it a simulator for power electronic circuit, designed by power electronic engineer :)
use ./bin_jdk8/run_gecko_with_local_jdk.bat if you want to use the local jdk1.8.0_261 use ./bin_jdk8/run_gecko.bat if you want to use the java version installed in your machine
There are many example, but really useful are the PDF tutorials:
Buck converter
Boost converter
Buck/boost converter
Flyback: #TODO
Flybuck: #TODO
Half bridge: #TODO
Full bridge
- Flyback AC charger Vin=120Vac Vout=100Vdc
- Vienna rectifier
- Three phase Six Switches (VSR) rectifier
- Single phase diode rectifier with snubber
- Three phase diodes rectifier with snubber
- Thyristor rectifier with active turnoff?
- 2phaseDiodeBridge_AC-Inductor.ipes
- 2phaseDiodeBridge_DC-Inductor.ipes
- thyristor_commutation_3ph_trafo.ipes
- thyristor_freeWheelingDiode.ipes
- thyristor_interface_trafo.ipes
- thyristor_Jakopovic.ipes
- thyristor_lossOfCommutation.ipes
- thyristor_RL_2phBridge.ipes
- thyristor_RL_3ph_trafo.ipes
- thyristor_RL_3phBridge.ipes
- thyristor_RL_single.ipes
- thyristor_RL_singlePh_trafo.ipes
I dont know anything is welcome, any discussion is always helpful :)
Designer for power electronic that run in top of Gecko Open new file in additional windows Improve gui add subblock add webserver xrpc with binary file add CISPR25 block add EMI filter designer magnetics designer based on AI?? :)