This document outlines the goals of a standard JavaScript Signal proposal and a minimal API, with the intention of bringing Signals as a TC39 proposal in the future. The effort here is driven by authors and maintainers of related frameworks and libraries in JavaScript, with a focus on developing significant experience using shared JavaScript libraries to refine the proposal prior to standardization.
The plan for this proposal is to do significant early prototyping, including integration into several frameworks, before advancing beyond Stage 1. We are only interested in standardizing Signals if they are suitable for use in practice in multiple frameworks, and provide real benefits over framework-provided signals. We hope that significant early prototyping will give us this information. See "Status and development plan" below for more details.
To develop a complicated user interface (UI), JavaScript application developers need to store, compute, invalidate, sync, and push state to the application's view layer in an efficient way. UIs commonly involve more than just managing simple values, but often involve rendering computed state which is dependent on a complex tree of other values or state that is also computed itself. The goal of Signals is to provide infrastructure for managing such application state so developers can focus on business logic rather than these repetitive details.
Signal-like constructs have independently been found to be useful in non-UI contexts as well, particularly in build systems to avoid unnecessary rebuilds.
Given a variable, counter
, you want to render into the DOM whether the counter is even or odd. Whenever the counter
changes, you want to update the DOM with the latest parity. In Vanilla JS, you might have something like this:
let counter = 0;
const setCounter = (value) => {
counter = value;
const isEven = () => (counter & 1) == 0;
const parity = () => isEven() ? "even" : "odd";
const render = () => element.innerText = parity();
// Simulate external updates to counter...
setInterval(() => setCounter(counter + 1), 1000);
This has a number of problems...
- The
setup is noisy and boilerplate-heavy. - The
state is tightly coupled to the rendering system. - If the
changes butparity
does not (e.g. counter goes from 2 to 4), then we do unnecessary computation of the parity and unnecessary rendering. - What if another part of our UI just wants to render when the
updates? - What if another part of our UI is dependent on
Even in this relatively simple scenario, a number of issues arise quickly. We could try to work around these by introducing pub/sub for the counter
. This would allow additional consumers of the counter
could subscribe to add their own reactions to state changes.
However, we're still stuck with the following problems:
- The render function, which is only dependent on
must instead "know" that it actually needs to subscribe tocounter
. - It isn't possible to update UI based on either
alone, without directly interacting withcounter
. - We've increased our boilerplate.
Now, we could solve a couple issues by adding pub/sub not just to counter
but also to isEven
and parity
. We would then have to subscribe isEven
to counter
, parity
to isEven
, and render
to parity
. Unfortunately, not only has our boilerplate code exploded, but we're stuck with a ton of bookkeeping of subscriptions, and a potential memory leak disaster if we don't properly clean everything up in the right way. So, we've solved some issues but created a whole new category of problems and a lot of code. To make matters worse, we have to go through this entire process for every piece of state in our system.
Data binding abstractions in UIs for the model and view have long been core to UI frameworks across multiple programming languages, despite the absence of any such mechanism built into JS or the web platform. Within JS frameworks and libraries, there has been a large amount of experimentation across different ways to represent this binding, and experience has shown the power of one-way data flow in conjunction with a first-class data type representing a cell of state or computation derived from other data, now often called "Signals". This first-class reactive value approach seems to have made its first popular appearance in open-source JavaScript web frameworks with Knockout in 2010. In the years since, many variations and implementations have been created. Within the last 3-4 years, the Signal primitive and related approaches have gained further traction, with nearly every modern JavaScript library or framework having something similar, under one name or another.
To understand Signals, let's take a look at the above example, re-imagined with a Signal API further articulated below.
const counter = new Signal.State(0);
const isEven = new Signal.Computed(() => (counter.get() & 1) == 0);
const parity = new Signal.Computed(() => isEven.get() ? "even" : "odd");
// A library or framework defines effects based on other Signal primitives
declare function effect(cb: () => void): (() => void);
effect(() => element.innerText = parity.get());
// Simulate external updates to counter...
setInterval(() => counter.set(counter.get() + 1), 1000);
There are a few things we can see right away:
- We've eliminated the noisy boilerplate around the
variable from our previous example. - There is a unified API to handle values, computations, and side effects.
- There's no circular reference problem or upside down dependencies between
. - There are no manual subscriptions, nor is there any need for bookkeeping.
- There is a means of controlling side-effect timing/scheduling.
Signals give us much more than what can be seen on the surface of the API though:
- Automatic Dependency Tracking - A computed Signal automatically discovers any other Signals that it is dependent on, whether those Signals be simple values or other computations.
- Lazy Evaluation - Computations are not eagerly evaluated when they are declared, nor are they immediately evaluated when their dependencies change. They are only evaluated when their value is explicitly requested.
- Memoization - Computed Signals cache their last value so that computations that don't have changes in their dependencies do not need to be re-evaluated, no matter how many times they are accessed.
Given extensive experience with Signals as a broadly useful construct, we propose to add a built-in Signal construct to JavaScript.
