Expected Behavior
Pipelines is adding support for allowing TaskRun properties to be defined for TaskRuns that are part of a PipelineRun. As of the current state of tektoncd/pipeline#2389, this will occur via a taskRunSpecs
property that is part of a PipelineRun spec.
should support an option to allow a user to specify a taskRunSpec
via tkn pipeline start
that will allow a user more control over how TaskRuns part of a PipelineRun should be executed.
My initial thought would be to allow a user to define their taskRunSpecs
property in a file and then tkn
would accept this file via an option:
tkn pipeline start pipelineName --taskrunspec taskrunspec.yaml
tkn pipeline start pipelineName --taskrunspec
After parsing the file, tkn
would add this property to the PipelineRun.
Open to other options on what the best way to supply this information would be, but, due to how much can be defined for a TaskRun spec, it may be best to allow this information to be stored in file format.
Additional Info
This feature is not currently available in pipelines, so this issue will depend on the final state of #2389 and whenever tkn
can update its pipeline dependency with #2389.