Exception when setting unordered_list_markers; exception when *not* setting unordered_list_markers #1015
Version(s) affected
The attached code, when run on PHP 8.1.27, will produce:
Uncaught Nette\Schema\ValidationException: Unexpected item 'commonmark › unordered_list_markers'. in /[…]/vendor/nette/schema/src/Schema/Processor.php:85
If line 18 is changed so no config array is passed ($env = new Environment();
), the code produces:
Uncaught Dflydev\DotAccessData\Exception\MissingPathException: No data exists at the given path: "commonmark » unordered_list_markers" in /[…]/vendor/dflydev/dot-access-data/src/Data.php:132
Context: We're using code similar to this to limit the MD features that untrusted users can use when leaving comments on pages on our site, so I'm not using the CommonMarkCoreExtension(). Instead I'm using the InlinesOnlyExtension() and then adding a couple blocks we want to allow. Lists are one of the things we want to allow, but after (finally) upgrading from 1.x, I've run into this issue.
How to reproduce
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use League\CommonMark\Environment\Environment;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\Node\Block as NodeBlock;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\Parser\Block as ParserBlock;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\Renderer\Block as RendererBlock;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\InlinesOnly\InlinesOnlyExtension;
use League\CommonMark\MarkdownConverter;
$config = [
'commonmark' => [
'unordered_list_markers' => ['*', '+', '-'],
$env = new Environment($config);
$env->addExtension(new InlinesOnlyExtension())
->addBlockStartParser(new ParserBlock\ListBlockStartParser())
->addRenderer(NodeBlock\ListBlock::class, new RendererBlock\ListBlockRenderer())
->addRenderer(NodeBlock\ListItem::class, new RendererBlock\ListItemRenderer());
$conv = new MarkdownConverter($env);
$doc = <<<END
- A
- B
- C
echo $conv->convert($doc);
Possible solution
The default configuration should be used if no configuration is present when creating the Environment. Either way no exception should be thrown. I'm afraid I don't really understand how that config package works to suggest something less obvious than this.
Additional context
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