- Problem is That Data Trained By tesseract didnt work on either regular fonts used by languages like its urdu language most comon urdu font is like
while trained data is so much different
So As i see the process is like
a picture > box data and ground data > other stuff > trained model
What i think process should be like
lvl 1
--- Input ---
- language
- language text ( bunch of text )
- language fonts
lvl 2
--- Training Data Generation ---
- Automated process
- divide text small pieces
- uses fonts
- and simulate text pieces using font files in preview window
- different color combination can be applied for precision training ( may be not necessary )
- capture these preview samples automatedly as images and text data can be saved as ground truth also be usd for box files
These Steps can be automated
lvl 3
--- Final Output ---
- As Data is generated by lvl 2 now we just do Training
- And Final trained model be ready
- We can involve a lvl for testing model for new text
- Tried Youtube Stuff its freaking too much irritating for such like me inexperince person too much errors
User inputs using lvl 1 and lvl 2 and 3 can performed automatedly and result be the model
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