In general, JavaScript has had a fairly minimal standard library, but a trend in TC39 has been to make JS more of a "batteries-included" language, with a high-quality, built-in set of functionality available. For example, Temporal is replacing moment.js, and a number of small features, e.g., Array.prototype.flat
are replacing many lodash use cases. Benefits include smaller bundle sizes, improved stability and quality, less to learn when joining a new project, and a generally common vocabulary across JS developers.
Apart from making Signals available out-of-the-box with the generic benefits that brings, we see the following technical benefits:
Each Signal implementation has its own auto-tracking mechanism, to keep track of the sources encountered when evaluating a computed Signal. This makes it hard to share models, components, and libraries between different frameworks--they tend to come with a false coupling to their view engine (given that Signals are usually implemented as part of JS frameworks).
A goal of this proposal is to fully decouple the reactive model from the rendering view, enabling developers to migrate to new rendering technologies without rewriting their non-UI code, or develop shared reactive models in JS to be deployed in different contexts. Unfortunately, due to versioning and duplication, it has turned out to be impractical to reach a strong level of sharing via JS-level libraries--built-ins offer a stronger sharing guarantee.
It is always a small potential performance boost to ship less code due to commonly used libraries being built-in, but implementations of Signals are generally pretty small, so we don't expect this effect to be very large.
We suspect that native C++ implementations of Signal-related data structures and algorithms can be slightly more efficient than what is achievable in JS, by a constant factor. However, no algorithmic changes are anticipated vs. what would be present in a polyfill; engines are not expected to be magic here, and the reactivity algorithms themselves will be well-defined and unambiguous.
The champion group expects to develop various implementations of Signals, and use these to investigate these performance possibilities.
With existing JS-language Signal libraries, it can be difficult to trace things like:
- The callstack across a chain of computed Signals, showing the causal chain for an error
- The reference graph among Signals, when one depends on another -- important when debugging memory usage
Built-in Signals enable JS runtimes and DevTools to potentially have improved support for inspecting Signals, particularly for debugging or performance analysis, whether this is built into browsers or through a shared extension. Existing tools such as the element inspector, performance snapshot, and memory profilers could be updated to specifically highlight Signals in their presentation of information.
Current work in W3C and by browser implementors is seeking to bring native templating to HTML. Additionally, the W3C Web Components CG is exploring the possibility of extending Web Components to offer a fully declarative HTML API. To accomplish both of these goals, eventually a reactive primitive will be needed by HTML. Additionally, many ergonomic improvements to the DOM through integration of Signals can be imagined and have been asked for by the community.
Note, this integration would be a separate effort to come later, not part of this proposal itself.
Standardization efforts can sometimes be helpful just at the "community" level, even without changes in browsers. The Signals effort is bringing together many different framework authors for a deep discussion about the nature of reactivity, algorithms and interoperability. This has already been useful, and does not justify inclusion in JS engines and browsers; Signals should only be added to the JavaScript standard if there are significant benefits beyond the ecosystem information exchange enabled.
It turns out that existing Signal libraries are not all that different from each other, at their core. This proposal aims to build on their success by implementing the important qualities of many of those libraries.
- A Signal type which represents state, i.e. writable Signal. This is a value that others can read.
- A computed/memo/derived Signal type, which depends on others and is lazily calculated and cached.
- Computation is lazy, meaning computed Signals aren't calculated again by default when one of their dependencies changes, but rather only run if someone actually reads them.
- Computation is "glitch-free", meaning no unnecessary calculations are ever performed. This implies that, when an application reads a computed Signal, there is a topological sorting of the potentially dirty parts of the graph to run, to eliminate any duplicates.
- Computation is cached, meaning that if, after the last time a dependency changes, no dependencies have changed, then the computed Signal is not recalculated when accessed.
- Custom comparisons are possible for computed Signals as well as state Signals, to note when further computed Signals which depend on them should be updated.
- Reactions to the condition where a computed Signal has one of its dependencies (or nested dependencies) become "dirty" and change, meaning that the Signal's value might be outdated.
- This reaction is meant to schedule more significant work to be performed later.
- Effects are implemented in terms of these reactions, plus framework-level scheduling.
- Computed signals need the ability to react to whether they are registered as a (nested) dependency of one of these reactions.
- Enable JS frameworks to do their own scheduling. No Promise-style built-in forced-on scheduling.
- Synchronous reactions are needed to enable scheduling later work based on framework logic.
- Writes are synchronous and immediately take effect (a framework which batches writes can do that on top).
- It is possible to separate checking whether a effect may be "dirty" from actually running the effect (enabling a two-stage effect scheduler).
- Ability to read Signals without triggering dependencies to be recorded (
) - Enable composition of different codebases which use Signals/reactivity, e.g.,
- Using multiple frameworks together as far as tracking/reactivity itself goes (modulo omissions, see below)
- Framework-independent reactive data structures (e.g., recursively reactive store proxy, reactive Map and Set and Array, etc.)
- Discourage/prohibit naive misuse of synchronous reactions.
- Soundness risk: it may expose "glitches" if improperly used: If rendering is done immediately when a Signal is set, it may expose incomplete application state to the end user. Therefore, this feature should only be used to intelligently schedule work for later, once application logic is finished.
