- hooksvc now listens on, not localhost
- independent branches & "do not merge": you can now select specific branches
to not be merged against the default branch. Just configure these in the
default branch's tinyci.yml. See types/task.go's RepoConfig struct for more
- additionally, you can get this behavior by specifying the "do not merge" flag in the same place. It applies to all branches and PRs.
- currently, only the overlay-runner supports this functionality.
now has a splash of color in certain spots. Feedback please! SetTINYCI_NOCOLOR
to something in your environment to turn it off.- per-run environment properties. Add to each run in task.ymls to utilize.
- Using golang 1.16
- (optional!) privileged mode for runners.
- unified
binary for launching all services. - Many internal build improvements & upgraded dependencies
This release contains many small bug fixes to the underlying components:
- hooksvc
- errors framework
It also supports the notion of resource constraints which are a part of the RunSettings protocol now. New runners will need to address these values if they want to use them.
The vendor tree was pruned. Use go 1.14 and modules now.
0.2.5 allows changes to come from non-master branches
0.2.0 represents a lot of bugfixes and a few large features:
- Submissions! Submissions group your tasks and runs into a single item that
corresponds for the submission of the test in the first place. Submissions
come from:
- A POST to hooksvc from github (pull request, branch push, stuff like that)
- Manual submissions in the UI or through tinycli
- Auth has been broken out into its own service, in preparation for our multi-service journey.
- An additional, but unused service called the
is present in the release. Ignore it.
- An additional, but unused service called the
- The UI has received a significant overhaul as well; several changes were made to facilitate that. Please see ci-ui CHANGELOG.md for more info.
- GRPC services now gracefully stop, attempting to finish their transactions before terminating.
- Certain classes of transactional / distributed bugs were squashed due to changes in use of golang contexts.
- Pull Request IDs are now called "Ticket IDs" in the UI, and are reflected in the UI.
- Now on golang 1.13 and targeting ubuntu disco for installations
- Run data now carries what host it ran on if it has entered a running state.
Just a patch release intended to fix some things with the 0.1.0 launch.
- Update tinycli to use certs if necessary/desired
- Clear session cookies when they're invalid
Initial release!