Expected Behavior
The crier
component should work completely. Crier reports your prowjobs on their status changes.
It still work in that it reports status to the PR but, it's not fully functionning it seems.
Actual Behavior
From logs :
default/crier-5dbccbdfd4-4zn4c[crier]: {"component":"crier","error":"failed to report job: failed to add finalizer to pod: failed to get
pod 6dd763c2-7fb0-11ee-b097-fa5321aac06d: pods \"6dd763c2-7fb0-11ee-b097-fa5321aac06d\" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:defa
ult:crier\" cannot get resource \"pods\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"test-pods\"","file":"
ror","msg":"Reconciliation failed","prowjob":"6dd763c2-7fb0-11ee-b097-fa5321aac06d","reporter":"gcsk8sreporter","severity":"error","time