- Solution: Disallow reading and writing any Signal from within a synchronous reaction callback
- Discourage
and mark its unsound nature- Soundness risk: allows the creation of computed Signals whose value depends on other Signals, but which aren't updated when those Signals change. It should be used when the untracked accesses will not change the result of the computation.
- Solution: The API is marked "unsafe" in the name.
- Note: This proposal does allow signals to be both read and written from computed and effect signals, without restricting writes that come after reads, despite the soundness risk. This decision was taken to preserve flexibility and compatibility in integration with frameworks.
- Must be a solid base for multiple frameworks to implement their Signals/reactivity mechanisms.
- Should be a good base for recursive store proxies, decorator-based class field reactivity, and both
and[state, setState]
-style APIs. - The semantics are able to express the valid patterns enabled by different frameworks. For example, it should be possible for these Signals to be the basis of either immediately-reflected writes or writes which are batched and applied later.
- Should be a good base for recursive store proxies, decorator-based class field reactivity, and both
- It would be nice if this API is usable directly by JavaScript developers.
- If a feature matches with an ecosystem concept, using common vocabulary is good.
- However, important to not literally shadow the exact same names!
- Tension between "usability by JS devs" and "providing all the hooks to frameworks"
- Idea: Provide all the hooks, but include errors when misused if possible.
- Idea: Put subtle APIs in a
- If a feature matches with an ecosystem concept, using common vocabulary is good.
- Be implementable and usable with good performance -- the surface API doesn't cause too much overhead
- Enable subclassing, so that frameworks can add their own methods and fields, including private fields. This is important to avoid the need for additional allocations at the framework level. See "Memory management" below.
- If possible: A computed Signal should be garbage-collectable if nothing live is referencing it for possible future reads, even if it's linked into a broader graph which stays alive (e.g., by reading a state which remains live).
- Note that most frameworks today require explicit disposal of computed Signals if they have any reference to or from another Signal graph which remains alive.
- This ends up not being so bad when their lifetime is tied to the lifetime of a UI component, and effects need to be disposed of anyway.
- If it is too expensive to execute with these semantics, then we should add explicit disposal (or "unlinking") of computed Signals to the API below, which currently lacks it.
- A separate related goal: Minimize the number of allocations, e.g.,
- to make a writable Signal (avoid two separate closures + array)
- to implement effects (avoid a closure for every single reaction)
- In the API for observing Signal changes, avoid creating additional temporary data structures
- Solution: Class-based API enabling reuse of methods and fields defined in subclasses
An initial idea of a Signal API is below. Note that this is just an early draft, and we anticipate changes over time. Let's start with the full .d.ts
to get an idea of the overall shape, and then we'll discuss the details of what it all means.
// A cell of data which may change over time
// (State or Computed signal)
interface Signal<T> {
// Get the value of the Signal
get(): T;
namespace Signal {
// A read-write Signal
class State<T> implements Signal<T> {
// Create a state Signal starting with the value t
constructor(t: T, options?: SignalOptions<T>);
// Set the state Signal value to t
set(t: T): void;
// A Signal which is a formula based on other Signals
class Computed<T> implements Signal<T> {
// Create a Signal which evaluates to the value returned by the callback.
// Callback is called with this signal as the this value.
constructor(cb: (this: Computed<T>) => T, options?: SignalOptions<T>);
namespace subtle {
// Run a callback with all tracking disabled (even for nested computed).
function untrack<T>(cb: () => T): T;
// Returns ordered list of all signals which this one referenced
// during the last time it was evaluated
function introspectSources(s: Computed | Watcher): Signal[];
// Returns the subset of signal sinks which recursively
// lead to an Effect which has not been disposed
// Note: Only watched Computed signals will be in this list.
function introspectSinks(s: Signal): (Computed | Watcher)[];
// True iff introspectSinks() is non-empty
function isWatched(s: Signal): boolean;
// Key for subtle Signal options, see interpretation below.
var watched: Symbol;
var unwatched: Symbol;
class Watcher {
// When a (recursive) source of Watcher is written to, call this callback,
// if it hasn't already been called since the last `watch` call.
// No signals may be read or written during the notify.
constructor(notify: (this: Watcher) => void);
// Add these signals to the Watcher's set, and set the watcher to run its
// notify callback next time any signal in the set (or one of its dependencies) changes.
// Can be called with no arguments just to reset the "notified" state, so that
// the notify callback will be invoked again.
watch(...s: Signal[]): void;
// Remove these signals from the watched set (e.g., for an effect which is disposed)
unwatch(...s: Signal[]): void;
// Returns the set of sources in the Watcher's set which are still dirty, or is a computed signal
// with a source which is dirty or pending and hasn't yet been re-evaluated
getPending(): Signal[];
interface SignalOptions<T> {
// Custom comparison function between old and new value. Default:
// The signal is passed in as the this value for context.
equals?: (this: Signal<T>, t: T, t2: T) => boolean;
// Callback called when isWatched becomes true, if it was previously false
[Signal.subtle.watched]?: (this: Signal<T>) => void;
// Callback called whenever isWatched becomes false, if it was previously true
[Signal.subtle.unwatched]?: (this: Signal<T>) => void;
A Signal represents a cell of data which may change over time. Signals may be either "state" (just a value which is set manually) or "computed" (a formula based on other Signals).
