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File metadata and controls

703 lines (561 loc) · 24.9 KB

An HTMLBars runtime environment implements a series of hooks (and keywords) that are responsible for guaranteeing the most important property of an HTMLBars template: idempotence.

This means that a template that is re-rendered with the same dynamic environment will result in the same DOM nodes (with the same identity) as the first render.

HTMLBars comes with support for idempotent helpers. This means that a helper implemented using the HTMLBars API is guaranteed to fulfill the idempotence requirement. That is because an HTMLBars template is a "pure function"; it takes in data parameters and returns data values.

Block helpers also have access to this.yield(), which allows them to render the block passed to the block helper, but they do not have access to the block itself, nor the ability to directly insert the block into the DOM. As long as this.yield() is invoked in two successive renders, HTMLBars guarantees that the second call effectively becomes a no-op and does not tear down the template.

HTMLBars environments are expected to implement an idempotent component implementation. What this means is that they are responsible for exposing a public API that ensures that users can write components with stable elements even when their attributes change. Ember.js has an implementation, but it's fairly involved.


An HTMLBars environment exposes a series of hooks that a runtime environment can use to define the behavior of templates. These hooks are defined on the env passed into an HTMLBars render function, and are invoked by HTMLBars as the template's dynamic portions are reached.

The Scope

Scope management in HTMLBars is the heart of the system: by implementing a coherent notion of "scope", many domain-specific constructs will behave as expected.

While the implementation of these hooks can be involved, they result in a single scope object that can be passed around and shared freely, and they make it possible for yield to be implemented in HTMLBars, rather than in the host environment.

The "Reference" Type

The scope object manages a self, which represents the dynamic context that the template was invoked with and a series of locals, which represent a statically known list of local variables provided by block arguments:

{{!-- this template is rendered with a `self` --}}

{{#each list as |item|}}
  {{!-- `item` is a local variable, available in this scope and child
        scopes, but not in the parent scope --}}

  {{#if item}}
    {{!-- `item` is still visible here in this child scope --}}

HTMLBars evaluates path expressions ( by asking the host environment to look up the path in the current scope and to return a reference.

A "reference" must be evaluated in order to retrieve its current JavaScript value. In Ember, references are identical (===) across renders, and are evaluated when Ember needs to invoke user code such as helpers.

The references used in Ember are similar to Properties in functional reactive programming, but only notify downstream consumers that a new value is available, and do not push new values until they are requested. This facilitates reflection of changes onto the DOM asynchronously, without incurring any costs for intermediate values that are never used.

HTMLBars itself is agnostic to the precise reference type used: you can even just use a regular JavaScript value, but a number of the hooks in HTMLBars are designed to make a system with a stable reference type, like Ember, work correctly.

Example: Rendering and Re-Rendering

A simple example may help explain the high-level concepts. This example will assume a reference type like Ember's.


{{#if author}}
  <h2>by {{}}</h2>

{{#each comments key="id" as |comment|}}

First, this template is invoked with a self:

  "title": "Rails is omakase",
  "author": { "name": "@dhh" },
  "comments": [{
    "id": "1",
    "body": "very tasty"

The first thing that happens is that the HTMLBars runtime asks the host to create a fresh scope using hooks.createFreshScope, which returns an object with slots for self and locals.

Next, the runtime invokes the bindSelf() hook with the supplied JSON. The host wraps the JSON in a reference and installs it into scope.self.

At this point, the scope looks something like:

  self: Reference(passedSelf),
  locals: {}

Next, the runtime encounters the first dynamic area, {{title}}. It asks the host environment for a reference for the title expression by invoking hooks.getRoot(scope, 'title'). It then "links" that reference with the render node that manages the {{title}}. You will see how this linkage is used in the description of re-render. It resolves the reference by invoking hooks.getValue(reference) and inserts the value into the DOM.

Next, the runtime encounters the dynamic block {{#if author}}.

{{#if author}}
  <h2>by {{}}</h2>

It asks the host environment for a reference for author, as before, linking the reference with the render node. It then resolves the reference and invokes the #if helper:

// A simple, example if helper
function ifHelper(params) {
  if (params[0]) {

If the value of author is truthy, the helper invokes this.yield. Since this is the first time this template is rendered, that tells the HTMLBars runtime to render the template. The runtime remembers that the block was invoked, which will be used later when we re-render.

The call to this.yield invokes the template inside of the conditional:

<h2>by {{}}</h2>

Because this.yield() was invoked without block arguments and without a new self, the parent scope is reused. You will see later what happens if a child scope is needed.

The HTMLBars runtime encounters {{}}, and it asks the host to provide a reference for that expression by calling hooks.getChild(hooks.getRoot(scope, 'author'), 'name'), and that reference is linked to the render node managing the dynamic area. The runtime calls hooks.getValue(reference) to resolve the reference and updates the DOM.

