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Actors and events, thoughts and plans

Latest thoughts (things get older as you go down the file)

  1. The redis cache idea is nice, but there's probably not going to be time to do more than mention the possibility in the talk. That doesn't mean I can't have a demo of it for people to look at afterwards.
  2. Faust is indeed nice, but I'm going to use AIOKafka for async because it's essentially python-kafka done as async, and thus more familiar (in some sense) and also has Producer and Consumer.
  3. Can use queue number to distinguish customers - this seems a natural way to partition them (thanks to Francesco for this)
  4. Cook == new topic (terminology)
  5. Don't forget to mention at the start of the talk that we have multiple destinations for the data - accountant, etc. (money earnt, consumables used, statistics on order contents, etc. - that's already 3)
  6. Multiple concurrent consumers = partition message loop to cook
  7. At end, mention that Kafka Connect can make it easier to talk to Redis/OpenSearch etc. without needing to write Python code.

The demo

Click for the command line (click docs) - I think Laysa has convinced me that this is a really good option, and it even looks as if it might handle help text in a way I can appreciate.

Ideally, Textual or something similar to give me a terminal-based UI - Textual leverages Rich which is rather wonderful. The only snag with using Textual is that the documentation is a bit sparse.

OK. MessagePump provides set_interval which can call a method every float seconds. Widget inherits this. The example shows using:

class Clock(Widget):
    def on_mount(self):
        self.set_interval(1, self.refresh)

to automatically call self.refresh every 1.0 seconds. So if I always keep N records from the input source, then I should be able to show the (at most N) latest records, and allow the Widget to handle resizing for me.

Populating those N latest records can be done by polling in refresh, or by asynchronously updating them, depending on which is easier.

Ben points out that faust is very nice for acting as a streaming intermediary between Kafka and (for instance) Textual, and at first glance it looks as if it gives me just the sort of interfaces I want for talking to Kafka.

Ooh - it has a Redis extension - I wonder if that's going to be useful.

And describes testing, which means I can probably write an app without needing to actually connect to Kafka in the early stages, which would be nice.

But it's really intended for consumers, I think, and also I should probably limit the number of "new things" I introduce, especially as I'm not doing anything very complicated with my Kafka setup.

Outline (more bedtime thoughts, 2022-08-22)

Talk about what we're trying to do - use a fish and chip shop as a relatively simple example of micro-service communication.

Things not to do:

  • Try to use a database as a messaging service (explain briefly why not - mainly it means you have to implement all of a queuing system, over something that is designed for different purposes / constraints)
  • Use traditional messaging solutions (explain briefly why not - multiple producers and multiple consumers, only sending some messages to some consumers (not duplicating when scaling), back pressure handling, problems if queue crashes and resuming, guaranteed delivery, etc.)

So we're going to look at how Apache Kafka is the solution to our problems <fx: smile>

It might be sensible to put the "First things to simulate" section before the "Things not to do" part - think on it.

First things to simulate:

  • Start with an "order, make up order, vend order" setup. We assume there are always enough cod and chips ready to satisfy orders (someone in the background keeps them stocked)

    • Customer makes order at till and pays for it
    • Order is sent to preparer, who makes up the order and gives it to the customer


    • Order information also goes to accountant records
    • Order information also goes to opensearch (for instance) for later analysis

Consider that there are more and more orders, so first show adding multiple preparers (automatic scaling), then multiple tills (multiple producers)

What about plaice? (I like plaice)

Plaice is cooked seperately, because it's unusual, so not worth keeping in the hot cabinet.

  • Add in orders with plaice being sectioned off to a particular preparer

Then talk briefly about how we can simulate the "stuff needs cooking", using Redis - see Bedtime thoughts (2022-08-17) for my original thoughts on this.


  • Redis represents the central console between the preparers and the cooks.

  • It records how many portions of cod, chips and plaice are already prepared (in the hot cabinet / below in the chip basket).

    We shall ignore portion sizes, but if we did not, then (for instance) chip portions might be simple multipliers on the "single" portion size, and different cod sizes would count as different order items.

  • The preparer receives an order and looks to the Redis cache to see if there are enough portions to satisfy it.

    • If so, then make up the order, reduce the cache values, send on to the customer. Note that we ideally want atomicity here - we don't want to check the numbers and then make the order up, only to find the numbers have changed in between.

    • If not, then send the order on to the cook, who will cook what is needed:

      • For cod and chips, round the "prepared" quantities up to some standard amount that is greater than that needed.
      • For plaice, prepare the requested number.

      When the cache has been updated, send the order back to the preparer.

      Again, think about atomicity. But don't aim for perfection - I don't mind if I miss something and get it a bit wrong, since this is "playing", not a production system. Might even be worth pointing that out.

    Does this mean the preparer has two queues, one from the till and one from the cook? If not, need to have some way to stop the accountant, etc., from noticing / taking account of the second time round.