Computed Signals work by automatically tracking which other Signals are read during their evaluation. When a computed is read, it checks whether any of its previously recorded dependencies have changed, and re-evaluates itself if so. When multiple computed Signals are nested, all of the attribution of the tracking goes to the innermost one.
Computed Signals are lazy, i.e., pull-based: they are only re-evaluated when they are accessed, even if one of their dependencies changed earlier.
The callback passed into computed Signals should generally be "pure" in the sense of being a deterministic, side-effect-free function of the other Signals which it accesses. At the same time, the timing of the callback being called is deterministic, allowing side effects to be used with care.
Signals feature prominent caching/memoization: both state and computed Signals remember their current value, and only trigger recalculation of computed Signals which reference them if they actually change. A repeated comparison of old vs new values isn't even needed--the comparison is made once when the source Signal is reset/re-evaluated, and the Signal mechanism keeps track of which things referencing that Signal have not updated based on the new value yet. Internally, this is generally represented through "graph coloring" as described in (Milo's blog post).
Computed Signals track their dependencies dynamically--each time they are run, they may end up depending on different things, and that precise dependency set is kept fresh in the Signal graph. This means that if you have a dependency needed on only one branch, and the previous calculation took the other branch, then a change to that temporarily unused value will not cause the computed Signal to be recalculated, even when pulled.
Unlike JavaScript Promises, everything in Signals runs synchronously:
- Setting a Signal to a new value is synchronous, and this is immediately reflected when reading any computed Signal which depends on it afterwards. There is no built-in batching of this mutation.
- Reading computed Signals is synchronous--their value is always available.
- The
callback in Watchers, as explained below, runs synchronously, during the.set()
call which triggered it (but after graph coloring has completed).
Like Promises, Signals can represent an error state: If a computed Signal's callback throws, then that error is cached just like another value, and rethrown every time the Signal is read.
A Signal
instance represents the capability to read a dynamically changing value whose updates are tracked over time. It also implicitly includes the capability to subscribe to the Signal, implicitly through a tracked access from another computed Signal.
The API here is designed to match the very rough ecosystem consensus among a large fraction of Signal libraries:
- Access is through calls to
, e.g.,mySignal.get()
(both for computed and state). [Note: this disagrees with all popular signal APIs, which either use a.value
-style accessor, orsignal()
call syntax.] - Names "state", "computed", "effect" and "Signal" itself are chosen to match names used elsewhere.
The API is designed to reduce the number of allocations, to make Signals suitable for embedding in JavaScript frameworks while reaching same or better performance than existing framework-customized Signals. This implies:
- State Signals are a single writable object, which can be both accessed and set from the same reference. (See implications below in the "Capability separation" section.)
- Both State and Computed Signals are designed to be subclassable, to facilitate frameworks' ability to add additional properties through public and private class fields (as well as methods for using that state).
- Various callbacks (e.g.,
, the computed callback) are called with the relevant Signal as a parameter for context, so that a new closure isn't needed per Signal.
Some error conditions enforced by this API:
- It is an error to read a computed recursively.
- The
callback of a Watcher cannot read or write any signals - If a computed Signal's callback throws, then subsequent accesses of the Signal rethrow that cached error, until one of the dependencies changes and it is recalculated.
Some conditions which are not enforced:
- Computed Signals can write to other Signals, synchronously within their callback
- Work which is queued by a Watcher's
callback may read or write signals, making it possible to replicate classic React antipatterns in terms of Signals!
The Watcher
interface defined above gives the basis for implementing typical JS APIs for effects: callbacks which are re-run when other Signals change, purely for their side effect. The effect
function used above in the initial example can be defined as follows:
// This function would usually live in a library/framework, not application code
// NOTE: This scheduling logic is too basic to be useful. Do not copy/paste.
let pending = false;
let w = new Signal.subtle.Watcher(self => {
if (!pending) {
pending = true;
queueMicrotask(() => {
pending = false;
for (let s of self.getPending()) s.get();;
// An effect effect Signal which evaluates to cb, which schedules a read of
// itself on the microtask queue whenever one of its dependencies might change
export function effect(cb) {
let destructor;
let c = new Signal.Computed(() => destructor = cb());;
return () => { destructor?(); w.unwatch(c) };
The Signal API does not include any built-in function like effect
. This is because effect scheduling is subtle and often ties into framework rendering cycles and other high-level framework-specific state or strategies which JS does not have access to.
Walking through the different operations used here: The notify
callback passed into Watcher
constructor is the function that is called when the Signal goes from a "clean" state (where we know the cache is initialized and valid) into a "checked" or "dirty" state (where the cache might or might not be valid because at least one of the states which this recursively depends on has been changed).
Calls to notify
are ultimately triggered by a call to .set()
on some state Signal. This call is synchronous: it happens before .set
returns. But there's no need to worry about this callback observing the Signal graph in a half-processed state, because during a notify
callback, no Signal can be read or written, even in an untrack
call. Because notify
is called during .set()
, it is interrupting another thread of logic, which might not be complete. To read or write Signals from notify
, schedule work to run later, e.g., by writing the Signal down in a list to later be accessed, or with queueMicrotask
as above.
