While working on node-snmpjs I upgraded tap (from v0.4!) to gain support for reporters and coverage. Unfortunately it looks like some tests generate non-ascii bytes in test names, which causes the xunit reporter to emit invalid XML.
The fix for the mocha xunit reporter is here: mochajs/mocha@9f403bf#diff-50e3aa130a4f97a42ee2cf111c7b1d9d
Here's the test in question:
And the invalid XML output:
<testcase classname="./test/protocol/data.test.js octet string encode" name="encode foobar" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="./test/protocol/data.test.js octet string encode" name="encode ��AL� M" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="./test/protocol/data.test.js octet string encode" name="encode foo bar baz quux" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="./test/protocol/data.test.js octet string encode" name="encode �$Y�����" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="./test/protocol/data.test.js octet string encode" name="encode fööbå®" time="0"/>
Furthermore, the reserved-XML character escaping is even broken. It only replaces the first instance of each char:
// currently implemented:
exports.escape = function(html){
return String(html)
.replace('&', '&')
.replace('"', '"')
.replace('<', '<')
.replace('>', '>');
to wit:
'bbb'.replace('b', 'o'); // results in 'obb' !
'bbb'.replace(/b/g, 'o'); // results in 'ooo'
The proper form should use /expr/g
exports.escape = function(html){
return String(html)
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>');
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