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TheYOSH edited this page Mar 4, 2018 · 16 revisions

TerrariumPI can be translated pretty easy using a PO Editor. Make sure the translations are done at the master branch. In order to add or update a translation use the following steps.

Creating new translation

  1. Create your own fork(1) or fork(2)
  2. Open the source language file from: locales/terrariumpi.pot with PO Editor and select your language
  3. Add or update your translations
  4. Save/export the translation to the following location: locales/[language]_[LOCALE]/LC_MESSAGES/ using two letter codes. With the filename and terrariumpi.po
  5. Restart TerrariumPI and check if the new language is available at the System Settings page

Updating translation

  1. Update your fork with the remote TerrariumPI master branch update fork(1) or update fork(2)
  2. Open the existing translation file at location: locales/[language]_[LOCALE]/LC_MESSAGES/terrariumpi.po
  3. In PO Edit go to menu Catalog -> Update from POT file and select the POT file at location: locales/terrariumpi.pot
  4. Add or update your translations
  5. Save/export the translation to the following location: locales/[language]_[LOCALE]/LC_MESSAGES/ using two letter codes. With the filename and terrariumpi.po
  6. Restart TerrariumPI and check if the new language is available at the System Settings page

When happy, sent a pull request from your master branch to the TerrariumPI master branch, and I can add the new translation.

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