Next, the runtime encounters the #each block.

{{#each comments key="id" as |comment|}}

It asks the host environment for a reference for comments and links the reference to the render node. It then resolves the reference and invokes the #each helper:

// A simple, example each helper
function eachHelper([ list ], { key }) {
  for (item of list) {
    this.yieldItem(item[key], [ item ]);

The helper invokes yieldItem once for each item in the list. The yieldItem function takes a unique key and an array of block arguments. In this case, the [ item ] parameter will become the |comment| block argument.

Since this is the first time this template is rendered, the HTMLBars runtime will render the child template once for each call to yieldItem, and remember that it rendered a template for the supplied key.

Because block arguments are used in this template, the runtime creates a child scope by calling hooks.createChildScope(parent) for each instance of the yielded template. This child scope shadows the self in the parent scope and any locals in the parent scope.

A child scope looks something like this:

var scope = Object.create(parentScope);
scope.locals = Object.create(parentScope.locals);
{{#each comments key="id" as |comment|}}

The child template will be rendered once per call to yieldItem with the child scope as its scope. Before entering the child template, the runtime invokes hooks.bindLocal(env, scope, 'comment', item).

Once it has done that, the scope will look like:

  locals: {
    comment: Reference(item),
    __proto__: <parent-locals>

  __proto__: {
    self: Reference(passedSelf),
    locals: {}

The runtime will next encounter comment.body, and, as before, ask the host to provide a reference for the expression.

First, it will invoke hooks.getRoot(scope, 'comment'). This part is different. Because there is a local variable named comment in the scope, the host will return the reference that represents the passed in item. Next, it will invoke hooks.getChild(reference, 'body'), and link the reference to the render node.

It then resolves the reference and updates {{comment.body}}.

Once those steps are complete, the initial render has finished.

Next, let's look at the process of re-rendering. Once again, here's the template:


{{#if author}}
  <h2>by {{}}</h2>

{{#each comments key="id" as |comment|}}

And the new self:

  "title": "Rails is omakase",
  // author is removed
  "comments": [{
    "id": "1",
    "body": "very tasty"
  }, { // a new comment
    "id": "2",
    "body": "second"

First of all, on the second render, the runtime uses the original scope that was created for the first render. Because there's a new self, it invokes updateSelf on the scope with the new self. On the first render, title, author and comments were derived from the self, so their references (which are still linked to their original render nodes) are invalidated.

This is a crucial thing to understand about references: all references are stable, but any derived references become invalid when updateSelf or updateLocal is called.

Next, the runtime encounters the {{title}} node. It uses the reference that it linked in the first render, and calls hooks.getValue to resolve the reference. Because the reference was invalidated by bindSelf, it re-computes the title. Before updating the DOM, the runtime compares the resolved string value with the last value it inserted, sees that they are the same, and doesn't bother updating the DOM.

Next, the runtime encounters the #if:

{{#if author}}
  <h2>by {{}}</h2>

As before, the original reference for the author is linked from the first render, so the runtime resolves the reference. It's an invalidated reference, so the value is re-computed, and the #if helper is invoked with the resolved value:

// A simple, example if helper
function ifHelper(params) {
  if (params[0]) {

This time, params[0] is falsy, so this.yield() is never invoked. The runtime sees that the block was invoked last time, but not this time, so it prunes the child from the DOM and does not continue processing the child template.

Next, the runtime encounters the {{#each}}:

{{#each comments key="id" as |comment|}}

It resolves the (invalidated) comments reference, and invokes the helper with the resolved value:

// A simple, example each helper
function eachHelper([ list ], { key }) {
  for (item of list) {
    this.yieldItem(item[key], [ item ]);

The first thing that happens is that yieldItem is invoked with the key of "1", which the runtime sees was rendered the previous time. Since it was rendered in the same position, the runtime recurses into the child template using the scope from the first-render. First, it invokes updateLocal with the item (which happens to be identical), which invalidates the linked comment.body reference.

Next, it encounters comment.body and resolves its linked reference. In this case, the result is the same as last time ("so tasty"), so the DOM is not updated. However, if the key remained the same but the comment body had changed, the process of invalidation would ensure that the DOM was properly updating.

Next, yieldItem is invoked for a new key ("2"), and the runtime performs the same steps as the first time: creating a new child scope, binding its local, and recursing into the child template.

The yieldItem function is also smart enough to identify cases where the same key is yielded in a different order, or when a key that was yielded before was not yielded again. In those cases, it reorders or prunes the render nodes, which reorders or prunes the associated DOM.

