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The purpose of this document is to explain the integration of AsyncContext with the web platform. In particular, when a callback is run, what values do AsyncContext.Variables have? In other words, which AsyncContext.Snapshot is restored?

In this document we look through various categories of web platform APIs and we propose their specific AsyncContext behavior. We also look into how this could be implemented, in the initial rollout and over time, as well as consider existing or experimental web platform features that could use the AsyncContext machinery.

Although this document focuses on the web platform, and on web APIs, it is also expected to be relevant to other JavaScript environments and runtimes. This will necessarily be the case for WinterTC-style runtimes, since they will implement web APIs. However, the integration with the web platform is also expected to serve as a model for other APIs in other JavaScript environments.

For details on the memory management aspects of this proposal, see this companion document.


The AsyncContext proposal allows associating state implicitly with a call stack, such that it propagates across asynchronous tasks and promise chains. In a way it is the equivalent of thread-local storage, but for async tasks. APIs like this (such as Node.js’s AsyncLocalStorage, whose API AsyncContext is inspired by) are fundamental for a number of diagnostics tools such as performance tracers.

This proposal provides AsyncContext.Variable, a class whose instances store a JS value. The value after creation can be set from the constructor and is undefined by default. After initialization, though, the value can only be changed through the .run() method, which takes a callback and synchronously runs it with the changed value. After it returns, the previous value is restored.

const asyncVar = new AsyncContext.Variable();

console.log(asyncVar.get());  // undefined"foo", () => {
  console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "foo""bar", () => {
    console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "bar"
  console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "foo"

console.log(asyncVar.get());  // undefined

What makes this equivalent to thread-local storage for async tasks is that the value stored for each AsyncContext.Variable gets preserved across awaits, and across any asynchronous task.

const asyncVar = new AsyncContext.Variable();"foo", async () => {
  console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "foo"
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
  console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "foo"
});"bar", async () => {
  console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "bar"
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
  await"baz", async () => {
    console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "baz"
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
    console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "baz"
  console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "bar"

Note that the above sample can’t be implemented by changing some private state of the asyncVar object without awareness of async/await, because the promise in foo resolves in the middle of the baz run.

If you have multiple AsyncContext.Variable instances active when an await happens, all of their values must be stored before the await, and then restored when the promise resolves. The same goes for any other kind of async continuation. An alternative way to see this is having a single global (per-agent) variable storing a map whose keys are AsyncContext.Variable instances, which would be replaced by a modified copy at the start of every .run() call. Before the await, a reference would be taken to the current map, and after the promise resolves, the current map would be set to the stored reference.

Being able to store this map and restore it at some point would also be useful in userland to build custom userland schedulers, and AsyncContext.Snapshot provides this capability. An AsyncContext.Snapshot instance represents a value of the map, where constructing an instance takes a reference to the current map, and calling .run() with a callback lets you restore it. Notably, this API does not allow iterating through the map or observing its contents directly – you can only observe the value associated with an AsyncContext.Variable instance if you have access to that instance.

const deferredFunctions = [];

// `deferFunction` is a userland scheduler
export function deferFunction(cb) {
  const snapshot = new AsyncContext.Snapshot();
  deferredFunctions.push({cb, snapshot});

export function callDeferredFunctions() {
  for (const {cb, snapshot} of deferredFunctions) {;
  deferredFunctions = [];

Capturing and restoring AsyncContext.Snapshot instances is a very common operation, due to its implicit usage in every await. For this reason, it is expected to be implemented as a simple pointer copy. See the V8 AsyncContext Design Doc for a concrete implementation design.

Web frameworks such as React may decide to save and restore AsyncContext.Snapshots when re-rendering subtrees. More outreach to frameworks is needed to confirm exactly how this will be used.

General approach to web API semantics with AsyncContext

The AsyncContext API isn’t designed to be used directly by most JavaScript application developers, but rather as an implementation detail of certain third-party libraries. AsyncContext makes it so users of those libraries don’t need to explicitly integrate with it. Instead, the AsyncContext mechanism handles implicitly passing contextual data around.

In general, contexts should propagate along an algorithm’s data flow. If an algorithm running in the event loop synchronously calls another algorithm or performs a script execution, that algorithm and script would have the same context as the caller’s. This is handled automatically. However, when the data flow is asynchronous –such as queuing a task or microtask, running some code in parallel, or storing an algorithm somewhere to invoke it later–, the propagation must be handled by some additional logic.

To propagate this context without requiring further JavaScript developer intervention, web platform APIs which will later run JavaScript callbacks should propagate the context from the point where the API was invoked to where the callback is run (i.e. save the current AsyncContext.Snapshot and restore it later). Without built-in web platform integration, web developers may need to “monkey-patch” many web APIs in order to save and restore snapshots, a technique which adds startup cost and scales poorly as new web APIs are added.

