🧗🏽 Challenge
- Audience: The audience for this change is users who interact with their shopping list.
- Goal: Users want to view more detailed information about their items, such as the next estimated purchase date and average interval between purchases.
- Why it matters: Providing users with more information about their items helps them plan future purchases better, leading to a more efficient shopping experience.
- Relation to broader goals: This update enhances user experience by making key item metadata more accessible, aligning with our goal of improving usability and user engagement.
- Approach: Surface the relevant metadata (e.g., next purchase date, average purchase interval) in a user-friendly way, such as a modal or dropdown component.
⚡️ Solution
- The solution will involve creating a modal or dropdown that displays metadata about each item (next estimated purchase date, average interval between purchases).
- We will use components from the Material UI library to ensure consistency with the design and ease of implementation.
- No major dependencies, but we will need to ensure data is correctly fetched from the backend and displayed in the modal or dropdown.
🎨 Designs
- The designs will be based on Material UI components (e.g., modals or dropdowns). No specific Figma files provided, but a consistent look and feel with the current application UI is expected.
✅ Acceptance Criteria
- A modal or dropdown is used to display item metadata, including:
- Next purchase date
- Estimated next purchase date
- Average interval between purchases
- UI renders correctly across different devices (responsive design).
- Tests and documentation are updated accordingly.
- Eventing: Capture any relevant events (e.g., when a modal is opened).
🚫 Out of Scope
- Major design overhaul—this will focus on surfacing metadata in an existing structure using Material UI components.
📝 Notes
- Consider leveraging Material UI's modal or dropdown components for a clean and consistent UI.
- Ensure the feature is accessible and responsive, providing a good experience on mobile and desktop devices.
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