Note that it is perfectly possible to use Signals effectively without Symbol.subtle.Watcher
by scheduling polling of computed Signals, as Glimmer does. However, many frameworks have found that it is very often useful to have this scheduling logic run synchronously, so the Signals API includes it.
Both computed and state Signals are garbage-collected like any JS values. But effect Signals have a special way of holding things alive: If an effect Signal has had .get()
called on it, then any computed Signals that the effect references will be held alive as long as any of the underlying states are reachable, as these may trigger a future notify
call (and then a future .get()
). For this reason, remember to call [Symbol.dispose]
to clean up effects.
is an escape hatch allowing reading Signals without tracking those reads. This capability is unsafe because it allows the creation of computed Signals whose value depends on other Signals, but which aren't updated when those Signals change. It should be used when the untracked accesses will not change the result of the computation.
TOOD: Show example where it's a good idea to use untrack
TODO: Show example of converting an Observable to a computed signal, subscribed only when used by an effect
TODO: Show example of a computed signal which represents the result of a fetch directed at a state, which is cancelled
TODO: Show how serializing the signal graph works
TODO: Show how you can "hydrate" a signal from state to computed later, using a few signals.
These features may be added later, but they are not included in the current draft. Their omission is due to the lack of established consensus in the design space among frameworks, as well as the demonstrated ability to work around their absense with mechanisms on top of the Signals notion described in this document. However, unfortunately, the omission limits the potential of interoperability among frameworks. As prototypes of Signals as described in this document are produced, there will be an effort to reexamine whether these omissions were the appropriate decision.
- Async: Signals are always synchronously available for evaluation, in this model. However, it is frequently useful to have certain asynchronous processes which lead to a signal being set, and to have an understanding of when a signal is still "loading". It can also be useful to have a computed signal based on an async function, and to start evaluation of the async dependencies eagerly (increasing parallelism) when the computed signal is read. [TODO: Link to the appropriate thing from Milo.]
- Forking: For transitions between views, it is often useful to maintain a live state for both the "from" and "to" states. The "to" state renders in the background, until it is ready to swap over, while the "from" state remains interactive. Maintaining both states at the same time requires "forking" the state of the signal graph. Such a capability is easily provided in React due to non-mutated state, but somehow lives within the data structures in a Signal-driven system.
- Relays: This name refers to the idea of having a graph-native representation of state signals driven by certain processes. For example, when converting an observable to a signal, one subscribes to the observable and writes to the state from it; the observable is only subscribed to if this state signal is used in an effect. This may be implemented via the primitives described here, but it would be more organized and facilitate improved scheduling if the dependencies involved were represented in the signal graph directly, via a compound mechanism for this purpose. [TODO: Link to the appropriate thing from pzuraq.]
Some possible convenience methods are also omitted.
This proposal has not yet been presented at TC39, but the intention is to bring it to the committee as soon as it's in a good shape. In other words, it's at Stage 0.
Currently, there is a small example implementation of Signals that also shows using them in a very small demo. The immediate next steps will be to add tests and larger sample usages, including integration into frameworks, while increasing the quality of the sample implementation.
The collaborators on the Signal proposal want to be especially conservative in how we push this proposal forward, so that we don't land in the trap of getting something shipped which we end up regretting and not actually using. Our plan is to do the following extra tasks, not required by the TC39 process, to make sure that this proposal is on track:
- Before proposing for Stage 1: A concrete API is sketched out, and implemented in JS, with experiments showing that it can integrate reasonably well into some JS frameworks. Some medium-sized worked examples using the API directly are prepared.
- Before proposing for Stage 2: The proposed Signal API has been integrated into a large number of JS frameworks that we consider somewhat representative, and some large applications work with this basis. The collaborators have a solid grasp on the space of possible extensions to the API, and have concluded which (if any) should be added into this proposal. A polyfill implementation exists which is solid, well-tested (in a shared test format), and competitive in terms of performance (as verified with a thorough signal/framework benchmark set).
- Before proposing for Stage 3: There is an optimized native JS engine implementation of the Signal API, allowing investigation of performance and memory management properties.
This section describes each of the APIs exposed to JavaScript, in terms of the algorithms that they implement. This can be thought of as a proto-specification, and is included at this early point to nail down one possible set of semantics, while being very open to changes.
Some aspects of the algorithm:
- The order of reads of Signals within a computed is significant, and is observable in the order that certain callbacks (which
is invoked,equals
, the first parameter tonew Signal.Computed
, and thewatched
callbacks) are executed. This means that the sources of a computed Signal must be stored ordered. - These three callbacks might all throw exceptions, and these exceptions are propagated in a predictable manner to the calling JS code. The exceptions do not halt execution of this algorithm or leave the graph in a half-processed state. For errors thrown in the
callback of a Watcher, that exception is sent to the.set()
call which triggered it, using an AggregateError if multiple exceptions were thrown. The others (includingwatched
?) are stored in the value of the Signal, to be rethrown when read, and such a rethrowing Signal can be marked~clean~
just like any other with a normal value. - Care is taken to avoid circularities in cases of computed signals which are not "connected" (being observed by any Watcher), so that they can be garbage collected independently from other parts of the signal graph. Internally, this can be implemented with a system of generation numbers which are always collected; note that optimized implementations may also include local per-node generation numbers, or avoid tracking some numbers on disconnected signals.
