshcherbin)
- fix: Allow overriding Paragraph margins via theme #1775 (@bernharduw)
- Bernhard Gschwantner (@bernharduw)
modernize Babel config (#1721)
Theme UI packages became lighter! Built source code is now 9.5 kB (34%) smaller.
The trade-off is, Babel config has changed and it no longer supports Internet Explorer 11. If you need to support legacy browsers, you can transpile node_modules (e.g. with next-transpile-modules).
- See build raport with size comparison for each package
- Inspect updated Babel config
- Visit Bundlephobia
- fix(components): set Select's bgColor to "background" - fixes dark mode (@hasparus)
- style DocSearch #1714 (@atanasster @hasparus)
- Atanas Stoyanov (@atanasster)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- fix(theme-provider): set body margin to 0 (@hasparus)
- Merge branch 'develop' into stable (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- fix(color-modes): stop showing current color mode as initial mode in rawColors.modes (@hasparus)
- Merge branch 'stable' into develop (@hasparus)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- fix(color-modes): merge rawColors from nested theme providers (@hasparus)
- Reverted
PR as it significantly complicates SSR setup and breaks apps without explicit Emotion SSR config. #1717 (comment).
- @Zolwiastyl
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
now defaults totrue
following deprecation ofuseBodyStyles
. Styles fromtheme.styles.root
are now added to<html>
element by default. -
Moved theme configuration options to
object in theme.- Deprecations:
, anduseLocalStorage
options on the theme object are now scoped under aconfig
object on the theme, and the root-level options, now deprecated, will be removed in a future release.
(e.g. you should be setting
instead oftheme.useBorderBox
)- ⚠ All config options should be migrated at once. If Theme UI sees
exists, it won't look for options on thetheme
- Deprecations:
Removed APIs, previously deprecated in 0.6.0
- (REVERTED in v0.8.1)
- Wrap top level ThemeProvider in CacheProvider #1717 (@hasparus @Zolwiastyl)
- Improve Switch component documentation #1687 (@flo-sch)
- Describe Preconstruct in Contributing.md #1715 (@hasparus)
🎉 v0.8.0 contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, @Zolwiastyl, for all your work!
- @Zolwiastyl
- Florent SCHILDKNECHT (@flo-sch)
- Francis Champagne (@fcisio)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Add 6 border logical color properties to scales #1668 (@lachlanjc)
- docs: useColorSchemeMediaQuery defaults to true (@hasparus)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
- Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz (@hasparus)
- Add new links to Resources page #1670 (@lachlanjc)
- Add link to JSX Pragma page on Getting Started doc (@lachlanjc)
- Add 2 missing CSS column properties to scales #1669 (@lachlanjc)
- Add text-decoration-color to scales #1667 (@lachlanjc)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
❤️ David Dios (@dios-david)
Thanks for all your work!
- Adding
props #1664 (@dios-david)
- Adding
- chore(deps): bump reakit from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 #1644 (@dependabot-preview[bot] @lachlanjc)
- David Dios (@dios-david)
- Kenny (@kenny-f)
- Lachlan Campbell (@lachlanjc)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, Jonathan Van Buren (@vanbujm), for all your work!
- chore(deps): bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /examples/next #1661 (@dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): [security] bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 #1660 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Have
accept custom media queries #1653 @carolinmaisenbacher
- all packages -Build packages with Preconstruct 2 #1423 (@alexanderchan @hasparus)
to fix babel JSX pragma crash. Issue #1603, PR #1604 by @ethanwu10.The following code doesn't crash anymore.
<div {...{}} key="1" />
changes relative to 0.3, not the latest 0.6 prerelease
components dict was renamed toThemed
to avoid confusion withstyled
components constructors from@emotion/styled
and similar libraries. -
configuration option (false by default). Set it totrue
to addstyles.root
instead ofbody
configuration option still defaults totrue
, but it's going in to be deprecated in favor oftheme.useRootStyles
in the future.