In some cases there is more than one incoming data flow, and therefore multiple possible AsyncContext.Snapshots that could be restored. To discuss them, we group them into two categories:

  • A registration context is the context in which that callback is passed into a web API so it can be run. For events, this would be the context in which addEventListener is called or an event handler attribute (e.g. onclick) is set.

  • The causal context (also called the dispatch context, especially in reference to events) is the context in which some web API is called that ultimately causes the callback to be called. This is usually an API that starts an async operation which ultimately calls the callback (e.g. xhr.send(), which causes the XHR events to be fired), but it can also be an API that calls the callback synchronously (e.g., which synchronously fires a click event). If the callback is not caused by any userland JS code in the same agent (e.g. a user-originated click event), there is no causal context.

We propose that, in general, if there is a causal context, that should be the context that the callback should be called with; otherwise, the registration context should be used. However, if an API is used in multiple different ways (e.g. events), it should stay consistent in all uses of that API. Therefore, there are cases where the causal context should be used even though it does not exist. In such cases, the empty context (where every AsyncContext.Variable is set to its default value) is used instead.

In the rest of this document, we look at various kinds of web platform APIs which accept callbacks or otherwise need integration with AsyncContext, and examine which context should be used.

Individual analysis of web APIs and AsyncContext

Web APIs that take callbacks

For web APIs that take callbacks, the context in which the callback is run would depend on the kind of API:


These are web APIs whose sole purpose is to take a callback and schedule it in the event loop in some way. The callback will run asynchronously at some point, when there is no other JS code in the call stack.

For these APIs, the causal context is the same as the registration context – the context in which the API is called. After all, that API call starts a background user-agent-internal operation that results in the callback being called. Therefore, this is the context the callback should be called with.

Examples of scheduler web APIs:

Async completion callbacks

These web APIs start an asynchronous operation, and take callbacks to indicate that the operation has completed. These are usually legacy APIs, since modern APIs would return a promise instead.

For these APIs, since the async operation starts when the web API is called, the dispatch context is the same as the registration context. Therefore, this context (the one in which the API is called) should be used for the callback. This would also make these callbacks behave the same as they would when passed to the .then() method of a promise.

Some of these APIs started out as legacy APIs that took completion callbacks, and then they were changed to return a promise – e.g. BaseAudioContext’s decodeAudioData() method. For those APIs, the callback’s context would behave similarly to other async completion callbacks, and the promise rejection context would behave similarly to other promise-returning web APIs (see below). Similarly, the WebIDL-based callback wrapping is sufficient, and there are no meaningful alternatives to consider.

Callbacks run as part of an async algorithm

These APIs always invoke the callback to run user code as part of an asynchronous operation that they start, and which affects the behavior of the operation. Since the background async operation is started by the API that takes the callback, the registration and causal contexts are the same.

This context also matches the way these APIs could be implemented in JS:

async function api(callback) {
  await doSomething();
  await callback();
  await doSomethingElse();

Action registrations

These APIs register a callback or constructor to be invoked when some action runs. They’re also commonly used as a way to associate a newly created class instance with some action, such as in worklets or with custom elements.

In cases where the action originates due to something happening outside of the web page (such as some user action), there is no dispatch context. Therefore, the only available context is the registration context, the one active when the web API is called.

This is also the case for worklets, where the registering API (e.g. registerProcessor() for audio worklets [WEBAUDIO], or registerPaint() for paint worklets [CSS-PAINT-API]) is the registration context, and the causal context is either empty or unobservable (since AsyncContext.Variables from outside the worklet cannot cross its boundary, even if they happen to live in the same agent/thread). Therefore, the registration context should be used.

For action registrations where the action often originates from userland JS code, the causal context should be used instead. The main case for this is custom elements, where the lifecycle callbacks are almost always triggered synchronously by a call from userland JS to an API annotated with [CEReactions]. However, there are cases where this is not the case:

  • If a custom element is contained inside a <div contenteditable>, the user could remove the element from the tree as part of editing, which would queue a microtask to call its disconnectedCallback hook. In this case, there would be no causal context, and each AsyncContext.Variable would be set to its initial value.
  • A user clicking a form reset when a form-associated custom element is in the form would queue a microtask to call its formResetCallback lifecycle hook, and there would not be a casual context. However, if the click() method is called from JS instead, since that method doesn't have the [CEReactions] annotation, it would also call that lifecycle hook in a microtask, rather than synchronously. In that case, the causal context would be the one active when .click() was called.