Hidden global state
Signal algorithms need to reference certain global state. This state is global for the entire thread, or "agent".
: The innermost computed or effect Signal currently being reevaluated due to a.get
call, orundefined
. Initiallyundefined
: Boolean denoting whether there is annotify
callback currently executing. Initiallyfalse
: An incrementing integer, starting at 0, used to track how current a value is while avoiding circularities.
is ordinary object which serves as a namespace for Signal-related classes and functions.
is a similar inner namespace object.
: The current value of the state signalequals
: The comparison function used when changing valueswatched
: The callback to be called when the signal becomes observed by an effectunwatched
: The callback to be called when the signal is no longer observed by an effectsinks
: Set of watched signals which depend on this one
- Set this Signal's
. - Set this Signal's
to options?.equals - Set this Signal's
to options?.[Signal.subtle.watched] - Set this Signal's
to options?.[Signal.subtle.watched] - Set this Signal's
to the empty set - Set
- If
is true, throw an exception. - If
is notundefined
, add this Signal tocomputing
set. - NOTE: We do not add
to this Signal'ssinks
set until it is watched by a Watcher. - Return this Signal's
- If the current execution context is
, throw an exception. - Run the "set Signal value" algorithm with this Signal and the first parameter for the value.
- If that algorithm returned
, then return undefined. - Set the
of allsinks
of this Signal to (if it is a Computed Signal)~dirty~
if they were previously clean, or (if it is a Watcher)~pending~
if it was previously~watching~
. - Set the
of all of the sinks' Computed Signal dependencies (recursively) to~checked~
if they were previously~clean~
(that is, leave dirty markings in place), or for Watchers,~pending~
if previously~watching~
. - For each previously
Watcher encountered in that recursive search, then in depth-first order,- Set
to true while calling theirnotify
callback (saving aside any exception thrown, but ignoring the return value ofnotify
), and then restorenotifying
to false.
- Set
- If any exception was thrown from the
callbacks, propagate it to the caller after allnotify
callbacks have run. If there are multiple exceptions, then package them up together into an AggregateError and throw that. - Return undefined.
: The previous cached value of the Signal, or~uninitialized~
for a never-read computed Signal. The value may be an exception which gets rethrown when the value is read. Alwaysundefined
for effect signals.state
: May be~clean~
, or~dirty~
: An ordered set of Signals which this Signal depends on.sinks
: An ordered set of Signals which depend on this Signal.equals
: The equals method provided in the options.callback
: The callback which is called to get the computed Signal's value. Set to the first parameter passed to the constructor.
The constructor sets
to its first parameterequals
based on options, defaulting
if absentstate
With AsyncContext, the callback passed to new Signal.Computed
closes over the snapshot from when the constructor was called, and restores this snapshot during its execution.
- If the current execution context is
or if this Signal has the state~computing~
, or if this signal is an Effect andcomputing
a computed Signal, throw an exception. - If
is notundefined
, add this Signal tocomputing
set. - NOTE: We do not add
to this Signal'ssinks
set until/unless it becomes watched by a Watcher. - If this Signal's state is
: Repeat the following steps until this Signal is~clean~
:- Recurse up via
to find the deepest, left-most (i.e. earliest observed) recursive source which is marked~dirty~
(cutting off search when hitting a~clean~
Signal, and including this Signal as the last thing to search). - Perform the "recalculate dirty computed Signal" algorithm on that Signal.
- Recurse up via
- At this point, this Signal's state will be
, and no recursive sources will be~dirty~
. Return the Signal'svalue
. If the value is an exception, rethrow that exception.
: May be~watching~
: An ordered set of Signals which this Watcher is watchingnotifyCallback
: The callback which is called when something changes. Set to the first parameter passed to the constructor.
is set to~waiting~
.- Initialize
as an empty set. notifyCallback
is set to the callback parameter.
With AsyncContext, the callback passed to new Signal.subtle.Watcher
does not close over the snapshot from when the constructor was called, so that contextual information around the write is visible.
- If any of the arguments is not a signal, throw an exception.
- Append all arguments to the end of this object's
. - Add this watcher to each of the newly watched signals as a sink.
- Add this watcher as a
to each Signal. If this was the first sink, then recurse up to sources to add that signal as a sink, and call thewatched
callback if it exists.
- If any of the arguments is not a signal, or is not being watched by this watcher, throw an exception.
- Remove each element from signals from this object's
. - Remove this Watcher from that Signal's
set. - If any Signal's
set is now empty, then remove itself as a sink from each of its sources, and call theunwatched
callback if it exists
- Return an Array containing the subset of
which are in the statedirty
- Let
be the execution context's currentcomputing
state. - Set
to undefined. - Call
. - Restore
(even ifcb
threw an exception). - Return the return value of
(rethrowing any exception).
Note: untrack doesn't get you out of the notifying
state, which is maintained strictly.
- Clear out this Signal's
set, and remove it from those sources'sinks
sets. - Save the previous
value and setcomputing
to this Signal. - Set this Signal's state to
. - Run this computed Signal's callback, using this Signal as the this value. Save the return value, and if the callback threw an exception, store that for rethrowing.