    (Is that just something I can do with Kafka - have the preparer listen to two merged even queues?)

    If there was a race condition between preparers and stuff being ready, the preparer would presumably just send the "cook stuff for me" message again.

So by the end, we've shown some interesting use cases of Kafka for event queues, including multiple producers and consumers, and output to OpenSearch. We've also introduced the use of a Redis cache, just for the fun of it.

And we've reminded people not to try to re-implement queues using a database.

Code: I don't want to do a live demo, but I think it's important to show output from a demo. So provide code (on github) that automates the various things I want to show.

  • Several "simulation" choices (to match each stage of the talk)
  • Common "generate orders" phase
  • Other common components
  • Visualisation by some means - maybe terminal UI

Bedtime thoughts (2022-08-17)

  • We're assuming some sort of service (a microservice) for each stage of the buying fish and chips process.

    We need to communicate between those.

    I've seen people try to use a database for "messaging" like this, but it's not really fit for purpose (although it's tempting, because it does look a little bit like putting bits of paper up on a line or a board to be attended to). Steal some of the objections from Francesco. But basically, we don't want to try to implement messaging on top of

  • An order for cod and chips arrives

    We assume (at least at first) that there is always plenty of cod and chips available - these are refreshed asynchronously as needed (this is nearly how I've experienced Real Life - occasionally in a small shop one has to wait for new chips, for instance)

    The order is sent to the preparer, who makes up the fish and chips, and sends the order on to the next stage.

  • If we're very busy, there might be multiple tills, and multiple preparers (and even multiple whatever the next stage is). Show some of this happening with Kafka.

  • An order that includes plaice arrives at the till.

    The cache (Redis) shows there is no plaice ready (this is the norm)

    Because of that, the order is sent to the cook (behind the frying machine)

    When the plaice is ready, the number of plaice available will be updated in the cache, and the original message will be sent to the preparer. From there onwards, it's a normal order.

  • I don't think we need to worry about race conditions, but if the preparer does notice that there is insufficient plaice, they should just send the order back to the cook again...

  • The accountant will also want to listen to the same orders as the preparer, so they can work out income

  • The statistician will also want to listen to the same orders, so they can understand something about what to order in the future, according to past sales. They may actually (instead) want the data to go into OpenSearch so they can do statistics on it. They might also want to count the total number of messages sent to the till versus the total sent to the preparer - this will given an idea of how many times an order had to wait for something to be cooked.

  • We could generalise the cache concept to cod and chips (or portions of chips, anyway) as well - this may not be worth doing as it should be "obvious"

  • An interesting program would have switches to set the numbers of the different participants (tills, producers, cooks, etc.) and some way of choosing the proportion of plaice orders (and how often N is greater than 1 instead of just 1), and then generate random orders, throw them at the system, and visualise the result.

  • We'd also want a script to create the relevant Aiven services, and to tear them down again, to make the demo easier to use.

  • I'd quite like to do it as a command line UI, just because - maybe using

Earlier thoughts

Menu: cod, plaice, chips, maybe pie. Size is an optional extra, but doesn't affect anything. We assume that cod and chips (and pie if offered) are always ready to be served, as there's a stock above the frier which is kept up-to-date (this doesn't quite match reality, but to do otherwise would mean counting things).

Customer journeys:

  • Web customer.

    • Places order via web, arrives at shop some time later, collects order.
    • Order may be ready before they arrive.

    Can we ignore home delivery, and assume it's out-sourced to someone who acts as a stand-in for the customer collection (JustEat and its ilk)

  • In person customer.

    • Customer may need to queue (let's not model that).
    • Order is received verbally and placed by cashier at the till. This is very similar to the web process.
    • An order that includes only cod and/or chips can be fulfilled immediately.
    • An order that includes plaice needs to wait for plaice to be cooked.
    • Customer takes order as soon as it is all ready

Do we want to support salt and vinegar choices?

Order journeys

  • Order contains plaice:
    • Plaice is requessted - this will take a while (it doesn't matter how many plaice)
    • Rest of order goes into limbo
    • When plaice is ready, order is completed - it slots in as the next order, as if it had just been made
  • Order does not contain plaice
    • Order is completed immediately

We assume that orders naturally queue. The cashier need not be the same person as the person making up orders - let's assume not.

Other journeys:

  • All orders are immediately copied to the accountant
  • All orders are immediately copied to the stockist, so they know what has been cooked

Do we allow for a customer who ordered on the web not turning up, and their food being wasted?

Do we want a statistics journey, sending the orders and (perhaps) their start and end times to opensearch?

When there are lots of customers, the non-plaice orders should automatically start to be distributed to more than one counter person.

As implied, adding state would mean we could model more things, and some state is probably essential for the plaice orders - or we re-queue the whole order all the time, I suppose.

There probably isn't time to consider a second kitchen for chinese food.