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Commit 9d440ae

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Editorial: Add ES2022 features (#2709)
1 parent 6114646 commit 9d440ae

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@@ -104,8 +104,9 @@ <h1>Introduction</h1>
<p>ECMAScript 2017 introduced Async Functions, Shared Memory, and Atomics along with smaller language and library enhancements, bug fixes, and editorial updates. Async functions improve the asynchronous programming experience by providing syntax for promise-returning functions. Shared Memory and Atomics introduce a new memory model that allows multi-agent programs to communicate using atomic operations that ensure a well-defined execution order even on parallel CPUs. It also included new static methods on Object: `Object.values`, `Object.entries`, and `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors`.</p>
<p>ECMAScript 2018 introduced support for asynchronous iteration via the AsyncIterator protocol and async generators. It also included four new regular expression features: the `dotAll` flag, named capture groups, Unicode property escapes, and look-behind assertions. Lastly it included object rest and spread properties.</p>
<p>ECMAScript 2019 introduced a few new built-in functions: `flat` and `flatMap` on `Array.prototype` for flattening arrays, `Object.fromEntries` for directly turning the return value of `Object.entries` into a new Object, and `trimStart` and `trimEnd` on `String.prototype` as better-named alternatives to the widely implemented but non-standard `String.prototype.trimLeft` and `trimRight` built-ins. In addition, it included a few minor updates to syntax and semantics. Updated syntax included optional catch binding parameters and allowing U+2028 (LINE SEPARATOR) and U+2029 (PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR) in string literals to align with JSON. Other updates included requiring that `Array.prototype.sort` be a stable sort, requiring that `JSON.stringify` return well-formed UTF-8 regardless of input, and clarifying `Function.prototype.toString` by requiring that it either return the corresponding original source text or a standard placeholder.</p>
<p>ECMAScript 2020, the 11<sup>th</sup> edition, introduces the `matchAll` method for Strings, to produce an iterator for all match objects generated by a global regular expression; `import()`, a syntax to asynchronously import Modules with a dynamic specifier; `BigInt`, a new number primitive for working with arbitrary precision integers; `Promise.allSettled`, a new Promise combinator that does not short-circuit; `globalThis`, a universal way to access the global `this` value; dedicated `export * as ns from 'module'` syntax for use within modules; increased standardization of `for-in` enumeration order; `import.meta`, a host-populated object available in Modules that may contain contextual information about the Module; as well as adding two new syntax features to improve working with &ldquo;nullish&rdquo; values (`null` or `undefined`): nullish coalescing, a value selection operator; and optional chaining, a property access and function invocation operator that short-circuits if the value to access/invoke is nullish.</p>
<p>ECMAScript 2021, the 12<sup>th</sup> edition, introduces the `replaceAll` method for Strings; `Promise.any`, a Promise combinator that short-circuits when an input value is fulfilled; `AggregateError`, a new Error type to represent multiple errors at once; logical assignment operators (`??=`, `&&=`, `||=`); `WeakRef`, for referring to a target object without preserving it from garbage collection, and `FinalizationRegistry`, to manage registration and unregistration of cleanup operations performed when target objects are garbage collected; separators for numeric literals (`1_000`); and `Array.prototype.sort` was made more precise, reducing the amount of cases that result in an implementation-defined sort order.</p>
<p>ECMAScript 2020, the 11<sup>th</sup> edition, introduced the `matchAll` method for Strings, to produce an iterator for all match objects generated by a global regular expression; `import()`, a syntax to asynchronously import Modules with a dynamic specifier; `BigInt`, a new number primitive for working with arbitrary precision integers; `Promise.allSettled`, a new Promise combinator that does not short-circuit; `globalThis`, a universal way to access the global `this` value; dedicated `export * as ns from 'module'` syntax for use within modules; increased standardization of `for-in` enumeration order; `import.meta`, a host-populated object available in Modules that may contain contextual information about the Module; as well as adding two new syntax features to improve working with &ldquo;nullish&rdquo; values (`null` or `undefined`): nullish coalescing, a value selection operator; and optional chaining, a property access and function invocation operator that short-circuits if the value to access/invoke is nullish.</p>
<p>ECMAScript 2021, the 12<sup>th</sup> edition, introduced the `replaceAll` method for Strings; `Promise.any`, a Promise combinator that short-circuits when an input value is fulfilled; `AggregateError`, a new Error type to represent multiple errors at once; logical assignment operators (`??=`, `&&=`, `||=`); `WeakRef`, for referring to a target object without preserving it from garbage collection, and `FinalizationRegistry`, to manage registration and unregistration of cleanup operations performed when target objects are garbage collected; separators for numeric literals (`1_000`); and `Array.prototype.sort` was made more precise, reducing the amount of cases that result in an implementation-defined sort order.</p>
<p>ECMAScript 2022, the 13<sup>th</sup> edition, introduced top-level `await`, allowing the keyword to be used at the top level of modules; new class elements: public and private instance fields, public and private static fields, private instance methods and accessors, and private static methods and accessors; static blocks inside classes, to perform per-class evaluation initialization; the `#x in obj` syntax, to test for presence of private fields on objects; regular expression match indices via the `/d` flag, which provides start and end indices for matched substrings; the `cause` property on `Error` objects, which can be used to record a causation chain in errors; the `at` method for Strings, Arrays, and TypedArrays, which allows relative indexing; and `Object.hasOwn`, a convenient alternative to `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty`.</p>
<p>Dozens of individuals representing many organizations have made very significant contributions within Ecma TC39 to the development of this edition and to the prior editions. In addition, a vibrant community has emerged supporting TC39's ECMAScript efforts. This community has reviewed numerous drafts, filed thousands of bug reports, performed implementation experiments, contributed test suites, and educated the world-wide developer community about ECMAScript. Unfortunately, it is impossible to identify and acknowledge every person and organization who has contributed to this effort.</p>
Allen Wirfs-Brock<br>

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