Just a few primitives are enough to describe almost all of the possible features of HTMLBars:

  • the scope, which holds references that are consulted when the runtime resolves paths into references.
  • references, which are stable and can be resolved into JavaScript values.
  • derived references, which are also stable and which become invalidated when their parent reference is invalidated through updateSelf or updateLocal.
  • render nodes, which represent the render ing of the dynamic part of a template.
  • linking a render node to a reference, which (when combined with invalidation) makes the work of resolving a reference and updating the DOM idempotent: it works the same for initial render and updating.

In addition, just two user-exposed actions are enough to describe all of the major kinds of branching constructs:

  • yield, which tells the runtime to fill in a render node with the provided template, or not render a template. If the yielded template is the same, the runtime simply recurses. Otherwise, it renders from scratch or prunes as needed.
  • yieldItem, which provides the runtime with a list of render actions. As with yield, the runtime can use this information to render from scratch, reorder, prune, or simply recurse.

All of these primitives are designed with idempotence in mind. For example, the "resolve reference and update render node" operation can use a cached value if the reference is not invalidated, and avoids updating the DOM if the string value has not changed. The yield operation doesn't build a tree to insert into the DOM; it is a high level action that has different side effects depending on the previous state, but only the action is exposed to user code.

In other words, user-defined helpers, whether they represent simple values, branching constructs or iteration are defined as pure, side-effect-free functions, and the runtime is responsible for reflecting their results onto a stateful DOM.

The Scope Hooks

  • createFreshScope: create a new, top-level scope. The default implementation of this hook creates a new scope with a self slot for the dynamic context and locals, a dictionary of local variables.
  • createChildScope: create a new scope that inherits from the parent scope. The child scope must reflect updates to self or locals on the parent scope automatically, so the default implementation of this hook uses Object.create on both the scope object and the locals.
  • bindShadowScope: create a new scope for a template that is being rendered in the middle of the render tree with a new, top-level scope (a "shadow root").
  • bindBlock: binds the block passed to a block helper into the lexical environment so that it can be invoked via {{yield}}.
  • bindScope: gives the host environment an opportunity to setup a scope for the first time, whether the scope was created as a fresh scope, a child scope, or a shadow scope.
  • updateScope: called on subsequent renders, and gives the host environment an opportunity to update parts of the scope that may have changed between renders.
  • bindSelf: a self value has been provided for the scope in its first render.
  • updateSelf: a new self value has been provided for the scope in its subsequent render.
  • bindLocal: a local variable has been provided for the scope (through block arguments) for its first render.
  • updateLocal: a local variable has been updated for the scope (through block arguments) for its subsequent render.

Scope lookup:

  • getRoot: get the reference for the first identifier in a path. By default, this first looks in locals, and then looks in self.
  • getChild: gets the reference for subsequent identifiers in a path.
  • getValue: get the JavaScript value from the reference provided by the final call to getChild. Ember.js uses this series of hooks to create stable streams for each reference that remain stable across renders.

All hooks other than getValue operate in terms of "references", which are internal values that can be evaluated in order to get a value that is suitable for use in user hooks. The default implementation simply uses JavaScript values, making the "references" simple pass-throughs. Ember.js uses stable "stream" objects for references, and evaluates them on an as-needed basis.

The Helper Hooks

  • hasHelper: does a helper exist for this name?
  • lookupHelper: provide a helper function for a given name

The Expression Hooks

  • concat: takes an array of references and returns a reference representing the result of concatenating them.
  • subexpr: takes a helper name, a list of positional parameters and a hash of named parameters (as references), and returns a reference that, when evaluated, produces the result of invoking the helper with those evaluated positional and named parameters.

User helpers simply take positional and named parameters and return the result of doing some computation. They are intended to be "pure" functions, and are not provided with any other environment information, nor the DOM being built. As a result, they satisfy the idempotence requirement.

Simple example:

<p>{{upcase (format-person person)}}</p>
helpers.upcase = function(params) {
  return params[0].toUpperCase();

helpers['format-person'] = function(params) {
  var person = params[0];
  return person.salutation + '. ' + person.first + ' ' + person.last;

The first time this template is rendered, the subexpr hook is invoked once for the format-person helper, and its result is provided to the upcase helper. The result of the upcase helper is then inserted into the DOM.

The second time the template is rendered, the same hooks are called. HTMLBars compares the result value with the last value inserted into the DOM, and if they are the same, does nothing.

Because HTMLBars is responsible for updating the DOM, and simply delegates to "pure helpers" to calculate the values to insert, it can guarantee idempotence.


HTMLBars allows a host environment to define keywords, which receive the full set of environment information (such as the current scope and a reference to the runtime) as well as all parameters as unevaluated references.

Keywords can be used to implement low-level behaviors that control the DOM being built, but with great power comes with great responsibility. Since a keyword has the ability to influence the ambient environment and the DOM, it must maintain the idempotence invariant.

