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joelittlejohn edited this page Apr 2, 2013 · 16 revisions

If you are using Leiningen 2.x behind an HTTP proxy you need to set the http_proxy environment variable before launching Leiningen.

In Linux/Unix put this in ~/.profile:


Or in Windows:


Non-proxy hosts

To supply a list of hosts for which Lein should bypass the configured proxy, set the http_no_proxy environment variable:


Leiningen uses clj-http which is built on the Apache HttpComponents Client. This means that to set non-proxy hosts you're required to use the Java format (pipe-delimited).

Since 2.1.2, if http_no_proxy is not set then Leiningen will attempt to use your system's existing no_proxy environment variable to define non-proxy hosts. The format of the no_proxy value is likely to be incompatible with the clj-http proxy selector, so Leiningen will attempt to convert the value. An example of the conversion:




For unexpected behaviours could be useful to check the get-proxy-settings function on

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