In the cases where the registration web API takes a constructor (such as worklets) and the registration context should be used, any getters or methods of the constructed object that are called as a result of the registered action should also be called with that same registration context.

Stream underlying APIs

The underlying source, sink and transform APIs for streams are callbacks/methods passed during stream construction. The context in which the stream is constructed is then the registration context.

That registration context is also the causal context for the start method, but for other methods there would be a different causal context, depending on what causes the call to that method. For example:

  • If ReadableStreamDefaultReader’s read() method is called and that causes a call to the pull method, then that would be its causal context. This would be the case even if the queue is not empty and the call to pull is deferred until previous invocations resolve.
  • If a Request is constructed from a ReadableStream body, and that is passed to fetch, the causal context for the pull method invocations should be the context active at the time that fetch was called. Similarly, if a response body ReadableStream obtained from fetch is piped to a WritableStream, its write method’s causal context is the call to fetch.

In general, the context that should be used is the one that matches the data flow through the algorithms (see the section on implicit propagation below).

TODO: Piping is largely implementation-defined. We should figure out some context propagation constraints.

TODO: If a stream gets transferred to a different agent, any cross-agent interactions will have to use the empty context. What if you round-trip a stream through another agent?


Observers are a kind of web API pattern where the constructor for a class takes a callback, the instance’s observe() method is called to register things that should be observed, and then the callback is called when those observations have been made.

Unlike FinalizationRegistry, which works similarly, observer callbacks are not called once per observation. Instead, multiple observations can be batched into one single call. This means that there is not always a single causal context that can be used; rather, there might be many.

Given this, for consistency it would be preferable to instead use the registration context; that is, the context in which the class is constructed.

TODO: Due to concerns about observers leading to memory leaks, an alternative option is to not use the registration context, and instead call the observer's callback with the empty context. This is still under discussion.

In some cases it might be useful to expose the causal context for individual observations, by exposing an AsyncContext.Snapshot property on the observation record. This should be the case for PerformanceObserver, where PerformanceEntry would expose the snapshot as a resourceContext property.


Events are a single API that is used for a great number of things, including cases which have a causal context (for events, also referred to as the dispatch context) separate from the registration context, and cases which have no dispatch context at all.

For consistency, event listener callbacks should be called with the dispatch context. If that does not exist, the empty context should be used, where all AsyncContext.Variables are set to their initial values.

Event dispatches can be one of the following:

  • Synchronous dispatches, where the event dispatch happens synchronously when a web API is called. Examples are which synchronously fires a click event, setting location.hash which synchronously fires a popstate event, or calling an EventTarget's dispatchEvent() method. For these dispatches, the TC39 proposal's machinery is enough to track the dispatch context, with no help from web specs or browser engines.
  • Browser-originated dispatches, where the event is triggered by browser or user actions, or by cross-agent JS, with no involvement from JS code in the same agent. Such dispatches can't have any dispatch context, so the listener is called with the empty context. (Though see the section on fallback context below.)
  • Asynchronous dispatches, where the event originates from JS calling into some web API, but the dispatch happens at a later point. In these cases, the context should be tracked along the data flow of the operation, even across code running in parallel (but not through tasks enqueued on other agents' event loops). See below on implicit context propagation for how this data flow tracking should happen.

This classification of event dispatches is the way it should be in theory, as well as a long-term goal. However, as we describe later in the section on implicit context propagation, for the initial rollout we propose treating the vast majority of asynchronous dispatches as if they were browser-originated. The exceptions would be:

  • The popstate event
  • The message and messageerror events
  • All events dispatched on XMLHttpRequest or XMLHttpRequestUpload objects
  • The unhandledrejection and rejectionhandled events on the global object (see below)

TODO: The exact principle for which event listeners are included in this list is still under discussion.

The list above is not meant to be hard-coded in the events machinery as a "is this event part of that list?" check. Instead, the spec text and browser code that fires each of these individual events would be modified so that it keeps track of the context in which these events were scheduled (e.g. the context of window.postMessage or xhr.send()), and so that that context is restored before firing the event.

Fallback context

This use of the empty context for browser-originated dispatches, however, clashes with the goal of allowing “isolated” regions of code that share an event loop, and being able to trace in which region an error originates. A solution to this would be the ability to define a fallback context for a region of code. We have a proposal for this being fleshed out at issue #107.

Script errors and unhandled rejections

The error event on a window or worker global object is fired whenever a script execution throws an uncaught exception. The context in which this exception was thrown is the causal context. Likewise, the unhandledrejection is fired whenever a promise resolves without a rejection, without a registered rejection handler, and the causal context is the one in which the promise was rejected.

