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RFC: What's the best place to save documentation? #30




We are going to need some documentation for this. Usage for the CLI will be available places like fontship --help and man fontship, but some higher level documentation is probably in order — especially given the target audience of non-programmers.

What's the best place to put this?

  • Just keep appending to the README?

    High discoverability but in my opinion this is going to get cumbersome. I think the Readme would be more useful if kept to the very basic overview and getting started stuff and deferred to full documentation for more in depth coverage.

  • A readthedocs site?

    Since this is pretty much the de facto place for Python documentation and lots of font tooling is in Python, this might be something people are already familiar with. See for example fonttools.

  • A Github Wiki?

    It's currently not enabled for this project but Github allows a Wiki per-project, so we could use that.

  • A custom static built site using Github Pages?

    Probably the most bang, but also the most buck. Not terribly hard to setup but requires a bit more hands on approach.




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