Hi is it possible to start the container in a docker network?
The current problem is that, when I use Github Action and start a container it forces me into a docker network generated by Github Action and the self hosted runner in my company doesn't allow inter network communication. But Testcontainers (at least the Java lib) starts Ryuk in the default network and so it can't be reached anymore. Even when I start the docker image manually to build and test without a network it can't reach some other containers. Only when I start a new network and run the containers in it they can communicate.
Old GHA looked like that:
name: "Release Java Artifact"
name: Build and Push to Artifactory
runs-on: self-hosted
image: docker:dind # For example in our case a specialized image that contains everything to build
- name: Maven deploy
run: |
mvn -B install deploy:deploy --no-transfer-progress
My current solution is to start a network manually run the building container in it and give the network name as env variable to the container I start within the tests. But for Ryuk its currently not possible? Do you have a Idea how to solve that? I want to add the container to the deathnote 🗡️