Having access to the contexts which produced these errors is useful to determine which of multiple independent streams of async execution caused this error, and therefore how to clean up after it. For example:

async function doOperation(i: number, signal: AbortSignal) {
  // ...

const operationNum = new AsyncContext.Variable();
const controllers: AbortController[] = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
  controllers[i] = new AbortController();, () => doOperation(i, controllers[i].signal));

window.onerror = window.onunhandledrejection = () => {
  const idx = operationNum.get();

Unhandled rejection details

The unhandledrejection causal context could be unexpected in some cases. For example, in the following code sample, developers might expect asyncVar to map to "bar" in that context, since the throw that causes the promise rejection takes place inside a(). However, the promise that rejects without having a registered rejection handled is the promise returned by b(), which only outside of the"bar", ...) returns. Therefore, asyncVar would map to "foo".

async function a() {
  console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "bar"
  throw new Error();

async function b() {
  console.log(asyncVar.get());  // "foo"
  await"bar", async () => {
    const p1 = a();
    await p1;
}"foo", () => {
  const p2 = b();

If a promise created by a web API rejects, the unhandledrejection event’s dispatch context would be track as usual for causal contexts. According to the categories in the “Writing Promise-Using Specifications” guide:

  • For one-and-done operations, the rejection-time context of the returned promise should be the context when the web API that returns it was called.
  • For one-time “events”, the rejection context would be the context in which the promise is caused to reject. In many cases, the promise is created at the same time as an async operation is started which will eventually resolve it, and so the context would flow from creation to rejection (e.g. for the loaded property of a FontFace instance, creating the FontFace instance causes both the promise creation and the loading of the font). But this is not always the case, as for the ready property of a WritableStreamDefaultWriter, which could be caused to reject by a different context. In such cases, the context should be propagated implicitly.
  • More general state transitions are similar to one-time “events” which can be reset, and so they should behave in the same way.

Cross-document navigations

When a cross-document navigation happens, even if it is same-origin, the context will be reset such that document load and tasks that directly flow from it (including execution of classic scripts found during parsing) run with the empty AsyncContext snapshot, which will be an empty mapping (i.e. every AsyncContext.Variable will be set to its initial value).

Module evaluation

When you import a JS module multiple times, it will only be fetched and evaluated once. Since module evaluation should not be racy (i.e. it should not depend on the order of various imports), the context should be reset so that module evaluation always runs with the empty AsyncContext snapshot.

Editorial aspects of AsyncContext integration in web specifications

An agent always has an associated AsyncContext mapping, in its [[AsyncContextMapping]] field1. When the agent is created, this mapping will be set to an HTML-provided initial state, but JS user code can change it in a strictly scoped way.

In the current proposal, the only way JS code can modify the current mapping is through AsyncContext.Variable and AsyncContext.Snapshot’s run() methods, which switch the context before calling a callback and switch it back after it synchronously returns or throws. This ensures that for purely synchronous execution, the context is automatically propagated along the data flow. It is when tasks and microtasks are queued that the data flow must be tracked through web specs.

The TC39 proposal spec text includes two abstract operations that web specs can use to store and switch the context:

  • AsyncContextSnapshot() returns the current AsyncContext mapping.
  • AsyncContextSwap(context) sets the current AsyncContext mapping to context, and returns the previous one. context must only be a value returned by one of these two operations.

We propose adding a web spec algorithm “run the AsyncContext Snapshot”, that could be used like this:

  1. Let context be AsyncContextSnapshot().
  2. Queue a global task to run the following steps:
    1. Run the AsyncContext Snapshot context while performing the following steps:
      1. Perform some algorithm, which might call into JS.

This algorithm, when called with an AsyncContext mapping context and a set of steps steps, would do the following:

  1. Let previousContext be AsyncContextSwap(context).
  2. Run steps. If this throws an exception e, then:
    1. AsyncContextSwap(previousContext).
    2. Throw e.
  3. AsyncContextSwap(previousContext).

For web APIs that use the registration context and take a callback, this should be handled in WebIDL by storing the result of AsyncContextSnapshot() alongside the callback function, and swapping it when the function is called. Since this should not happen for every callback, there should be a WebIDL extended attribute applied to callback types to control this.

Implicit context propagation

TODO: This section of the web integration proposal is not as baked as most of the rest. Depending on which / how many asynchronous events we end up propagating, we might not need to add this into the spec, and we could replace it with manual context propagation at a number of places.

While tracking contexts along algorithm data flows is straightforward when it happens synchronously within a single event loop task, in some cases (such as for asynchronously dispatched events, or unhandled promise rejections) the context should be tracked through parallel algorithms and through tasks being queued into the event loop.

