Currently, OrdinarySetPrototypeOf bails from its cycle checking loop early if it sees a [[GetPrototypeOf]] which isn't the default implementation. I'm guessing this is in awareness of the Proxy's [[GetPrototypeOf]]. Is that correct? If not, what is the reasoning behind this decision?
I'm looking at:
The HTML spec overrides [[GetPrototypeOf]] on the window proxy. Calling [[SetPrototypeOf]] on an object who's [[Prototype]] is WindowProxy can lead to cycles now.
I'm looking at:
Like so:
let o = {__proto__: window};
window.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ = o
(I believe this throws cycle exceptions in browsers, however, it should not according to the spec, if I'm reading it correctly, and have constructed my example correctly.)
I believe that if we don't consider the browser, it's impossible to get a cycle if you directly loop over the [[Prototype]] property. However, with the HTML spec, I believe that's no longer true.
I wonder if the function can be more restrictive, and only bail out on the loop if we encounter a ProxyObject.[[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method, instead of bailing once we see the non-default [[GetPrototypeOf]].
What are people's thoughts? I'm mostly posting here to bring awareness to this issue and to understand previous discussions of it, or to have new discussions about it. We're currently running into issues with this property inside WebKit.