When using signals, often the value of a signal is not known, but a change needs to be made based on the current value. This pattern can be found in Svelte's stores, Solid's Signals, and React's useState, to name a few. This pattern leads to cleaner code with less clutter. Since using a callback in Signal.State.prototype.set
is too ambiguous (setting the value to a function might be the preferred operation), it seems reasonable to add Signal.State.prototype.update
. Here's some examples of how the update function would work:
let count = new Signal.State(0);
function increment() {
count.update(c => c + 1);
function createCountdown(start, duration) {
let countdown = new Signal.State(start);
let interval = setInterval(()=>{
countdown.update(c=> c - 1);
if (countdown.get() === 0) clearInterval(interval);
}, duration/start);
return countdown;
function createTypewriter(text) {
let typewriter = new Signal.State("");
let chars = text.split('');
function type(char) {
return function() {
typewriter.update(t => t + char);
for (let index = 0; index < chars.length; index++) {
setTimeout(type(chars[index]), 200 + index * 200);
return typewriter;
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