Global version is a parameter specified in ConfigParam 8
Various features are enabled depending on the global version.
New features of version 4 are desctibed in detail in the documentation.
Division instruction can add a number to the
intermediate value before division (e.g. (xy+w)/z
- Arguments of
are now unlimited. ROLL
consume more gas when arguments are big.
c7 tuple extended from 10 to 14 elements:
- 10: code of the smart contract.
- 11: value of the incoming message.
- 12: fees collected in the storage phase.
- 13: information about previous blocks.
- If "send message" action fails, the account is required to pay for processing cells of the message.
- Flag +16 in actions "Send message", "Reserve", "Change library" causes bounce if action fails.
- Unpaid storage fee is now saved to
Version 5 enables higher gas limits for special contracts.
- Gas limit for all transactions on special contracts is set to
fromConfigParam 20
(which is 35M at the moment of writing). Previously only ticktock transactions had this limit, while ordinary transactions had a default limit ofgas_limit
gas (1M). - Gas usage of special contracts is not taken into account when checking block limits. This allows keeping masterchain block limits low while having high gas limits for elector.
- Gas limit on
is increased to 70M (special_gas_limit * 2
) until 2024-02-29. See this post for details.
- Loading "nested libraries" (i.e. a library cell that points to another library cell) throws an exception.
- Loading a library consumes gas for cell load only once (for the library cell), not twice (both for the library cell and the cell in the library).
now works differently. When it takes a library cell, it returns the cell that it points to. This allows loading "nested libraries", if needed.
c7 tuple extended from 14 to 17 elements:
- 14: tuple that contains some config parameters as cell slices. If the parameter is absent from the config, the value is null. Asm opcode:
.- 0:
fromConfigParam 18
. Not the whole dict, but only the one StoragePrices entry (one which corresponds to the current time). - 1:
ConfigParam 19
(global id). - 2:
ConfigParam 20
(mc gas prices). - 3:
ConfigParam 21
(gas prices). - 4:
ConfigParam 24
(mc fwd fees). - 5:
ConfigParam 25
(fwd fees). - 6:
ConfigParam 43
(size limits).
- 0:
- 15: "due payment" - current debt for storage fee (nanotons). Asm opcode:
. - 16: "precompiled gas usage" - gas usage for the current contract if it is precompiled (see
ConfigParam 45
otherwise. Asm opcode:GETPRECOMPILEDGAS
(gas_used is_mc - price
) - calculates gas fee.GETSTORAGEFEE
(cells bits seconds is_mc - price
) - calculates storage fees (only current StoragePrices entry is used).GETFORWARDFEE
(cells bits is_mc - price
) - calculates forward fee.GETPRECOMPILEDGAS
(- x
) - returns gas usage for the current contract if it is precompiled,null
(fwd_fee is_mc - orig_fwd_fee
) - calculatefwd_fee * 2^16 / first_frac
. Can be used to get the originalfwd_fee
of the message.GETGASFEESIMPLE
(gas_used is_mc - price
) - same asGETGASFEE
, but without flat price (just(gas_used * price) / 2^16
(cells bits is_mc - price
, but without lump price (just(bits*bit_price + cells*cell_price) / 2^16
, cells
, bits
, time_delta
are integers in range 0..2^63-1
Operations for working with Merkle proofs, where cells can have non-zero level and multiple hashes.
(cell - level
) - returns level of the cell.CLEVELMASK
(cell - level_mask
) - returns level mask of the cell.i CHASHI
(cell - hash
) - returnsi
th hash of the cell.i CDEPTHI
(cell - depth
) - returnsi
th depth of the cell.CHASHIX
(cell i - hash
) - returnsi
th hash of the cell.CDEPTHIX
(cell i - depth
) - returnsi
th depth of the cell.
is in range 0..3
getsConfigParam 19
from the tuple, not from the config dict. This decreases gas usage.SENDMSG
getsConfigParam 24/25
(message prices) from the tuple, not from the config dict, and also usesConfigParam 43
to get max_msg_cells.
Explicitly nullify due_payment
after due reimbursment.
- Check mode on invalid
. Ignore action ifIGNORE_ERROR
(+2) bit is set, bounce ifBOUNCE_ON_FAIL
(+16) bit is set. - Slightly change random seed generation to fix mix of
. - Fill in
for both invalid and valid messages withIGNORE_ERROR
mode that can't be sent. - Allow unfreeze through external messages.
- Don't use user-provided
for internal messages.
c7 tuple parameter number 13 (previous blocks info tuple) now has the third element. It contains ids of the 16 last masterchain blocks with seqno divisible by 100.
Example: if the last masterchain block seqno is 19071
then the list contains block ids with seqnos 19000
, 18900
, ..., 17500
(key tweak - 0 or f x y -1
) - performssecp256k1_xonly_pubkey_tweak_add
are 256-bit unsigned integers. 65-byte public key is returned asuint8 f
,uint256 x, y
). Gas cost:1276
(cont - cont'
) - takes continuation, performs the equivalent ofc[i] PUSHCTR SWAP c[i] SETCONTCNR
for eachi
that is set inmask
(mask is in0..255
(cont mask - cont'
, but takesmask
from stack.PREVMCBLOCKS_100
returns the third element of the previous block info tuple (see above).
- Fix
action with flag4
(use original balance of the account) by explicitly settingoriginal_balance
tobalance - msg_balance_remaining
.- Previously it did not work if storage fee was greater than the original balance.
- Jumps to nested continuations of depth more than 8 consume 1 gas for eact subsequent continuation (this does not affect most of TVM code).
- Support extra currencies in reserve action with
mode. - Fix exception code in some TVM instructions: now
has priority over other error codes.PFXDICTADD
- Now setting the contract code to a library cell does not consume additional gas on execution of the code.
- Temporary increase gas limit for some accounts (see this post for details,
for the list of accounts). - Fix recursive jump to continuations with non-null control data.
- Internal messages cannot carry more than 2 different extra currencies. The limit can be changed in size limits config (
ConfigParam 43
). - Amount of an extra currency in an output action "send message" can be zero.
- In action phase zero values are automatically deleted from the dictionary before sending.
- However, the size of the extra currency dictionary in the "send message" action should not be greater than 2 (or the value in size limits config).
- Extra currency dictionary is not counted in message size and does not affect message fees.
- Message mode
(carry all remaining message balance) is now considered as "carry all remaining TONs from message balance". - Message mode
(carry all remaining account balance) is now considered as "carry all remaining TONs from account balance". - Message mode
(delete account if balance is zero) deletes account if it has zero TONs, regardless of extra currencies.- Deleted accounts with extra currencies become
, extra currencies remain on the account.
- Deleted accounts with extra currencies become
in TVM calculates message size and fees without extra currencies, uses new+64
mode behavior.SENDMSG
does not check the number of extra currencies.
- Extra currency dictionary is not counted in the account size and does not affect storage fees.
- Accounts with already existing extra currencies will get their sizes recomputed without EC only after modifying
- Accounts with already existing extra currencies will get their sizes recomputed without EC only after modifying
calculates messages size and fees without extra currencies, uses new +64 and +128 mode behavior.SENDMSG
does not check the number of extra currencies.