Describe the bug
Sorry I don't know if I should list this as a bug or as a feature request with the renderHook now being supported react hook testing library. It used to possible to test how context and hooks worked together with react-hooks-testing library - you could render a wrapper with and initial props and then pass new props to the wrapper using rerender.
Here is the example on react hooks testing library site
This was really useful as it allowed you to test how updates from your providers via context could effect the output from your hooks.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
This is the implementation as it was on react hooks testing library - I do understand how that how the initial props for the wrapper as changed but I'm using this more to draw attention to how rerender used to work.
import { renderHook, act } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'
import { CounterStepProvider, useCounter } from './counter'
test('should use custom step when incrementing', () => {
const wrapper = ({ children, step }) => (
<CounterStepProvider step={step}>{children}</CounterStepProvider>
const { result, rerender } = renderHook(() => useCounter(), {
initialProps: {
step: 2
act(() => {
* For react hook testing library this could be use to update the provider props and therefore affect a hooks return values via context
* in react testing library these values seem to be just passed to the renderHook callback
rerender({ step: 8 })
act(() => {
Expected behaviour
There should be some way to rerender the wrapper for the hook you are testing with different prop values or maybe a documented example of how to test context and hooks in this way if it already exists. Is this possible with the current implementation?