I purchased the Charlie after getting stuck with the MKR 1500 and their firmware issues.. got this board today and very excited. I installed the telit library from here : and got the board recognized.
I am able to do the blink and fade no problem. Those work.
I am working to send an SMS. I have a valid SIM card and my APN is mobilenet. (I was able to send from the MKR 1500 but not receive.. which is what I need).
I updated my APN in the sample and pushed it.. and it gets stuck on the TLTAccess.begin(). I attach my entire sketch below.
Please help.. anything I can do to debug this? since I am the first I think whatever we do for me will help others. There are other folks in the same situation looking at this Charlie board.
I am located in Texas in the US and using SpeedTalk SMS card also tried my Hologram SIM card
I get the same 'stuck' where it never gets past TLTAccess.begin()
I really want to get this working on the Charlie board. Please help!
Here is my sketch and the Serial output:
NB IoT/LTE Cat M1 networks scanner
/Copyright (C) 2020 Telit Communications S.p.A. Italy - All Rights Reserved./
/* See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */
Scan Networks.
This example sketch prints the IMEI number of the modem, then check if it is connected to an operator.\n
It then scans nearby networks and prints their signal strength.
Cristina Desogus
// libraries
// initialize the library instance
#include "TLTMDM.h"
ME310* myME310 = new ME310();
TLT TLTAccess(myME310); // include a 'true' parameter to enable debugging
TLTScanner scannerNetworks(myME310);
// Save data variables
String IMEI = "";
// serial monitor result messages
String errortext = "ERROR";
char APN[] = "mobilenet";
void setup() {
// initialize serial communications and wait for port to open:
Serial.println("NB IoT/LTE Cat M1 networks scanner");
// connection state
boolean connected = false;
// Start module
// If your SIM has PIN, pass it as a parameter of begin() in quotes
while (!connected) {
if (TLTAccess.begin(NULL, APN, true) == READY) {
connected = true;
} else {
Serial.println("Not connected");
// get modem parameters
// IMEI, modem unique identifier
Serial.print("Modem IMEI: ");
IMEI = myME310->request_imei_software_version();
IMEI.replace("\n", "");
if (IMEI != NULL) {
void loop() {
// currently connected carrier
Serial.print("Current carrier: ");
// returns strength and BER
// signal strength in 0-31 scale. 31 means power > 51dBm
// BER is the Bit Error Rate. 0-7 scale. 99=not detectable
Serial.print("Signal Strength: ");
Serial.println(" [0-31]");
// scan for existing networks, displays a list of networks
Serial.println("Scanning available networks. May take some seconds.");
// wait ten seconds before scanning again