New scale:
CSS property. Issue #1079, PR #1272 -
Objects in nested scales can now have a
key. PR #951Given the theme
const theme = { colors: { primary: { __default: '#00f', light: '#33f', } } }
color: 'primary'
resolves tocolor: '#00f'
. -
Configuration option for printing color mode. PR #1267, issue #1144. No more wasted ink.
{ initialColorModeName: "dark", printColorModeName: "light" }
A new component, Paragraph was added in PR #1298
Theme UI 0.6 depends on Emotion 11, and isn't compatible with Emotion 10 anymore.
- If you didn't install Emotion separately, this update shouldn't affect you.
- If your other dependencies depend on Emotion 10, and have no published versions for Emotion 11, you can use Yarn resolutions or Webpack's resolve.alias to enforce a version.
Refer to Emotion 11 release notes for more information.
Color mode flash on first render is gone, but to achieve this we had to bring back
.- You can no longer read raw color values from
when reading theme fromuseThemeUI
or insidesx
. .colors
object contains Custom CSS Properties now.- If you need to pass original value somewhere where CSS Properties (e.g.
WebGL Canvas) won't work use
- You can no longer read raw color values from
Default color mode name is no longer
— it's nowundefined
, what represents the lack of color mode set by user or detected from preferences. -
defaults totrue
. Issue #624, PR #1373How to migrate? Add
useColorSchemeMediaQuery: false
to your theme if you don't have this property. Read more in the docs. -
We no longer export internal React context named as
😅 It wasn't and it's still not public API, but if you used it and you really need it, you can grab it as__ThemeUIContext
. (But please don't do this. UseThemeProvider
from @theme-ui/core for local theme overrides instead.)
will be removed in v0.7. UseThemed
will be removed in v0.7. UseuseRootStyles
Theme UI is now written in TypeScript, and the emitted types differ from
in now accepted in responsive tuple types. PR #1499 -
Known colors (primary, text, background, accent, secondary) in
can now be nested scales.The following no longer typechecks, as
can be an object.sx={{ color: theme => theme.colors?.primary?.toUpperCase() }}
But the following code still works.
sx={{ color: theme => theme.colors?.primary }}
is an object,colors.primary.__default
is used. -
values are skipped before passing style objects to Emotion. Issue #1297, PR #1460.The following syntax is now supported
sx={{ color: isActive && blue }}
"as" prop on Themed.X components now properly opts out of typechecking
- TypeScript users, don't use
ComponentProps<typeof Themed['div']>
, importThemedComponent
and useThemedComponent<'div'>
- TypeScript users, don't use
Theme UI 0.6 depends on
v3 instead ofcsstype
v2. -
Renamed types
- Anything copied from
types was renamed or removed. SxProps
was renamed toSxProp
, an alias forThemeUIStyleObject
was removed. UseThemeUIStyleObject
- Anything copied from
Refer to the changelog for a full list of changes.
Make the rename of
non-breaking. Add a deprecation warning onStyled
until a future release. PR #1461 -
Paragraph component's hardcoded responsive style has been removed (issue #1476)
Fix issue where css custom vars are only added to body if modes is in the colors declaration of the theme.
BREAKING: Move theme configuration options to
object in theme.
Breaking TypeScript: Known colors (primary, text, background, accent, secondary) in
can now be nested scales.The following no longer typechecks, as
can be an object.sx={{ color: theme => theme.colors?.primary?.toUpperCase() }}
But the following code still works.
sx={{ color: theme => theme.colors?.primary }}
is an object,colors.primary.__default
is used. -
configuration option (false by default). Set it totrue
to addstyles.root
instead ofbody
configuration option still defaults totrue
, but it's going in to be deprecated in favor oftheme.useRootStyles
in the future. -
Accept `false` in responsive tuple types. PR #1499
values before passing style objects to Emotion. Issue #1297, PR #1460.