To repeat, the idempotence requirement says that if a given template is executed multiple times with the same dynamic environment, it produces the same DOM. This means the exact same DOM nodes, with the same internal state.

This is also true for all child templates. Consider this template:


{{#if subtitle}}


If this template is rendered first with a self that has a title, subtitle and body, and then rendered again with the same title and body but no subtitle, the second render will produce the same <h1> and same <div>, even though a part of the environment changes.

The general goal is that for a given keyword, if all of the inputs to the keyword have stayed the same, the produced DOM will stay the same.

Lifecycle Example

To implement an idempotent keyword, you need to understand the basic lifecycle of a render node.

Consider this template:

{{#if subtitle}}

The first time this template is rendered, the {{#if}} block receives a fresh, empty render node.

It evaluates subtitle, and if the value is truthy, yields to the block. HTMLBars creates the static parts of the template (the <h2>) and inserts them into the DOM).

When it descends into the block, it creates a fresh, empty render node and evaluates subtitle. It then sets the value of the render node to the evaluated value.

The second time the template is rendered, the {{#if}} block receives the same render node again.

It evaluates subtitle, and if the value is truthy, yields to the block. HTMLBars sees that the same block as last time was yielded, and does not replace the static portions of the block.

(If the value is falsy, it does not yield to the block. HTMLBars sees that the block was not yielded to, and prunes the DOM produced last time, and does not descend.)

It descends into the previous block, and repeats the process. It fetches the previous render node, instead of creating a fresh one, and evaluates subtitle.

If the value of subtitle is the same as the last value of subtitle, nothing happens. If the value of subtitle has changed, the render node is updated with the new value.

This example shows how HTMLBars itself guarantees idempotence. The easiest way for a keyword to satisfy these requirements are to implement a series of functions, as the next section will describe.

Lifecycle More Precisely

export default {
  willRender: function(node, env) {
    // This function is always invoked before any other hooks,
    // giving the keyword an opportunity to coordinate with
    // the external environment regardless of whether this is
    // the first or subsequent render, and regardless of
    // stability.

  setupState: function(state, env, scope, params, hash) {
    // This function is invoked before `isStable` so that it can update any
    // internal state based on external changes.

  isEmpty: function(state, env, scope, params, hash) {
    // If `isStable` returns false, or this is the first render,
    // this function can return true to indicate that the morph
    // should be empty (and `render` should not be called).

  isPaused: function(state, env, scope, params, hash) {
    // This function is invoked on renders after the first render; if
    // it returns true, the entire subtree is assumed valid, and dirty
    // checking does not continue. This is useful during animations,
    // and in some cases, as a performance optimization.

  isStable: function(state, env, scope, params, hash) {
    // This function is invoked after the first render; it checks to see
    // whether the node is "stable". If the node is unstable, its
    // existing content will be removed and the `render` function is
    // called again to produce new values.

  rerender: function(morph, env, scope, params, hash, template, inverse
visitor) {
    // This function is invoked if the `isStable` check returns true.
    // Occasionally, you may have a bit of work to do when a node is
    // stable even though you aren't tearing it down.

  render: function(node, env, scope, params, hash, template, inverse, visitor) {
    // This function is invoked on the first render, and any time the
    // isStable function returns false.

For any given render, a keyword can end up in one of these states:

  • initial: this is the first render for a given render node
  • stable: the DOM subtree represented by the render node do not need to change; continue revalidating child nodes
  • unstable: the DOM subtree represented by the render node is no longer valid; do a new initial render and replace the subtree
  • prune: remove the DOM subtree represented by the render node
  • paused: do not make any changes to this node or the DOM subtree

It is the keyword's responsibility to ensure that a node whose direct inputs have not changed remains stable. This does not mean that no descendant node will not be replaced, but only the precise nodes that have changed will be updated.

Note that these details should generally not be exposed to the user code that interacts with the keyword. Instead, the user code should generally take in inputs and produce outputs, and the keyword should use those outputs to determine whether the associated render node is stable or not.

Ember {{outlet}}s are a good example of this. The internal implementation of {{outlet}} is careful to avoid replacing any nodes if the current route has not changed, but the user thinks in terms of transitioning to a new route and rendering anew.

If the transition was to the same page (with a different model, say), the {{outlet}} keyword will make sure to consider the render node stable.

From the user's perspective, the transition always results in a complete re-render, but the keyword is responsible for maintaining the idempotence invariant when appropriate.

This also means that it's possible to precisely describe what idempotence guarantees exist. HTMLBars defines the guarantees for built-in constructs (including invoked user helpers), and each keyword defines the guarantees for the keyword. Since those are the only constructs that can directly manipulate the lexical environment or the DOM, that's all you need to know!