In a number of these cases, in particular for asynchronously dispatched events, there is no need for the browser engine to track the data flow, because the result is trivial (e.g. XHR events will have the context of the xhr.send() call that caused them). But in other cases it's not that simple.

We propose that the HTML event loop’s queueing algorithms, such as queue a task, queue a microtask, as well as in parallel, should propagate the current AsyncContext mapping, even through parallel algorithms, so that every event loop task has the right causal context by default.

The details of this implementation are still left to figure out, but each set of steps running in parallel would have a current snapshot (sort of a thread-local variable), which would be a parallel equivalent of an event loop's [[AsyncContextMapping]] agent field. And whenever the spec says to run a set of steps in parallel, or to queue a task/microtask, the current snapshot or [[AsyncContextMapping]] would be propagated to that parallel algorithm or task. Browser-originated tasks or parallel algorithms would have an empty current snapshot.

In some cases, this automatic context propagation might not do the right thing, however, particularly in cases where the exact data flow of certain steps is handwaved (e.g. fetch’s interaction with the HTTP spec, or CSSOM View events). In those cases, the context would have to manually tracked in the specs as shown in the previous section.

Now, it might be that the exact data flow of the browser implementation of some algorithms might not exactly match the spec’s data flow in all cases. This is especially the case in browsers that have a renderer process vs main process architecture. And in general, this implicit propagation might be hard to implement and get right in browser engines.

Most web APIs, in fact, although could be implemented through implicit context propagation, can also be implemented by storing the causal context and restoring it when the callback gets called. This is not generally the case for events with asynchronous dispatches, but it is for some. Therefore, in order to avoid needing browser engines to implement the whole implicit context propagation machinery in the initial AsyncContext rollout, we propose limiting the set of event dispatches that behave as if they were asynchronous dispatches, as outlined above.

Exposing snapshots to JS code

Anytime that a web spec needs to expose a context other than the current one when some code is run, such as the causal context for observer entries, it should be exposed as an AsyncContext.Snapshot object. The AsyncContext proposal has the CreateAsyncContextSnapshot() abstract operation for this, which takes a mapping and returns an AsyncContext.Snapshot instance.

For snapshots exposed as properties of observer entries or other web platform objects, CreateAsyncContextSnapshot() should be called in the relevant realm of that web platform object. If an AsyncContext.Snapshot object must created in any other case (e.g. to pass as an argument into a callback), this operation should be called in the relevant realm of this (see whatwg/webidl#135). It might therefore make sense to instead define an equivalent of that abstract operation in WebIDL, that handles this.

Note that for properties of observer entries, implementations may allocate the actual AsyncContext.Snapshot instance lazily on first access, if they just store the internal pointer to the underlying snapshot when the event is created.

Using AsyncContext from web specs

There are use cases in the web platform that would benefit from using AsyncContext variables built into the platform, since there are often relevant pieces of contextual information which would be impractical to pass explicitly as parameters. Some of these use cases are:

  • Task attribution. The soft navigations API [SOFT-NAVIGATIONS] needs to be able to track which tasks in the event loop are caused by other tasks, in order to measure the time between the user interaction that caused the soft navigation, and the end of the navigation. Currently this is handled by modifying a number of event loop-related algorithms from the HTML spec, but basing it on AsyncContext might be easier. It seems like this would also be useful to identify scripts that enqueued long tasks, or to build dependency trees for the loading of resources. See WICG/soft-navigations#44.

  • scheduler.yield priority and signal. In order to provide a more ergonomic API, if scheduler.yield() is called inside a task enqueued by scheduler.postTask() [SCHEDULING-APIS], its priority and signal arguments will be “inherited” from the call to postTask. This inheritance should propagate across awaits. See WICG/scheduling-apis#94.

  • Future possibility: ambient AbortSignal. This would allow using an AbortSignal without needing to pass it down across the call stack until the leaf async operations. See

  • Possible refactoring: backup incumbent realm. The HTML spec infrastructure for the incumbent realm uses a stack of backup incumbent realms synchronized with the JS execution stack, and explicitly propagates the incumbent realm through awaits using JS host hooks. This might be refactored to build on top of AsyncContext, which might help fix some long-standing disagreements between certain browsers and the spec.

For each of these use cases, there would need to be an AsyncContext.Variable instance backing it, which should not be exposed to JS code. We expect that algorithms will be added to the TC39 proposed spec text, so that web specs don’t need to create JS objects.


  1. The reason this field is agent-wide rather than per-realm is so calling a function from a different realm which calls back into you doesn’t lose the context, even if the functions are async.