. Issue #624, PR #1373How to migrate? Add
useColorSchemeMediaQuery: false
to your theme if you don't have this property. Read more in the docs. -
Option for
to disable body script (injectColorFlashScript
, defaulting totrue
). Issue #1369, PR #1370 -
Bump versions
, gatsby-plugin-mdx to^1.6.0
. PR #1351 -
Fix: "as" prop on Themed.X components now properly opts out of typechecking
- TypeScript users, don't use
ComponentProps<typeof Themed['div']>
, importThemedComponent<'div'>
- TypeScript users, don't use
: Support multiple highlight wrappers in a single code block. PR #1393
Support a default key for object in scales. PR #951
Given the theme
const theme = { colors: { primary: { __default: '#00f', light: '#33f', } } }
color: 'primary'
resolves tocolor: '#00f'
- Extract objects with nested variant props. Issue #1357
- Add ability for MDX styling, and fix mdx table align styles. Issue #654
- Remove recursive default values from CSS custom properties. PR #1327
- Render extra Embed props onto
tag instead of wrappingdiv
. Issue #966, PR #1122
- Remove recursive default values from CSS custom properties. PR #1327
- Switches from lodash.kebabCase to alternative package (param-case) per official Lodash documentation. PR #1304
- Rebuilds Prism preset with latest upstream theme changes. PR #1304
- Fix: Preserve order of variant expansion props. PR #1326 (bug introduced in 0.5.0-alpha.1)
- BREAKING: Rename
component toThemed
. PR #1323 - BREAKING: Make Text component use
instead ofdiv
- breaking TypeScript: Renamed and removed types. PR #1308
, an alias forThemeUIStyleObject
removed. UseThemeUIStyleObject
- Fix: Add
props types to all props acceptingclassName
. PR #1308 - Fix WithPoorAsProp to work with ComponentProps utility type. PR #1308
- Add Paragraph component. PR #1298
- Bump React peerDependency to
"^16.14.0 || ^17.0.0"
. - Support automatic JSX runtime. Issue #1160, PR #1237
- Bump React peerDependency to
"^16.14.0 || ^17.0.0"
. - Apply variant styles before responsive styles. Issues #1030, and #720, PR #1273
- BREAKING: Upgrade to Emotion 11, and
3. PR #1261- We are now depending on
instead of@emotion/core@10
prop types are still global, and we opt in for Emotioncss
prop types (This will change in the future.)- Refer to Emotion 11 release notes for more information.
- We are now depending on
- Fix color CSS Custom Properties recursive reference
- Add transitions scale. Issue #1079, PR #1272
- Use correct version of @theme-ui/components in theme-ui package. (Locked dependencies on other Theme UI packages)
- Add documentation on CSS keyframes #1269
Add configuration option for printing color mode. PR #1267, issue #1144.
{ initialColorModeName: "dark", printColorModeName: "light" }
- Add
prop to Select to allow passing custom arrow icon. Issues #1177 #1151, PR #1232 - Fix: Field component uses
if passed. PR #1252 - Fix circular import in Switch.js
- Fix Button not respecting hidden prop. Issue #1254
- Add
minWidth: min-content
on Checkbox and Radio. PR #1256
- Fix support for rgb/hsl color values
Add Switch component #1035
<Label> <Switch /> Enable email alerts? </Label>
prop down to IconButton in Close component. PR #1242<Close size={24} />
- Convert Gatsby example to TypeScript and stop using removed components. Issue #1227, PR #1229
- Make ThemeProvider
prop required
- Removes overriding property on editor combobox #687
- Add
- Add support for highlighting lines #895
: move React to peerDependencies #978
- Pass
prop to ColorRow component #941
- Accept SetStateAction and generic parameter #1174
- Fix broken base-preset link on
- Fix peer dependencies. Issue #725, PR #836
- Add theme colors support to columnRuleColor and caretColor #1085
- Support scrollPadding variations in sx props. Issue #1214
- Support Webpack 5. (Uses default export from package.json instead of named export) #1141
- Add
as default variant forBadge
component #1109 - Add
as default variant forAlert
component #1102 - Add
variant forText
component #870
- Fix example logo on Avatar & Image component docs #1233
- Fix theme editor output in docs #1182
- Adjusts media query sort logic #600
- Fixes link to Gatsby Plugin page in
page. Issue #602, PR #603
- Split theme-ui package into
, and@theme-ui/color-modes
- Removes
(still available through MDX context) - Adds separate
