From @markkwasnick on September 1, 2016 16:43
Deis currently supports Minio (S3-compatible API) for object storage only within the cluster and not for production deployments. Deis also supports S3 for object storage, but not with a configurable "regionendpoint", requiring the use of specific Amazon AWS regions.
Request is to modify Deis to accept a s3.region_endpoint parameter within the generate_params.toml file on the deis/charts project, which will be stored as a Kubernetes secret like the other parts of configuration. This will allow for operators to configure Deis Object Storage to use hosted S3-compatible deployments outside of the cluster.
(Related) Is a change to the deis/object-storage-cli to pass in the configurable endpoint above to the s3 driver via the optional "regionendpoint" param.
(per doc:
Copied from original issue: deis/workflow#481