- Set this Signal's
to false. - Restore the previous
value. - Apply the "set Signal value" algorithm to the callback's return value.
- Set this Signal's state to
. - If that algorithm returned
: mark all sinks of this Signal as~dirty~
(previously, the sinks may have been a mix of checked and dirty). (Or, if this is unwatched, then adopt a new generation number to indicate dirtiness, or something like that.) - Otherwise, that algorithm returned
: In this case, for each~checked~
sink of this Signal, if all of that Signal's sources are now clean, then mark that Signal as~clean~
as well. Apply this cleanup step to further sinks recursively, to any newly clean Signals which have checked sinks. (Or, if this is unwatched, somehow indicate the same, so that the cleanup can proceed lazily.)
- If this algorithm was passed a value (as opposed to an exception for rethrowing, from the recalculate dirty computed Signal algorithm):
- Call this Signal's
function, passing as parameters the currentvalue
, the new value, and this Signal. If an exception is thrown, save that exception (for rethrowing when read) as the value of the Signal and continue as if the callback had returned false. - If that function returned true, return
- Call this Signal's
- Set the
of this Signal to the parameter. - Return
Q: Is it a good idea to enable application state which is distributed, rather than at the component level or at the top level of the application?
A: This flexibility is what allows Signals to be used to implement complex reactive data structures and models which can be composed--quite useful things when sharing logic in UI development. At the same time, we expect that storing state at either the component or application level will be quite a common pattern with Signals, as it is without.
Q: Isn't it a little soon to be standardizing something related to Signals, when they just started to be the hot new thing in 2022? Shouldn't we give them more time to evolve and stabilize?
A: The current state of Signals in web frameworks is the result of more than 10 years of continuous development. As investment steps up, as it has in recent years, almost all of the web frameworks are approaching a very similar core model of Signals. This proposal is the result of a shared design exercise between a large number of current leaders in web frameworks, and it will not be pushed forward to standardization without the validation of that group of domain experts in various contexts.
Q: Can built-in Signals even be used by frameworks, given their tight integration with rendering and ownership?
A: The parts which are more framework-specific tend to be in the area of effects, scheduling, and ownership/disposal, which this proposal does not attempt to solve. For performance reasons, some frameworks may need some of the extension APIs to integrate well, and this is something we are investigating. Our first priority with prototyping standards-track Signals is to validate that they can sit "underneath" existing frameworks compatibly and with good performance.
Q: Is the Signal API meant to be used directly by application developers, or wrapped by frameworks?
A: The design is intended to fit either. The core functionality (state and computed constructors, reading and writing Signals) is designed to be similar to existing popular Signal implementations. On the other hand, features like untrack
and Watchers are more error-prone and should probably be left to libraries and frameworks. Frameworks provide many other important features, such as managing ownership and disposal, and scheduling rendering to DOM--this proposal doesn't attempt to solve those problems. Some frameworks may put a different skin around Signal.State
and Signal.Computed
for ergonomic reasons.
Q: Do I have to tear down Signals related to a widget when that widget is destroyed? What is the API for that?
A: The relevant teardown operation here is Signal.subtle.Watcher.prototype.unwatch
. Only watched Signals need to be cleaned up (by unwatching them), while unwatched Signals can be garbage-collected automatically.
Q: Do Signals work with VDOM, or directly with the underlying HTML DOM?
A: Yes! Signals are independent of rendering technology. Existing JavaScript frameworks which use Signal-like constructs integrate with VDOM (e.g., Vue), the native DOM (e.g., Solid) and a combination (e.g., Preact). The same will be possible with built-in Signals.
Q: Is it going to be ergonomic to use Signals in the context of class-based frameworks like Angular and Lit? What about compiler-based frameworks like Svelte?
A: Class fields can be made Signal-based with a simple accessor decorator, as shown in (link to the below content). Signals are very closely aligned to Svelte 5's Runes--it is simple for a compiler to transform runes to the Signal API defined here, and in fact this is what Svelte 5 does internally (but with its own Signals library).
Q: Do Signals work with SSR? Hydration? Resumability?
A: Yes. Qwik uses Signals to good effect with both of these properties, and other frameworks have other well-developed approaches to hydration with Signals with different tradeoffs. One possible extension of Signals to support SSR and resumability adds introspection and incremental construction of the Signal graph; we'll be researching whether this capability is necessary to include in the proposal to make SSR work in practice.
Q: Do Signals work with one-way data flow like React does? Can they be integrated with state management systems like Redux?
A: Yes and yes. A graph of state and computed Signals is acyclic by construction (though it is still possible to schedule effects to write to state, in a similar anti-pattern to writing to state from useEffect
in React). Redux in particular has already been integrated into Signal-based frameworks, e.g., (link to some Redux/Solid integration that probably exists)
Q: Are Signals push-based or pull-based?
A: Evaluation of computed Signals is pull-based: computed Signals are only evaluated when they are read, even if the underlying state changed. At the same time, changing state eagerly pushes cache invalidation to computed Signals which depend on it, potentially triggering a Watcher's notify
callback. So Signals may be thought of as a "push-pull" construction.
