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Custom env has unresolved ramda dependencies #46




We're running into dependency issues when using a custom Angular env so that we can use Angular Material. Unfortunately, installation of it is not as simple as basic dependencies; the ng add schematic does some other behind-the-scenes work and must be run in an Angular app (which we are not using here). This lead us to find a couple existing issues with Angular Material and custom envs which we have used as a guide:

To start, we've set up a brand-new Angular workspace out-of-the-box:

bit new ng-workspace bit-demo -a teambit.angular/angular
cd bit-demo
bit create ng-module ui/my-button
bit install
bit start

Everything here seems to work fine. Next, we add a custom Angular env:

bit create ng-env angular-material-env

Following #35 above, we now edit our workspace.jsonc to link everything up properly:

 * this is the main configuration file of your bit workspace.
 * for full documentation, please see:
  "$schema": "",
   * main configuration of the Bit workspace.
  "teambit.workspace/workspace": {
     * the name of the component workspace. used for development purposes.
    "name": "bit-demo",
     * set the icon to be shown on the Bit server.
    "icon": "",
     * default directory to place a component during `bit import` and `bit create`.
     * the following placeholders are available:
     * name - component name includes namespace, e.g. 'ui/button'.
     * scopeId - full scope-id includes the owner, e.g. 'teambit.compilation'.
     * scope - scope name only, e.g. 'compilation'.
     * owner - owner name in, e.g. 'teambit'.
    "defaultDirectory": "{scope}/{name}",
     * default scope for all components in workspace.
    "defaultScope": "company.scope"
   * main configuration for component dependency resolution.
  "teambit.dependencies/dependency-resolver": {
     * choose the package manager for Bit to use. you can choose between 'yarn', 'pnpm'
    "packageManager": "teambit.dependencies/yarn",
    "policy": {
      "dependencies": {
        "@teambit/angular": "1.1.3"
      "peerDependencies": {}
   * workspace variants allow to set different subsets of configuration for components in your
   * workspace. this is extremely useful for upgrading, aligning and building components with a new
   * set of dependencies. a rule can be a directory or a component-id/namespace, in which case,
   * wrap the rule with curly brackets (e.g. `"{ui/*}": {}`)
   * see for more info.
  "teambit.workspace/variants": {
    "angular-material-env": {
      "teambit.harmony/aspect": {}
    "*": {
      "scope/angular-material-env": {}
  "teambit.angular/[email protected]": {},
  "teambit.generator/generator": {
    "aspects": [

To be safe, we now delete node_modules, yarn.lock, and run bit capsule delete --all to clean up all existing dependencies. After, we run:

bit install
bit start

Opening and viewing angular-material-env in the client results in the following errors in the console; something appears to be dependent on ramda / ramda-adjunct, and fails out-of-the-box. We're wondering if there is a missing dependency somewhere, or if we have misconfigured our custom env.

ERROR in ../../../Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda-adjunct/es/renameKeys.js 1:0-35
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'ramda' in '/Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda-adjunct/es'
resolve 'ramda' in '/Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda-adjunct/es'
  Parsed request is a module
  using description file: /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda-adjunct/package.json (relative path: ./es)
    Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
    resolve as module
      /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda-adjunct/es/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
      /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda-adjunct/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
      /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
      looking for modules in /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules
        single file module
          No description file found in /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules or above
          no extension
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.ts doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.tsx doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.js doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.mdx doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.web.mjs doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.mjs doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.web.js doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.cjs doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.web.ts doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.web.tsx doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.json doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.web.jsx doesn't exist
            Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
            /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda.jsx doesn't exist
        /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda doesn't exist
      /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
      /Users/developer/Library/Caches/Bit/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
      /Users/developer/Library/Caches/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
      /Users/developer/Library/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
      /Users/developer/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
      /Users/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
      /node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
 @ ../../../Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/ramda-adjunct/es/index.js 170:0-53 170:0-53
 @ ../../../Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/@teambit/ 21:24-48
 @ ../../../Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/@teambit/ 11:15-32
 @ ../../../Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/node_modules/@teambit/ 8:19-40
 @ ../../../Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/91309ebe742bc198dec6b4c3b8cabf9ecc5f30e7/[email protected]/dist/preview/docs.js 13:38-75
 @ ./node_modules/.cache/bit/teambit.preview/preview/company.scope/angular-material-env/overview-1656617556034.js 4:0-201 9:2-12

Some additional OS information:

  • BVM: 0.1.1
  • Bit: 0.0.777
  • Angular CLI: 14.0.3
  • Node: 14.17.6
  • OS: darwin x64 (macOS)




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