component - Removes support for
- useinitialColorModeName
instead - Removes layout components (
) - useBox
instead - Updates CSS custom properties implementation for color modes
- When using
flag, it will initialize the mode tolight
when@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)
is enabled - Global color mode styles are automatically added to the body without needing
to render the
component - Adds global typographic styles, set
useBodyStyles: false
to disable - Removes
- Fix issue where
tag was incorrectly specified asdelete
- The
API has changed significantly. See the README.md for more information. @theme-ui/components
: on Grid component, allow customcolumns
definitions via strings #541@theme-ui/gatsby-theme-style-guide
: add docs on shadowing #558- Adds
#567 - Adjusts default font stack in presets #568
: addtransparentize
function #370@theme-ui/style-guide
: move context dependencies to peer dependencies #521
- Fix for issues when
is not available #514 @theme-ui/match-media
: add option for default index in hook #460@theme-ui/editor
: Update Reakit #517
: fix color picker #498
: fix NavLink base styles #497
: add more components #458@theme-ui/color
: addalpha
utility #441@theme-ui/match-media
: Add default breakpoint index argument for SSR
add components for editingsx
- Fix environment check #415
- Update dependencies
- Add
package #375 - Add
package #411
- Fix prop forwarding in styled HOC #377
- Add missing key #406
- Add support for functional themes #400
- Fix Reakit for ColorPicker test #357
- Simplify color mode API and disable
media query behavior by default #246 - Add BaseStyles component #369
- Updated UI in chrome extension
- Fix typo in tailwind preset #346
- Fix state bug in chrome extension
- Move React to peer dependencies
- Updated
package - New Customize page
- Pass outer context through RootProvider #340
- Update dependencies
- Added new
component to@theme-ui/editor
#327 - Added warning for conflicting versions of Emotion #297
- Added color utility package #331
- Update dependencies
- Added
package #311 - Added
package #313 - Updated styles in
- Adds
package #301 - Fix for
create element function #302
remove JSX syntax from gatsby-ssr in Gatsby plugin #299@theme-ui/typography
fix for CSS font-family keywords #285@theme-ui/preset-tailwind
add button and input variants #291
- Add support for FOUC fix in Next.js #277
- Update dependencies
- Add accordion sidenav #279
- Maintain raw color values in Theme UI context when
is enabled #274
- Updates for tailwind preset #272
- Update dependencies
- Add tosh preset #264
- Bad lerna publish
- Fix for CSS custom properties when using nested color objects #259
- Add warning when
matches a color mode name #245 - Fix for forwarding refs #261
- Fix peer dependency version #263
- Add
package #235
- Adds preset packages #210
- Add base colors to prism presets #249
- Add key to element in gatsby-plugin-theme-ui #248
- Add metadata to packages #244
- Update docs
- Update dependencies
- Add presets to
#231 - Fix array merging #230
- Fix for color mode in context #226
- Fix for unsupported Prism languages #218
- Update dependencies
- Update docs
- Update dependencies
- Forward all props to functional components #197
- Update dependencies
- Only pass
prop through when needed injsx
- Fix bad publish
- Adds Chrome extension package #136
- Fix keys in tailwind preset #171
- Add optional support for CSS custom properties #166
initial publish@theme-ui/prism
adddisplay: inline-block
to keep empty lines
pass outer className to element #163
- Adjust color mode initialization from media query #157
- Fix publish
- Adjust microbundle setup for @theme-ui/prism
- Add @theme-ui/prism package
- Add
prop to element in gatsby-plugin-theme-ui #145 - Update docs
- Rename
#137 - Update docs
- Replaced
- Updated to use smaller Styled System v5 packages
- Removed layout and flexbox style props from
and layout components - Renamed
prop in experimental custom pragma tosx
to avoid collisions with Emotion and other libraries - Refactored
- Removed
API from Typography.js package - Renamed Typography.js package to
- Removed
dependency - layout components are no longer created withstyled
so passing non-HTML attributes to the component will result in React rendering those props to the DOM - Removed legacy