Q: Do Signals introduce nondeterminism into JavaScript execution?
A: No. For one, all Signal operations have well-defined semantics and ordering, and will not differ among conformant implementations. At a higher level, Signals follow a certain set of invariants, with respect to which they are "sound". A computed Signal always observes the Signal graph in a consistent state, and its execution is not interrupted by other Signal-mutating code (except for things it calls itself). See the description above.
Q: When I write to a state Signal, when is the update to the computed Signal scheduled?
A: It isn't scheduled! The computed Signal will recalculate itself the next time someone reads it. Synchronously, a Watcher's notify
callback may be called, enabling frameworks to schedule a read at the time that they find appropriate.
Q: When do writes to state Signals take effect? Immediately, or are they batched?
A: Writes to state Signals are reflected immediately--the next time a computed Signal which depends on the state Signal is read, it will recalculate itself if needed, even if in the immediately following line of code. However, the laziness inherent in this mechanism (that computed Signals are only computed when read) means that, in practice, the calculations may happen in a batched way.
Q: What does it mean for Signals to enable "glitch-free" execution?
A: Earlier push-based models for reactivity faced an issue of redundant computation: If an update to a state Signal causes the computed Signal to eagerly run, ultimately this may push an update to the UI. But this write to the UI may be premature, if there was going to be another change to the originating state Signal before the next frame. Sometimes, inaccurate intermediate values were even shown to end-users due to such glitches. Signals avoid this dynamic by being pull-based, rather than push-based: At the time the framework schedules the rendering of the UI, it will pull the appropriate updates, avoiding wasted work both in computation as well as in writing to the DOM.
Q: What does it mean for Signals to be "lossy"?
A: This is the flipside of glitch-free execution: Signals represent a cell of data--just the immediate current value (which may change), not a stream of data over time. So, if you write to a state Signal twice in a row, without doing anything else, the first write is "lost" and never seen by any computed Signals or effects. This is understood to be a feature rather than a bug--other constructs (e.g., async iterables, observables) are more appropriate for streams.
Q: Will native Signals be faster than existing JS Signal implementations?
A: We hope so (by a small constant factor), but this remains to be proven in code. JS engines aren't magic, and will ultimately need to implement the same kinds of algorithms as JS implementations of Signals. See above section about performance.
Q: Why doesn't this proposal include an effect()
function, when effects are necessary for any practical usage of Signals?
A: Effects inherently tie into scheduling and disposal, which are managed by frameworks and outside the scope of this proposal. Instead, this proposal includes the basis for implementing effects through the more low-level Signal.subtle.Watcher
Q: Why are subscriptions automatic rather than providing a manual interface?
A: Experience has shown that manual subscription interfaces for reactivity are un-ergonomic and error-prone. Automatic tracking is a core feature of Signals.
Q: Why does the notify
callback run synchronously, rather than scheduled in a microtask?
A: Because notify
cannot read or write Signals, there is no unsoundness brought on by calling it synchronously. A typical notify
callback will add a Signal to an Array to be read later, or mark a bit somewhere. It is unnecessary and impractically expensive to make a separate microtask for all of these sorts of actions.
Q: This API is missing some nice things that my favorite framework provides, which makes it easier to program with Signals. Can that be added to the standard too?
A: Maybe. Various extensions are still under consideration. Please file an issue to raise discussion on any missing feature you find to be important.
Q: Can this API be reduced in size or complexity?
A: It's definitely a goal to keep this API minimal, and we've tried to do so with what's presented above. If you have ideas for more things that can be removed, please file an issue to discuss.
Q: Shouldn't we start standardization work in this area with a more primitive concept, such as observables?
A: Observables may be a good idea for some things, but they don't solve the problems that Signals aim to solve. As described above, observables or other publish/subscribe mechanisms are not a complete solution to many types of UI programming, due to too much error-prone configuration work for developers, and wasted work due to lack of laziness, among other issues.
Q: Why are Signals being proposed in TC39 rather than DOM, given that most applications of it are web-based?
A: Some coauthors of this proposal are interested in non-web UI environments as a goal, but these days, either venue may be suitable for that, as web APIs are being more frequently implemented outside the web. Ultimately, Signals don't need to depend on any DOM APIs, so either way works. If someone has a strong reason for this group to switch, please let us know in an issue. For now, all contributors have signed the TC39 intellectual property agreements, and the plan is to present this to TC39.
Q: How long is it going to take until I can use standard Signals?
A: A polyfill should be available within weeks, but is initially not expected to be stable, as this API evolves during its review process. In some months or a year, a high-quality, high-performance stable polyfill should be usable, but this will still be subject to committee revisions and not yet standard. Following the typical trajectory of a TC39 proposal, it is expected to take at least 2-3 years at an absolute minimum for Signals to be natively available across all browsers going back a few versions, such that polyfills are not needed.
Q: How will we prevent standardizing the wrong kind of Signals too soon, just like {{JS/web feature that you don't like}}?
A: The authors of this proposal plan to go the extra mile with prototyping and proving things out prior to requesting stage advancement at TC39. See "Status and development plan" above. If you see gaps in this plan or opportunities for improvement, please file an issue explaining.